Guy who wrote the bible? It is a collection of books by various people, hence why you mention their names when quoting it (John, Paul, et cetera). They even contradict each other as they never wrote them together. It was written long after Jesus was dead, which makes it extra lolol. Most of it is just based on Judaism mixed with what some nuts wrote later. The whole concept of an 'organised Church and Bible' have nothing to do with Jesus, and all of the folk stories are Jewish because the writers were Jewish.
As a note, Jews do not even consider Jesus to be Jewish as his father was a Roman (Orthodox Jews recorded it and consider Mary to be a whore for fornicating with him; most likely a Gaulish conscript as were most 'Romans' in the Levant/Israel at the time). Christians tend to get stubborn and pretend Jesus' father was 'God', but we all know that is not going to work... Mary was in no way a virgin. It is purposely set up like this to avoid logic, just like everything else you read in it. Furthermore, if you look at Jesus' execution, he was executed by Romans courts - not Jewish courts, the latter of which were for Jews. Sephardic Jews (Jews of Israel at the time), if anyone is unaware, only consider the father to be able to produce Jewish offspring (David was the first Jew, a man), therefore even if Mary was Jewish, they did not consider Jesus as such (likely nor did he) - in their view he was Roman (and a disliked colonialist, as Israel at the time was a Roman colony).
And sorry for the mini-rant here, but I just wanted to point out why Christians believe these strange folk stories and how everything is based upon poorly-made lies. If you want the true origin or interpretation of these stories, I would suggest looking up formal Jewish views on them (ie: asking the question of whether Jews consider the Noah's Ark story to be true, or just a moralistic story). Asking a Christian is not going to get you anywhere (DURRR ITS TRUE CAUSE FISH FOSSILS IN MOUNTAINS DURRR).