Author Topic: Adam and Eve...  (Read 68115 times)

Offline Chaosmaster8753

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Re: Adam and Eve...
« Reply #15 on: July 09, 2011, 03:12:16 pm »
Six posts in and still no mention of the talking snake? I am disappointed in you all. He was an asshole.

I prefer Adam and Steve.

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Offline MadeManG74

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Re: Adam and Eve...
« Reply #16 on: July 09, 2011, 06:40:40 pm »
Asking a Christian is not going to get you anywhere (DURRR ITS TRUE CAUSE FISH FOSSILS IN MOUNTAINS DURRR).

That's a pretty big generalisation to make, fundamentalists might have that attitude, but not all Christians. You might as well say 'All muslims are terrorists'.

Offline George

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Re: Adam and Eve...
« Reply #17 on: July 09, 2011, 08:02:17 pm »
I guess, let me rephrase that. Every Christian I know thinks the theory of evolution doesn't make sense, yet God making us out of dirt does.

Offline Sharky

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Re: Adam and Eve...
« Reply #18 on: July 11, 2011, 12:19:19 am »
Guy who wrote the bible? It is a collection of books by various people, hence why you mention their names when quoting it (John, Paul, et cetera). They even contradict each other as they never wrote them together. It was written long after Jesus was dead, which makes it extra lolol. Most of it is just based on Judaism mixed with what some nuts wrote later. The whole concept of an 'organised Church and Bible' have nothing to do with Jesus, and all of the folk stories are Jewish because the writers were Jewish.

Oh I know, what I find even more interesting is that the included scriptures were just a few of MANY that were left out. At the time it was compiled the monks who did so basically went through picking and choosing what they liked the sound of.

I wouldn't mind seeing what the others said.
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Offline George

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Re: Adam and Eve...
« Reply #19 on: July 11, 2011, 02:34:14 am »
Oh I know, what I find even more interesting is that the included scriptures were just a few of MANY that were left out. At the time it was compiled the monks who did so basically went through picking and choosing what they liked the sound of.

I wouldn't mind seeing what the others said.

Offline tarpmortar

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Re: Adam and Eve...
« Reply #20 on: July 11, 2011, 06:28:15 am »
I guess, let me rephrase that. Every Christian I know thinks the theory of evolution doesn't make sense, yet God making us out of dirt does.

Well to be fair I mean, even some leading scientific theories, namely M theory, state we were made out of nothing pretty much. Something from nothing is theoretically possible in Quantum mechanics.

Offline George

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Re: Adam and Eve...
« Reply #21 on: July 11, 2011, 04:58:51 pm »
"WHAT? WE CAME FROM NOTHING!? God made us, you should know that. i thought you where raised better."

Offline Ben

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Re: Adam and Eve...
« Reply #22 on: July 11, 2011, 09:39:18 pm »
There's room to speculate that the Big Bang was caused by a deity of some kind.......but it's just silly to deny the scientific facts behind Earth's creation. There's far too much evidence to support the likes of evolution for it to be denied, imo.

Offline Sharky

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Re: Adam and Eve...
« Reply #23 on: July 12, 2011, 12:39:41 am »
There is definitely room to speculate on intelligent design; in fact I would say anyone that has already made up their mind on what happened in the beginning is jumping the gun big time. There are a lot of interesting theories out there and we’re only just scratching the surface of it all, like quantum mechanics.

My problem is with religion... The world would be a better place with out it imo. Because if there is some kind of 'god' out there nothing written in the bible or the Qur'an or any other holy text has anything to do with it.

These religious books are just outdated rules, lies and hateful bullshit written by savages. Since those books were compiled how much killing has happened directly because of the text written in them? Including the Crusades, Jihads, Holocaust, Terrorists, Witch hunts and everything in between.

What kind of god is that?
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Offline Ben

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Re: Adam and Eve...
« Reply #24 on: July 12, 2011, 02:46:37 am »
^Though at the same time, war would still be fought without religion. Humanity as a species will always wage war upon itself, and will always find ways to do it. Even if there is no religion.

Al Qaida warps religious teachings  to convince their followers that what they are doing (trying to destroy Western civilization) is justifiable. Because religion is something of passion to many people. Are people too passionate about religion? Probably. But religion is only one piece of the puzzle. Fresh water on this planet is going to in the coming years become more valuable than maybe even oil, if this keeps up. We are using more freshwater than the planet is capable of replenishing, and water shortages are already happening. The Israel/Palestinian conflict and many other territorial wars in the Middle East and other dry areas would *seem* to be all about religion, but in reality, fresh water and control of those water sources is also a big part of it. A huge part of it, in fact. Portrayed as a lesser part of it, because it's harder to work your people into a passionate mood over something like water versus religion, which is a much more personal subject.

It's the same with anything....Invading Iraq to wipe out "a dictator who mistreats and kills his own people and possesses weapons of mass destruction" is much more convincing to the American public than "look, without oil, our country and the rest of the free world will die, it's that simple. We can not exist without it. Saddam Hussein is sitting on top of oil and he can at any time cut off a large supply of oil to the free world, he needs to be gotten rid of."

It's not as powerful. France going into Libya and demanding the rest of the world do the same thing is ....well, they get a pretty big piece of their their oil supply from Libya. That dictator ruling the nation was unstable, and this could in the future affect France's ability to get this oil. Their main concern was not simply for the lives of the oppressed people of the country, which they said it was, but mostly their oil supply. But what's more convincing to the world? Bringing emotional weight into it. (Which is actually pretty hilarious because they yelled at us for doing the same thing by going into Iraq, and refused to help, when, then, years later, they demand our help to go into Libya for the exact same reasons. But that's another topic.)

People will always find ways to use "emotion" to manipulate others. Emotion's both the strength and weakness of humans. Religion is a source of passion and emotion for many people, and so it's constantly used to justify conflict.

Simply put, though, there are many reasons as to why people fight. Religion is just one reason.

(and yeah I'm aware I got awfully deep there.  :P )
« Last Edit: July 12, 2011, 03:08:11 am by -nSega54- »

Offline tarpmortar

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Re: Adam and Eve...
« Reply #25 on: July 12, 2011, 03:30:27 am »
There is definitely room to speculate on intelligent design; in fact I would say anyone that has already made up their mind on what happened in the beginning is jumping the gun big time. There are a lot of interesting theories out there and we’re only just scratching the surface of it all, like quantum mechanics.

My problem is with religion... The world would be a better place with out it imo. Because if there is some kind of 'god' out there nothing written in the bible or the Qur'an or any other holy text has anything to do with it.

These religious books are just outdated rules, lies and hateful bullshit written by savages. Since those books were compiled how much killing has happened directly because of the text written in them? Including the Crusades, Jihads, Holocaust, Terrorists, Witch hunts and everything in between.

What kind of god is that?

On the bright side War over religion is Darwinism is it not? I mean it weeds out the people stupid enough to fight over it? I agree it effects other people outside of those warring over it, but for the most part it mainly effects those groups. Furthermore, this might be a unpopular position, but it is true; War is necessary, anything that limits human population is, as to fight overpopulation, correct? I'd rather we have war than continue to reproduce at a rate that is too high and all starve, and even then, war cannot keep up with the pace of reproduction.

So we'll either need to head for WW 3, where I can be a draft dodger and go hide in a cave somewhere in the mountains (going back to Darwinism), or need to figure out an alternative.

While I agree that we shouldn't say what happened definitively that created our universe, planet, or species, I don't think Quantum Mechanics should be equated to books written by primitive desert dwellers eons ago. The scientific community vs. people we don't actually know who wrote these stories, one is unarguably more credible than the other.

Offline George

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Re: Adam and Eve...
« Reply #26 on: July 12, 2011, 04:45:12 am »
Religion is not the only reason people fight wars, I don't think that is what Sharky mean't. It is a big reason that is easily avoidable if people didn't believe in it. Resources is another thing we fight for, but at least this makes sense.

Offline Sharky

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Re: Adam and Eve...
« Reply #27 on: July 12, 2011, 05:00:09 am »
I'm not saying religion is the biggest reason for war, or has killed more people than other reasons... I'm saying the fact that it simply is a reason for war, murder, killing of innocents is enough reason for me to say it's probably some of the most evil shit ever written.

I agree human culling is needed; war is effective but not necessary... A regulation of birth and death could be done with out a mass culling, see Chinas one child law... It's not a great solution by any means but it's one without war. But religious text doesn’t just cause war... What about Africans hacking up children with machetes because they believe they’re witches… Or terrorist attacks on civilians.

The bible insights so much violence and intolerance of others it’s crazy people still defend it! All this ‘bring them to the gates of your city and stone them to death’ ‘take woman as slaves if they are virgins, kill the rest.’ ‘Dash infants against the rocks’. Even god’s going to smite the non believers and send them to hell. What kind of loving god would insight this kind of bullshit? I’ll tell you, one made up by man, to control people…

The main reason people still believe in this god is because they take comfort in the notion that when they die it isn't all over; they go to a nice place where everyone is happy for eternity. I agree that would be lovely... I understand why people want to believe this, my grandmother believed this and I would never have argued with her and told her otherwise, I would pray at the table with her when she asked. I would like to believe this too, but I don't claim to know what happens when we die but I sure as hell don't believe there’s a single clue written in the bible or any other religious text.

« Last Edit: July 12, 2011, 05:05:21 am by Sharky »
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Offline ROJM

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Re: Adam and Eve...
« Reply #28 on: July 12, 2011, 10:11:27 am »
Mankind are so stupid when it comes to religion that someone could base one on Sonic The hedgehog and it'll be worshipped by millions of people a thousand years from now. 

Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: Adam and Eve...
« Reply #29 on: July 12, 2011, 10:18:17 am »
Mankind are so stupid when it comes to religion that someone could base one on Sonic The hedgehog and it'll be worshipped by millions of people a thousand years from now. 

In the name of the Eggman, the Sonic and the Hyper Knuckles. Amen. Now let us enter the special stage and go in peace.