So Destructions paid troll Jim Sterling gave this game 4.5/10.... great
After completing Sonic Colours myself (around 12 hours) and now working on collecting all of the Red Rings I just hope to god Sega takes no note of such ****ing terrible reviews.
Sonic Colours isn’t perfect, if I was to nit pick I could find niggles, the game doesn’t lend itself to back tracking for example, some levels have to many bottomless pits and in later levels check points are a bit to few and far between. That kind of thing.
But the great thing about this game outweighs the bad 10 to 1.
The gameplay is very fun, Playing as Sonic alone is fun, the wisps add a level of exploration and replay-ability never seen in Sonic games before. The music is great the graphics are probably the best on the Wii. The camera works the best of any 3D Sonic game to date. While some jokes are clearly aimed at a younger audience, some are genuinely funny. Sonic, Tails, Robotnik and his two Robots actually have personality again... Instead of just shoehorned in following hollow clichéd personalities they were given a decade ago. The rather crappy hub worlds have been replaced with an over world map like Sonic Adventure 2. The story focuses on Sonic vs Robotnik again. No monsters, time travel or mythical beasts!
Pretty much everything I've hated about Sonic games in the past decade has gone. There is still a cheesy vocal track in the opening cut scene that the game could do with out...
So yeah, to say I think Destructoid is wrong would be an understatment. I think it is flat out trolling. It is like they closed their eyes and pointed to generic complaints in 'Reviewing a Sonic Game 101' handbook and then went with it, complaints that probably would have discribed most recent Sonic games... But not Sonic Colours.