It's been a bit weird.
I put Enslaved on hold very briefly to play a bit of Resonance of Fate. Just to remind myself to do one last complete playthrough next week. My characters are pretty beefed up and if all goes well I can do the entire Story in 10 hours... or maybe less.
After that I got back to Enslaved. I'm already at chapter 9, I don't know how long I got left to finish, but hopefully all should go well from here on end. These last chapters have been pretty good. Some pretty clever puzzles all around, I took down one major boss and it felt really good. I don't want to give much of the plot away, but early on I had a sinkin' feeling in my gut that something was going to go terribly wrong in this quest. Now I've talked about the graphics, but one thing that gets to me, is the facial expressions, Monkey is decentely animated enough, but Trip is the real eye-catcher. It's not on the same level as LA Noire, but it's almost as good. Kudos to whoever was in charge of animating the actress's facial expressions. Everything from the eyes, to even minor lip movement.