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Added River Strike: Tyrian Edition for SEGA Master System

This is a special version of River Strike, with a few of the graphics replaced with Tyrian ones.
Github repo:

Download the v0.2 rom here :
"Initial D THE ARCADE" x "The Quintessential Quintuplets" collaboration trailer

General Gaming Discussion / Re: Phantasy Star - Official Thread
« Last post by Berto on July 23, 2024, 01:35:06 am »
That sucks. I would like to play these Master System 3-D games with my VR headset, but dunno how to go about it.

Let alone for VR Headset, I don't think there is even a 3D SMS games Emulator ever made for Nintendo 3DS back then.
Thank goodness there are at least three official ones from SEGA eventhough they were made for Japan only. Maze Hunter 3D and these two ...

Jump to minute 2:34 and 2:41
"Initial D THE ARCADE" x "The Quintessential Quintuplets" collaboration trailer

10 Best JRPGs That Never Left Japan

The development history of Princess Crown is one of turmoil, failure, and a fantastic rebirth many years later. Developed and directed by ex-Capcom employee George Kamitani, Atlus’ Princess Crown is a 2D sidescrolling beat 'em up that weaves plenty of fantasy RPG mechanics into the mix. As Queen Valendia, players are tasked with traveling across the land in order to prevent the resurrection of the demon lord Lalva. Despite being a commercial failure, Princess Crown has gone on to influence several high-profile games since its release.
The sidescrolling combat from Princess Crown would serve as the basis for both 2007’s Odin Sphere and 2009’s Muramasa: The Demon Blade, both by George Kamitani's own company, Vanillaware. Odin Sphere expanded on Princess Crown’s system of using seeds to grow food that could later restore the player’s HP, while Muramasa expanded on Princess Crown’s linear map navigation between key areas that were packed with enemies to battle.
A sequel to Princess Crown was in the works but was ...

Article :
General Gaming Discussion / Re: The "Check out this new trailer" thread
« Last post by Berto on July 23, 2024, 01:15:26 am »
"Initial D THE ARCADE" x "The Quintessential Quintuplets" collaboration trailer

Sonic Characters respond to your argument...

Source :
I was also going to make Gooseka, Chokkinna, and Parplin into anthro animals. Gooseka was going to be a bulldog given his rugged face looks like a fist, Chokkinna were to be a rabbit, her ears being like two fingers upwards and her hair styled like the other two fingers and thumb and I think I was going to make Parplin a parrot, whose plumage being like five fingers.

Now that you mentioned anthro animal ... Is Alex Kidd even a human?
Or is he some kind of elf? Or may be an anthro monkey?
Because his ears are kinda big for a human.

I was sort of inspired by Triple Triad but what I have in mind is a lot different to it.

I wanted to give the impression of going into a saloon with lots of sordid sorts looking at you and playing cards with tough guys. A card game that requires strategy to play but still has a degree of blind luck, like Poker.

The cards consist of a pretty picture and three symbols above it. These symbols being ✊, ✋ and ✌️. These symbols vary in arrangements, some with two of the same symbols, some with blank instead of symbols. (For example ✌️✌️✋, ✋✊✌️ or ✌️✌️_.) For collectors value, the cards may have a 5-star rank but the ranks and pictures aren't important, it's the symbols.

There are two ways to play with these cards:

Both players prepare their decks by ×5, 15 being the minimal and draw cards to have five cards in each hands. Players take a turn to place a card on a 5×2 field where each player takes up a row. When one card is placed, the ✊✋✌️symbols correspond to the symbols on the cards on both the opposing side and the neighbouring cards. Cards whose symbols are beaten by another card's symbol are put aside as "exhausted". The player with the least exhausted cards win.

All four players agree on a number of cards to play with, While 1 each can be a minimum, 3 would be ideal and more cards for more rounds. The cards are held, not put aside as decks. The round begins with players choosing a single card in their hand and place it face down. When all players have placed a face down card then the second phase begins, all players turn their cards over to see how the symbols on their cards match to the three other cards on the table. Each player win or lose points per other cards that round. All four cards and put aside for the next round, which is selecting another card from hand. Player with the highest points win.

Sound kinda complicated to me reading this, but may be it won't be when I get to actually play it.
Most of card based games were like that to me.
Everything Else / Re: Dank Memes
« Last post by Berto on July 23, 2024, 01:06:25 am »
Sonic Characters respond to your argument...

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