I'm so glad I'm quitting gaming and I direct that sentiment towards all three conferences. (only one did I bother to watch partly)
Seriously, time to unbitch yourself from this creatively failing industry that has turned into a laughable sham and troll of itself.
Notice the Kevin Butler speech said something about gaming being king and the master? That is the mentality the marketers want to foster to create a dependency on gaming to substitute for the reality that gaming as an art an entertainment is at an all time low.
You've been 'quitting gaming' for the last 12 months or something. Are you going to do it or not? It sounds like you just keep saying that for the sake of drama.
I play Video Games for fun and enjoyment, and I'm still having plenty of fun and enjoyment playing them so I don't see any need to quit.
friend, I have made a major divestment of my gaming collection over the past 2 years. I just got rid of a huge haul of stuff. I'm down to the essentials now, which is why I made the post about whether I should get rid of DC. You have to keep in mind that this has been my life for 30 years and it takes time to wind down from something like that. My game expenses and purchases are down to almost nothing and not watching any of the shows this year marks a big change for me.
If you're still enjoying it that is your deal, though I will say your judgment of whether you time in gaming now was well spent may change when your older.
The only thing I will enforce to you is my belief that the industry is in decline and that you will see that by the sales numbers. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong, but I really think you are going to see that. Lack of creativity and innovation. . . $400 for motion control gaming to new buyers in a weak economy with high unemployment. .not looking too good.
I think you will see that decline as soon as the next NPD.