Author Topic: Golden Axe - Official Thread  (Read 231166 times)

Offline Berto

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Re: Golden Axe - Official Thread
« Reply #315 on: June 16, 2023, 12:05:20 am »
Golden Axe's Tyris Flare Fan Arts by kesuta, oscar, and dancho no mori

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Offline Berto

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Re: Golden Axe - Official Thread
« Reply #316 on: June 16, 2023, 12:13:13 am »
My fan-project of Golden Axe and GoldEdge are separate games but same continuity, so if I can't fit it in one game, I can perhaps fit it in the other.

Golden Axe will consist of a series of stages/levels, each stage telling a bit of the story via cutscenes and events. The game will call these stages "Fiends Passes".

GoldEdge will carry over some gameplay elements, but it will be open-world and have more RPG elements.

The Land of Yuria can be divided by four kingdoms, with a vast ocean dividing the kingdoms in twos. Golden Axe takes place between the forest-dense Fyrwüd Kingdom and over the ocean is the tropical Arabian kingdom of Southwood (Where the "Royal Castle" is located).

In GoldEdge, all of Yuria as I envision it becomes available as you must find the nine Golden Edge weapons. Neighbouring the Southwood Kingdom is the East Lands which is more desolate with jungles, canyons and volcanos. While there are some towns and villages in the East Lands, it's also where sub-humans live (though may replace them with bogeymen). The jungle is also home of the Amazons, a tribe of warrior women that raised Tyris Flare.
North of Fyrwüd is the plains and tundras that lead towards the mountains of snow and ice. Here the dwarves live within the mountain, while further north is Crystal Haven, the "Diamond of Yuria" and home of the elves.

As for where Yuria was located on Earth, I do not know. But Yuria's four main climate regions are deciduous forest (west), Arabian (south), volcanic desert canyon (east) and icecap mountains (north). However, I want it to be on Earth, given I've yet to decide if the Amazons are located in the jungles of Yuria or not. But Neff the Fleshweaver would definitely be a Greek.

Okay, the location was at least settled on earth, not on another planet. Now about the timeline.
If Neff the "fleshweaver" is still a servent of Damned Hellstrike, does that mean this story happened before Altered Beast?
Would we get to see Zeus too, since Golden Axe and Altered Beast is in the same universe?
May be he's the one who taught Gillius the thunder magic?

Meh, I'm already running out of steam for making this model... though the hot weather we been having isn't helping.
I was to get far as making the "Duel Mode" first but meh.

Health is more important than hobby. Focus to deal with the  hot weather first.

Offline Mystic Monkey

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Re: Golden Axe - Official Thread
« Reply #317 on: June 16, 2023, 07:39:47 am »
Golden Axe's Tyris Flare Fan Arts by kesuta, oscar, and dancho no mori

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Hell yeah! Both cute and sexy!
Okay, the location was at least settled on earth, not on another planet. Now about the timeline.
If Neff the "fleshweaver" is still a servent of Damned Hellstrike, does that mean this story happened before Altered Beast?
Would we get to see Zeus too, since Golden Axe and Altered Beast is in the same universe?
May be he's the one who taught Gillius the thunder magic?

I would make Neff either a long-living wizard, a titan or "something else".

In the original Greek story of the Titanomachy, it was sort of a family feud/civil war. The Titans were the older generation of gods, while the Olympians were the new ones. So while it's easy to imagine the pantheon as godly divine beings and the titans as dirty giants and monsters trapped in the earth that were "defeated" and "flawed", the Titans and Olympians are the same "race", so to speak.

In Conan-style fashion, I like the idea of using gods we're familiar with but with the most ancient versions of them as possible. For example, in Conan-lore the Nordheim god "Ymir" is supposed to be a sort of predecessor god to Odin and Thor. The Hybrorian Age is supposed to be an age before recorded history, so it's likely the descendants of the people of Nordheim will be the Norse, with their religious stories, gods and names changed over time as they pass the stories on from word to ear.

This is why in my Golden Axe take on the Titanomachy, I have chosen titans named after and based on the Hebrew monster Tannin and the Norse jötunn Ymir, though I may change it around last minute. Tannin is supposed to be like "Set" and who Death Adder worships and based his moniker around. (As a fan-project, I know there is nothing stopping me from using Hyborian gods such as Set and Ibis, but I figure I should try to keep it close to Golden Axe than Conan if possible.)

Oh yeah, and while some sources claim Death Adder to also be a titan, in my take, I want to keep him human. I like the idea that before retrieving the Golden Axe, a weapon powerful enough for a mortal to take on a titan, he was powerful in his own right.

So figures similar to Olympians maybe present. Especially if Neff worships Typhon or Hades. (Zeus actively opposes Neff in Altered Beast, so I can't imagine Neff offering praises to Zeus.)
Health is more important than hobby. Focus to deal with the  hot weather first.

OK. It's not fun when you're either too hot or too tired. Feels like both most of the time.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2023, 01:49:49 pm by Mystic Monkey »

Offline Berto

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Re: Golden Axe - Official Thread
« Reply #318 on: June 18, 2023, 11:11:20 pm »
I would make Neff either a long-living wizard, a titan or "something else".

In the original Greek story of the Titanomachy, it was sort of a family feud/civil war. The Titans were the older generation of gods, while the Olympians were the new ones. So while it's easy to imagine the pantheon as godly divine beings and the titans as dirty giants and monsters trapped in the earth that were "defeated" and "flawed", the Titans and Olympians are the same "race", so to speak.

In Conan-style fashion, I like the idea of using gods we're familiar with but with the most ancient versions of them as possible. For example, in Conan-lore the Nordheim god "Ymir" is supposed to be a sort of predecessor god to Odin and Thor. The Hybrorian Age is supposed to be an age before recorded history, so it's likely the descendants of the people of Nordheim will be the Norse, with their religious stories, gods and names changed over time as they pass the stories on from word to ear.

This is why in my Golden Axe take on the Titanomachy, I have chosen titans named after and based on the Hebrew monster Tannin and the Norse jötunn Ymir, though I may change it around last minute. Tannin is supposed to be like "Set" and who Death Adder worships and based his moniker around. (As a fan-project, I know there is nothing stopping me from using Hyborian gods such as Set and Ibis, but I figure I should try to keep it close to Golden Axe than Conan if possible.)

Oh yeah, and while some sources claim Death Adder to also be a titan, in my take, I want to keep him human. I like the idea that before retrieving the Golden Axe, a weapon powerful enough for a mortal to take on a titan, he was powerful in his own right.

So figures similar to Olympians maybe present. Especially if Neff worships Typhon or Hades. (Zeus actively opposes Neff in Altered Beast, so I can't imagine Neff offering praises to Zeus.)

But just like Loki, Zeus is a god so he could act like he wanted, not to be restricted as always good and always bad. Get along with Neff at first, became enemy later.
He was once act as a villain in Hulk and post crisis Wonder Woman comic.

Or if using Zeus as a villain is kinda weird, we could always use his son, Ares.

Offline Mystic Monkey

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Re: Golden Axe - Official Thread
« Reply #319 on: June 19, 2023, 07:20:38 am »
But just like Loki, Zeus is a god so he could act like he wanted, not to be restricted as always good and always bad. Get along with Neff at first, became enemy later.
He was once act as a villain in Hulk and post crisis Wonder Woman comic.

Or if using Zeus as a villain is kinda weird, we could always use his son, Ares.

Well in Marvel comics, Gods such as the Asgardians are more depicted as... "divine aliens" or something like that. Or maybe there is some lore of how mortals influence the appearance and authority of gods but given Asgard was a place located somewhere in the galaxy meant it was less of a divine celestial realm and more of an alien planet. Especially given these gods can "die" and an afterlife is confirmed.

In DC comics, I think gods are simply depicted as "real", and by that I mean it's hard for an atheist on DC-Earth to deny the existence of gods when gods can walk on the Earth when they choose.

And even still by DC-rules, gods could of been from other worlds... I dunno.

In my Golden Axe fan-lore, the "gods" were titans. Titans that either died or shifted their mortality to become divine spirits or titans that survived and either hiding, exiled or still find worship.
The lands of Yuria were in constant upheaval and destruction due to titans fighting titans. I might skip the "creation myth of human" and simply have humans always present in Yuria but were still hunted and victims of monsters and giants. (But if Yuria does have it's own pantheon of Gods that are similar to other known gods, then I may keep the "born from titans blood" origin. though I like the idea of giants being a demi-mortal race that were enemies to humans.)

Would you say Neff from altered beast was a god, diety or a mortal wizard who drew his power from Hades? I dunno. But I do like the idea of a cameo from him as well as the explanation of beastmen origins.

Offline Berto

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Re: Golden Axe - Official Thread
« Reply #320 on: June 20, 2023, 01:46:09 am »
Well in Marvel comics, Gods such as the Asgardians are more depicted as... "divine aliens" or something like that. Or maybe there is some lore of how mortals influence the appearance and authority of gods but given Asgard was a place located somewhere in the galaxy meant it was less of a divine celestial realm and more of an alien planet. Especially given these gods can "die" and an afterlife is confirmed.

In DC comics, I think gods are simply depicted as "real", and by that I mean it's hard for an atheist on DC-Earth to deny the existence of gods when gods can walk on the Earth when they choose.

And even still by DC-rules, gods could of been from other worlds... I dunno.

In my Golden Axe fan-lore, the "gods" were titans. Titans that either died or shifted their mortality to become divine spirits or titans that survived and either hiding, exiled or still find worship.
The lands of Yuria were in constant upheaval and destruction due to titans fighting titans. I might skip the "creation myth of human" and simply have humans always present in Yuria but were still hunted and victims of monsters and giants. (But if Yuria does have it's own pantheon of Gods that are similar to other known gods, then I may keep the "born from titans blood" origin. though I like the idea of giants being a demi-mortal race that were enemies to humans.)

Would you say Neff from altered beast was a god, diety or a mortal wizard who drew his power from Hades? I dunno. But I do like the idea of a cameo from him as well as the explanation of beastmen origins.

I see. I usually think Titans are just as big creatures.
So if Titans = Gods, I would think that these gods are giant-like, perhaps like ... Heart to Te Fiti goddess in Moana ?

Offline Mystic Monkey

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Re: Golden Axe - Official Thread
« Reply #321 on: June 20, 2023, 01:01:11 pm »
I see. I usually think Titans are just as big creatures.
So if Titans = Gods, I would think that these gods are giant-like, perhaps like ... Heart to Te Fiti goddess in Moana ?

Yes. I imagine Titans just like that. Though I can also imagine Titans can come in smaller sizes though I guess it depends.

In my Golden Axe lore, here are the "races" in mind:

Divine races:
As said, they were towering, divine beings of various origins, though commonly as personifications of natural forces. They range in size from giant to as big as mountains. Most titans fought in the Titanomachy, a war between titans that caused much destruction to the lands of Yuria.

Gods were formerly titans that became gods after death or ascension. As spirits, they have taken on more powerful, divine forms shaped by human belief in them.

I might fit some H. P. Lovecraft monster-gods in there. (Robert E. Howard and H. P. Lovecraft were friends and would often have some Cythulu Mythos involve din some of Conan's adventures.) Though I might not need Eldritch Horrors, given some titans could perhaps fit the bill for it (Tannin for example). I imagine them as either "alien titans" (monsters from space that were as powerful as titans) or titans that, instead of becoming gods, become abominable demons.

Demi-mortal races
Similar to humans, except for the fact they were above 11 and 12 feet (3.4m and 3.7m) tall and possess great strength. Regarded related to Titans but still baring resemblance to humans, they were still mortal, simply near invulnerable to most harm, great strength and long-lived. Despite their intelligence matching that of most humans, during the Titanomachy the giants held a grudge towards the favoured mortal races and would often hunt and pillage humans, with eating human being the norm for them. Due to constant warring with humans, they suffered a damnation by Titans who fekt sorry for humans. The surviving giants were sealed deep beneath Yuria while the power of the golden axe kept them sealed below.

These elves are a bit different than the kind of elves established by Tolkein, instead of forests and nature, these elves established their domain the furthest north of Yuria where harsh snow and ice conceals their city. These elves have skin as white as snow and while omnivorous, their diet leans towards carnivorous given their sharp shark-like teeth given most of the available food in the north are tough animals.
It is believed the elves were the first to make magic oil and distribute it amongst all of Yuria, but other than this distribution, the elves are secretive of their magic and wisdom.
If elves were to have a creation myth, they would probably say the first elves were from the tears of a great titan.

Their city, the Crystal Haven (I imagine it looking like a cross between the Fortress of Solitude and Silver City) can be found in the northern regions of Yuria where the aurora borealis shimmers and dances over the city which causes the crystalline structures to sparkle with the aurora's light.

Mortal races:
The favoured race of the gods, pretty much traditional humans. I may remove the origin story in mind and that perhaps there were always humans on Yuria.
But if I were to have an origin story, perhaps the first humans sprang to life when the blood of a great titan soaked into the earth.

Traditional in appearance to Tolkien's take on dwarves as well as what you'd normally expect from them. they live in the mountain regions of Fyrwüd and share the northern regions with the elves. Deep within great halls carved into the rock. Their society usually consist of warriors and miners. Dwarves are fine craftsmen and architectures, they created the secret underground vault on behalf of the king of Fyrwüd to hold the golden axe in.
If dwarves were to have an origin story, they would say they were born from the sweat of a great titan.

Bogeymen were a race introduced in Beast Rider and as yet, I only have two origin stories in mind for them. It is believed the first bogeymen were created by a warlord (either Death Adder or Hellstrike) who would take the strong and healthy children from pillages as slaves while the weak and deformed children were drowned in black eldritch blood. These drowned children mutated into monstrous bogeymen.

The other origin story in mind, or to replace entirely with, is them being a race of neanderthals, or a race of "subhumans" similar to them.

Either way they come from the primal East Lands, while spots of civilization can be found in the East Lands this country gives a prehistoric impression with canyons, jungles and volcanoes.

Formerly humans, these anthropomorphic animals were created by Neff the Fleshweaver. Neff created "Spirit Balls" (which I imagine look like sporix), when these balls are bound to a human they will transform into an altered beast. While beastmen were made to serve Hellstrike, a faction of beastmen became Independent and lead by panther beastman Chronos Lait.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2023, 07:39:40 pm by Mystic Monkey »

Offline Berto

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Re: Golden Axe - Official Thread
« Reply #322 on: June 21, 2023, 01:22:56 am »
Yes. I imagine Titans just like that. Though I can also imagine Titans can come in smaller sizes though I guess it depends.

In my Golden Axe lore, here are the "races" in mind:

Divine races:
As said, they were towering, divine beings of various origins, though commonly as personifications of natural forces. They range in size from giant to as big as mountains. Most titans fought in the Titanomachy, a war between titans that caused much destruction to the lands of Yuria.

Gods were formerly titans that became gods after death or ascension. As spirits, they have taken on more powerful, divine forms shaped by human belief in them.

I might fit some H. P. Lovecraft monster-gods in there. (Robert E. Howard and H. P. Lovecraft were friends and would often have some Cythulu Mythos involve din some of Conan's adventures.) Though I might not need Eldritch Horrors, given some titans could perhaps fit the bill for it (Tannin for example). I imagine them as either "alien titans" (monsters from space that were as powerful as titans) or titans that, instead of becoming gods, become abominable demons.

Demi-mortal races
Similar to humans, except for the fact they were above 11 and 12 feet (3.4m and 3.7m) tall and possess great strength. Regarded related to Titans but still baring resemblance to humans, they were still mortal, simply near invulnerable to most harm, great strength and long-lived. Despite their intelligence matching that of most humans, during the Titanomachy the giants held a grudge towards the favoured mortal races and would often hunt and pillage humans, with eating human being the norm for them. Due to constant warring with humans, they suffered a damnation by Titans who fekt sorry for humans. The surviving giants were sealed deep beneath Yuria while the power of the golden axe kept them sealed below.

These elves are a bit different than the kind of elves established by Tolkein, instead of forests and nature, these elves established their domain the furthest north of Yuria where harsh snow and ice conceals their city. These elves have skin as white as snow and while omnivorous, their diet leans towards carnivorous given their sharp shark-like teeth given most of the available food in the north are tough animals.
It is believed the elves were the first to make magic oil and distribute it amongst all of Yuria, but other than this distribution, the elves are secretive of their magic and wisdom.
If elves were to have a creation myth, they would probably say the first elves were from the tears of a great titan.

Their city, the Crystal Haven (I imagine it looking like a cross between the Fortress of Solitude and Silver City) can be found in the northern regions of Yuria where the aurora borealis shimmers and dances over the city which causes the crystalline structures to sparkle with the aurora's light.

Mortal races:
The favoured race of the gods, pretty much traditional humans. I may remove the origin story in mind and that perhaps there were always humans on Yuria.
But if I were to have an origin story, perhaps the first humans sprang to life when the blood of a great titan soaked into the earth.

Traditional in appearance to Tolkien's take on dwarves as well as what you'd normally expect from them. they live in the mountain regions of Fyrwüd and share the northern regions with the elves. Deep within great halls carved into the rock. Their society usually consist of warriors and miners. Dwarves are fine craftsmen and architectures, they created the secret underground vault on behalf of the king of Fyrwüd to hold the golden axe in.
If dwarves were to have an origin story, they would say they were born from the sweat of a great titan.

Bogeymen were a race introduced in Beast Rider and as yet, I only have two origin stories in mind for them. It is believed the first bogeymen were created by a warlord (either Death Adder or Hellstrike) who would take the strong and healthy children from pillages as slaves while the weak and deformed children were drowned in black eldritch blood. These drowned children mutated into monstrous bogeymen.

The other origin story in mind, or to replace entirely with, is them being a race of neanderthals, or a race of "subhumans" similar to them.

Either way they come from the primal East Lands, while spots of civilization can be found in the East Lands this country gives a prehistoric impression with canyons, jungles and volcanoes.

Formerly humans, these anthropomorphic animals were created by Neff the Fleshweaver. Neff created "Spirit Balls" (which I imagine look like sporix), when these balls are bound to a human they will transform into an altered beast. While beastmen were made to serve Hellstrike, a faction of beastmen became Independent and lead by panther beastman Chronos Lait.

Sounds cool.
So which category Dora (the centaur firl from GA: Revenge od Death Adder) will be into?
Mortal, demi mortal, or Immortal?

Offline Mystic Monkey

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Re: Golden Axe - Official Thread
« Reply #323 on: June 21, 2023, 07:49:00 am »
Sounds cool.
So which category Dora (the centaur firl from GA: Revenge od Death Adder) will be into?
Mortal, demi mortal, or Immortal?

Eh... If you think it should be an obligation to include centaurs then I will, but honestly I was never a big fan of centaurs. I always found centaurs to be "confusing".

Take the faun, minotaur and nagas for example. They are half human, half animal, with he animal half replacing human halves respectfully thus even thougheven though their existance is an impossible, they still had the favour of probability for being "half human, half animal" in the right places.

Centaurs however, they are "half human, three-quarter horse". The torso of a human connected to the neck of a horse? How the heck does that work?

Why did the greeks thought this would work in mythology? I just don't get it.

And do you know how Golden Axe III portrait Dora? In order for her to ride mounts, they gave her the ability to shapeshift her horse-part into human legs. Lore-wise what's the point in being a half human, three-quarter horse when the horse-part of you can turn human as well?

If I were to reintroduce Dora into my Golden Axe lore (s well as centaurs in general), I would perhaps reintroduce her as a being who looks human but with some horse features, but has the ability to shapeshift into a horse.

But if no fantasy world is complete without centaurs then sure. But she won't have shapeshifting legs.

Offline Berto

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Re: Golden Axe - Official Thread
« Reply #324 on: June 21, 2023, 08:59:14 pm »
Eh... If you think it should be an obligation to include centaurs then I will, but honestly I was never a big fan of centaurs. I always found centaurs to be "confusing".

Take the faun, minotaur and nagas for example. They are half human, half animal, with he animal half replacing human halves respectfully thus even thougheven though their existance is an impossible, they still had the favour of probability for being "half human, half animal" in the right places.

Centaurs however, they are "half human, three-quarter horse". The torso of a human connected to the neck of a horse? How the heck does that work?

Why did the greeks thought this would work in mythology? I just don't get it.

And do you know how Golden Axe III portrait Dora? In order for her to ride mounts, they gave her the ability to shapeshift her horse-part into human legs. Lore-wise what's the point in being a half human, three-quarter horse when the horse-part of you can turn human as well?

If I were to reintroduce Dora into my Golden Axe lore (s well as centaurs in general), I would perhaps reintroduce her as a being who looks human but with some horse features, but has the ability to shapeshift into a horse.

But if no fantasy world is complete without centaurs then sure. But she won't have shapeshifting legs.

Well.. Golden Axe universe Centaur is stranger than that.
They are humanoid characters that could transform their lower half into many things.
It could even transformed into human legs to use rideable monsters, but somehow not to walk on their own (because of a curse or something).

Offline Mystic Monkey

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Re: Golden Axe - Official Thread
« Reply #325 on: June 22, 2023, 02:21:10 pm »
Well.. Golden Axe universe Centaur is stranger than that.
They are humanoid characters that could transform their lower half into many things.
It could even transformed into human legs to use rideable monsters, but somehow not to walk on their own (because of a curse or something).

So she's cursed to be a centaur... unless she's sitting down? What if she was on the loo? Or on a bus?
What about lying down?

It would of made sense of Dora was as fast as a ridable mount but as a cost could not use them.

Eitherway, I aleways found centaurs the most confusing mythological beings. If they eat food, do their human stomachs digest the food and their horse stomachs have to eat shit?

Offline Berto

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Re: Golden Axe - Official Thread
« Reply #326 on: June 22, 2023, 10:33:51 pm »

So she's cursed to be a centaur... unless she's sitting down? What if she was on the loo? Or on a bus?
What about lying down?

It would of made sense of Dora was as fast as a ridable mount but as a cost could not use them.

Eitherway, I aleways found centaurs the most confusing mythological beings. If they eat food, do their human stomachs digest the food and their horse stomachs have to eat shit?

Yeah, centaurs' design is weird, but correct me if I'm wrong ...I feel like we already discussed about them months ago. I forgot where though, in mobile games thread probably.

Offline Mystic Monkey

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Re: Golden Axe - Official Thread
« Reply #327 on: June 23, 2023, 09:09:31 am »
Yeah, centaurs' design is weird, but correct me if I'm wrong ...I feel like we already discussed about them months ago. I forgot where though, in mobile games thread probably.
If we did, I must had forgot. I just find centaurs so weird.
Still, if centaurs are a must, especially Dora, maybe I could compromise that centaurs are humans that can transform into horses.

Offline Berto

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Re: Golden Axe - Official Thread
« Reply #328 on: June 23, 2023, 11:56:33 pm »
If we did, I must had forgot. I just find centaurs so weird.
Still, if centaurs are a must, especially Dora, maybe I could compromise that centaurs are humans that can transform into horses.

Then I guess Dora is kinda like centurions from Altered Beast, human that could transform into other enhanced form.
Somehow those two games connect again.
Also talk about barbarian, we could play Conan Exiles for free this weekend.

🆓 FREE WEEKEND 🆓🔹Play free this weekend!‼️

1⃣ Football Manager 2023

2⃣ Conan Exiles

3⃣ Stellaris

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Offline Mystic Monkey

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Re: Golden Axe - Official Thread
« Reply #329 on: June 24, 2023, 08:52:41 am »
Then I guess Dora is kinda like centurions from Altered Beast, human that could transform into other enhanced form.
Somehow those two games connect again.
Also talk about barbarian, we could play Conan Exiles for free this weekend.

🆓 FREE WEEKEND 🆓🔹Play free this weekend!‼️

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Ooh! Is Conan Exiles a monthly prescription or requires later payment, or is it free? I might get onto that.