Nah Bay, can be around as long Megaman if they want to. The idea is to focus as many users as possible, while keeping the series on going. With PS4/PS3/360/720 we have the problem with the user base outside that realm. Microsoft always have the PC market to be on, and the SONY, has a problem of censorship in Japan, when it comes to videogames ( TV-TOys vs Computer thing ). That is why we do not see any high profile material on our game systems. Their is nudity, suggestion of sex, but never really anything major.
With Nintendo we are safe because the market will not crumble on it's self, and since the thing is already going to be censored why not. A kiddie market is the baseline of the videogame market, leaving all that ikki stuff for computers. I know I am mad about it too, but even games in the west like "Conkers Bad Furday" and "ShadowRun Jake" was censored all over the place.
SONY was sappose to be this adult game system, as well as the original X-box, but instead they decided to play the, lets make another console game bit. The videogame/TV-toy market is made for children, and while their are many adults and educated people ( not to mean schooling/college ),
using these micro-controllers, they are also not freindly with me