I've done you the service of linking to interviews, as has ezodagrom and crackdude. You have just kept saying "Look at older interviews, they discuss how it is not part of the main series". Please find me these interviews, because I have yet to see anything claiming that this is not a main series game and that is is a part of the Advance continuity. And don't call me an asshole. I don't appreciate that. Thanks.
I do not care. If you are not going to look for yourself then let us just say it is part of an entirely new universe, how about that?
To add to that, let's bring the Advance games into it. We have Sonic Advance 1-3, which do not feature the human areas of Earth. However Sonic Battle, which takes place after Sonic Advance 2, features the human areas by way of Central City and G.U.N (both seen in Shadow the Hedgehog). Sonic Battle introduces Emerl. Emerl's story carries over to Sonic Advance 3 with the introduction of Gemerl, who Dr. Eggman created Gemerl from Emerl's "data". Right there we have a clear connection between games taking place in the non-human world and the human world. Two worlds, one planet, one continuity.
Emerl is not in Sonic Advance 3 I thought? These can take place any time, and again that does not really mean anything when all of the characters pop into both continuities.
The gameplay in Heroes was NOTHING like any other Sonic game.
The REAL gimmick of that game was that they tried to make it appear as if the series was going back to it's roots with simpler level designs and goals. I am not sure why you are continuing this, Sonic runs fast, Tails flies, Knuckles climbs... Oh wait, he cannot do that anymore, BIG DIFFERENCE!
The biggest change in that was that Sonic Adventure 2 was great, and Heroes was dookie poop.
Turn into rockets? Unleashed turned into a freaking Hogwolf!
Turning into a rocket to access a different portion of the level is a gimmick, playing as a different character is not... Come on man.
My point with Cream is that she came out of nowhere. She appears as a good friend of Amy, which only happened because of the events in Sonic Advance 2. Hence, Sonic Heroes is in the same "non-human" sequence of games as Sonic Advance.
Almost none of the characters have or need origin stories. What is your point?
Of course I think all of this is bananas! But it's exactly what you're saying about Colors. And this is turning out to be a pretty weirdly amusing conversation due to the fact that I truly can't see your point at all lol
It might be a loss of translation, but I think most people trying to say this is a major release in the series are just too set on proving to the world that Sonic is not a complete sack of horseshit series anymore. Just because a spinoff is not terrible should not really change anything, so I do not know why you guys keep going...
People care about Sonic's canon?
Not really, but I enjoy being right about any kind of subject, so that is a plus!