Author Topic: SEGA trademarks ‘Valkyria of the Blue Revolution’  (Read 13220 times)

Offline Sharky

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Re: SEGA trademarks ‘Valkyria of the Blue Revolution’
« Reply #15 on: October 22, 2015, 11:21:48 am »
Minor spoilers for VC1:
[spoiler]at the end Radi Jaeger hinted that he would return to his homeland of Fhirald and start a rebellion there[/spoiler]

Minor spoilers for VC3:
[spoiler]and in a DLC mission in VC3 hints at this too, with another old man in the party going off to help in these efforts too[/spoiler]

So I feel like it's fairly likely this is going to be about the Fhirald rebellion and be a true sequel at last

Would be a really exciting stage but knowing SEGA's flagrant disregard for logical next steps I wont hold my breath.
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Offline George

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Re: SEGA trademarks ‘Valkyria of the Blue Revolution’
« Reply #16 on: October 23, 2015, 12:17:10 am »
We say that, but this is the company that out of the blue did the Valkyria Chronicles port on PC, only a brief 6 years after the PS3 version was considered 'non-profitable' and it went on to outsell its console counterpart.

Its not like its been forever since SEGA used the IP, they still use it and still make merch for it. I wouldn't considered it dead, just behind red tape. Its in a real 'pickle' if you will, but I think sales of VC1 in the West probably spearheaded this decision (if its a console/PC game).

2 out of 3 of the main titles where on PSP and like 10% of PC gamers that bought the first one played those. I think its move to PSP probably is what held the franchise from taking off in the west and what got them to slow down on the titles. But who knows.

Offline Phantasos

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Re: SEGA trademarks ‘Valkyria of the Blue Revolution’
« Reply #17 on: October 23, 2015, 04:52:29 pm »
I think its move to PSP probably is what held the franchise from taking off in the west and what got them to slow down on the titles. But who knows.

Well, that and the fact that the second game turned the setting into generic, bland highschool anime trash with little to nothing of what made the first one so unique and appealing, which is why the sales were so horrible in the first place. The third game seems much better than the second and closer in theme to the first game but that one never came west so I'll never really know.

Sega mishandled the fuck out of this series the second they finished the first game. I'm still somewhat expecting this game to not be a single player console and be Japan only.

Offline George

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Re: SEGA trademarks ‘Valkyria of the Blue Revolution’
« Reply #18 on: October 24, 2015, 12:18:24 am »
This is another 'SEGA pandering to the Japanese'. This whole 'high school' setting is a huge fucking trend in Japan. Everything takes place in High School at the moment, even on anime shows. Look at PSO2's anime but it falls in line with all the other anime as well (Parasyte being a new popular one). Something that most JRPGs are starting to get on board with, including the new hit: Persona (which really took off after 3).

Its such a trend there is a page for it on Wikipedia:

I think we all here like to think we are into Japanese games because their aimed at Japanese people, but I think a lot of us just like it when these developers do what they want and no pander to people. I think this is the same trend in the US, look at the super 'focused group' game: Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric. Would it have been great if they didn't pander to all these ideas that the focus group had?

When is it OK to pander to whats popular and when is it time to move your own direction? I think if you scan on SEGA Japan's latest game, 95% of them are pandering anime style games. Yakuza seems to be the only one diverging its own path in style and really being the only one out of all their games that delivers a unique experience.

A lot of fans here disagree with me when I say SEGA Japan in the mid-80s to late 90's really did try to pander to the American/European audience with their games like Outrun, Afterburner, Daytona USA, Crazy Taxi and so on.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2015, 12:20:11 am by George »

Offline Phantasos

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Re: SEGA trademarks ‘Valkyria of the Blue Revolution’
« Reply #19 on: October 24, 2015, 03:36:20 pm »
This is another 'SEGA pandering to the Japanese'. This whole 'high school' setting is a huge fucking trend in Japan. Everything takes place in High School at the moment, even on anime shows. Look at PSO2's anime but it falls in line with all the other anime as well (Parasyte being a new popular one). Something that most JRPGs are starting to get on board with, including the new hit: Persona (which really took off after 3).

The problem isn't the setting itself. The problem was that it was a generic as fuck execution. Nothing about it deviated from the bland otaku pandering crap that's still rampant in japan. The 2 examples that you mentioned, Persona and Parasyte are much more than the setting they take place in and don't fall into mere otaku pandering.

They could have done something really good with the the idea of a military school. But Valkyria Chronicles 2 was about soldiers taking their time to check if their favorite idol singer was available for autographs.The problem of Sega is pretty much what you said, they're so fucking scared of taking risks, they go through what's the apparent less risky option when it comes to their games and just inject them with unnecessary mainstream shit.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2015, 03:41:38 pm by Phantasos »

Offline Randroid

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Re: SEGA trademarks ‘Valkyria of the Blue Revolution’
« Reply #20 on: November 03, 2015, 11:21:38 pm »

Offline Sharky

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Re: SEGA trademarks ‘Valkyria of the Blue Revolution’
« Reply #21 on: November 04, 2015, 02:37:07 pm »
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