AHHHH!!! Fuck the blu-ray player!!! It's PS2 all over again!!!
I remember back in the Dreamcast days, I was always told that to make a proper comparison I had to add a DVD player to the price of a Dreamcast simply because the PS2 had it. Horrible horrible memories. We're comparing gaming machines, not media centers. Comparing prices for consoles and motion controllers I'm all for, as those contribute directly to gaming. But saying a blu-ray must be added on to the price of a 360 is pure bullshit.
As for these:
360: $299.99 agreed
Natal: $180 pure speculation, in one hour THEN we can make proper numbers
HDTV: $1,000 agreed, though one can find some great deals. I say closer to $800
5 years of gold: $250 bullshit. $34 (amazon price) times 5 = $170
HDMI monster cables: $100 bullshit again. ebay=$15.
Bluray Player: $200see above
Wifi adapter: $100slim version having it built-in could make this irrelevant, but I agree when talking about the standard 360. Even so, ebay=$25-$50
I promise to hold off on unconfirmed PS3 estimates if you stop giving incorrect confirmed 360 estimates.
As for 3DTV, while it is an option, Sony has given 3DTV a HUGE push to the point of it being their ideal PS3 set-up. An option, yes, but a fucking expensive one.