All of the fighters Fluffy posted have similar scoring systems, same color health bars, same basic gameplay styles with the same kind of attacks (different controls, but MW2, K3 and MoH do not control the same, either...), their names being represented under their health, two enemies fighting one another, markers next to their names for wins, as well as having similarities outside of those images that include character selections being the same, premise being the same (some kind of tournament bullshit), similar controls for attacks to be executed, so many things I could mention on just this genre with what you have shown.
Literally anyone who plays one of those fighters and understands what is going on can instantly play the next one without learning a single extra thing. The rest can said about everything else you posted, though I would consider Joe & Mac more of a beat em up or even a run n gun than a general platformer. Still the same logic applies. Come on Shelly, COME ON!