I see. I usually think Titans are just as big creatures.
So if Titans = Gods, I would think that these gods are giant-like, perhaps like ... Heart to Te Fiti goddess in Moana ?

Yes. I imagine Titans just like that. Though I can also imagine Titans can come in smaller sizes though I guess it depends.
In my Golden Axe lore, here are the "races" in mind:
Divine races:
TitansAs said, they were towering, divine beings of various origins, though commonly as personifications of natural forces. They range in size from giant to as big as mountains. Most titans fought in the Titanomachy, a war between titans that caused much destruction to the lands of Yuria.
GodsGods were formerly titans that became gods after death or ascension. As spirits, they have taken on more powerful, divine forms shaped by human belief in them.
EldritchI might fit some H. P. Lovecraft monster-gods in there. (Robert E. Howard and H. P. Lovecraft were friends and would often have some Cythulu Mythos involve din some of Conan's adventures.) Though I might not need Eldritch Horrors, given some titans could perhaps fit the bill for it (
Tannin for example). I imagine them as either "alien titans" (monsters from space that were as powerful as titans) or titans that, instead of becoming gods, become abominable demons.
Demi-mortal racesGiantsSimilar to humans, except for the fact they were above 11 and 12 feet (3.4m and 3.7m) tall and possess great strength. Regarded related to Titans but still baring resemblance to humans, they were still mortal, simply near invulnerable to most harm, great strength and long-lived. Despite their intelligence matching that of most humans, during the Titanomachy the giants held a grudge towards the favoured mortal races and would often hunt and pillage humans, with eating human being the norm for them. Due to constant warring with humans, they suffered a damnation by Titans who fekt sorry for humans. The surviving giants were sealed deep beneath Yuria while the power of the golden axe kept them sealed below.
ElvesThese elves are a bit different than the kind of
elves established by
Tolkein, instead of forests and nature, these elves established their domain the furthest north of Yuria where harsh snow and ice conceals their city. These elves have skin as white as snow and while omnivorous, their diet leans towards carnivorous given their sharp shark-like teeth given most of the available food in the north are tough animals.
It is believed the elves were the first to make magic oil and distribute it amongst all of Yuria, but other than this distribution, the elves are secretive of their magic and wisdom.
If elves were to have a creation myth, they would probably say the first elves were from the tears of a great titan.
Their city, the Crystal Haven (I imagine it looking like a cross between the
Fortress of Solitude and
Silver City) can be found in the northern regions of Yuria where the aurora borealis shimmers and dances over the city which causes the crystalline structures to sparkle with the aurora's light.
Mortal races:HumansThe favoured race of the gods, pretty much traditional humans. I may remove the origin story in mind and that perhaps there were always humans on Yuria.
But if I were to have an origin story, perhaps the first humans sprang to life when the blood of a great titan soaked into the earth.
DwarvesTraditional in appearance to
Tolkien's take on
dwarves as well as what you'd normally expect from them. they live in the mountain regions of Fyrwüd and share the northern regions with the elves. Deep within great halls carved into the rock. Their society usually consist of warriors and miners. Dwarves are fine craftsmen and architectures, they created the secret underground vault on behalf of the king of Fyrwüd to hold the golden axe in.
If dwarves were to have an origin story, they would say they were born from the sweat of a great titan.
BogeymenBogeymen were a race introduced in Beast Rider and as yet, I only have two origin stories in mind for them. It is believed the first bogeymen were created by a warlord (either Death Adder or Hellstrike) who would take the strong and healthy children from pillages as slaves while the weak and deformed children were drowned in black eldritch blood. These drowned children mutated into monstrous bogeymen.
The other origin story in mind, or to replace entirely with, is them being a race of neanderthals, or a race of "subhumans" similar to them.
Either way they come from the primal East Lands, while spots of civilization can be found in the East Lands this country gives a prehistoric impression with canyons, jungles and volcanoes.
BeastmenFormerly humans, these anthropomorphic animals were created by Neff the Fleshweaver. Neff created "Spirit Balls" (which I imagine look like
sporix), when these balls are bound to a human they will transform into an altered beast. While beastmen were made to serve Hellstrike, a faction of beastmen became Independent and lead by panther beastman Chronos Lait.