You know I realised just how good this TGS is when you start thinking of the other software present, The Evil Within, Deep Down, Silent Hills, Persona 5, Hot Shot Golf, God Eater 2 Burst, Resident Evil Revelations 2... I'm hoping some of this momentum can be carried into the following Tokyo Game Show and this isn't just a one off. Who would have thought I'd enjoy E3 would be topped by Gamescom topped by Tokyo Game Show this year?
Let's talk about Bloodborne, I saw some footage, it looks quite interesting. Looks faster paced than Dark Souls, maybe at the expense of variety in weapons/gameplay styles?
Yeah I'm really looking forward to that one. I love From Software but I could never get into Dark Souls though, the speed at which the game was played was too slow for my liking.
DQ.. Not sure about that style of gameplay for a DQ game. Seems like another generic ass Dynasty Warriors game like Hyrule Warriors.
It's actually got some major difference (Spells, companions, RPG elements) that is not present in Musou games. Please Pirovash don't hate my Musou games