Author Topic: What are you playing, stupid?  (Read 748536 times)

Offline George

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Re: What are you playing, stupid?
« Reply #2115 on: June 26, 2013, 01:56:44 pm »
Company of Heroes 2. Shit, the music is really fucking good.

Offline max_cady

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Re: What are you playing, stupid?
« Reply #2116 on: July 09, 2013, 04:12:58 pm »
So I started playing Fable III and... Well, it's OK so far... but fans of Fable II will find some of the changes a little odd.

Offline Emmett The Crab

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Re: What are you playing, stupid?
« Reply #2117 on: July 09, 2013, 11:50:54 pm »
Shining Force 3 for Saturn (US version).  I haven't played this since it came out, and a few things I never noticed before. 

1)  It's really hard compared to 1, 2 and CD.  There are often 2 battles before you get to resurrect your dead guys, and some things can kill you in one hit.

2)  The voice acting is terrible during the combat sections.  Synbios, "Is this the end?" when he dies and especially the Vandal when he's attacking, he puts the wrong inflection on sentences and makes them like questions.

But otherwise it's a great game.  It makes me feel like I did back when I played it the first time, and Panzer Dragoon Saga. 

Offline max_cady

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Re: What are you playing, stupid?
« Reply #2118 on: July 13, 2013, 04:05:14 am »

Infinite Dunanis on Android

It's a nice little Android JRPG, but it's got some interesting quirks, first the bad: I guess in order to safe space for the install, they deemed necessary to make all the dungeons roughly the same look. Apart from one dungeon so far, every other area is the same, different layout, but exactly the same look. Not even a different color pallete. Character designs are as generic as they come. The one curious aspect is that the main protagonist is... well... different. Rather a different kind of emo JRPG character. Whereas the emo is generally a show of low-self esteem that erodes as the game goes by. This one, Luke, is just cynical and mistrusful of everyone and everything! It's a stark contrast to the cheery princess that's tagging along with him.

Fable III

First impressions were not good, but the game's growing on me. Fable II was pretty much an open world experience from the get-go, Fable III is a little more linear than I'd hoped, more story driven.

Saint's Row 3

Again, first impressions out of the gate were not good. Still trying to adjust to the game's new control scheme, it's new physics engine,etc.

Offline Nameless 24

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Re: What are you playing, stupid?
« Reply #2119 on: July 19, 2013, 04:43:43 am »
Legend of Zelda, GBA classics.

To be honest, I am using a Guide since 8-bit adventure games aren't my strong point regarding exploration.
Big fan of Claymore, Miria in particular.

Currently playing Yakuza 0.

Offline max_cady

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Re: What are you playing, stupid?
« Reply #2120 on: July 19, 2013, 05:19:09 pm »
Saint's Row The Third

I'm just gonna say it, just as I was starting to get bored of Saint's Row 2, this game started off the wrong way for me... [spoiler]Different control scheme for combat and driving, different physics, improved graphics, but not 2011 standards, I'm afraid. Character models look better and more cartoony, but other backgrounds seem oddly low res and they killed -------- off-screen in the first 10 minutes of the game. F*** off![/spoiler] But, I have been enjoyed it a lot. It's fun, it's just as stupid as it's predecessor, customization is much better than before. I managed to create a nearly identical character from my previous game (I'm so attached to my character that now I gotta do this in every game).

Spoilers aren't working it seems...
« Last Edit: July 19, 2013, 06:16:43 pm by max_cady »

Offline Randroid

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Re: What are you playing, stupid?
« Reply #2121 on: July 19, 2013, 07:09:19 pm »
PC - Alpha Protocol (Steam Sale!!)

PS3 - Time and Eternity (Yuzo Koshiro!!)

Offline max_cady

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Re: What are you playing, stupid?
« Reply #2122 on: July 23, 2013, 06:25:59 pm »
Saint's Row: The Third

I finished the game recentely, but unlike Saint's Row 2, I don't see myself spending nearly as much as time on this one. I understand the critics who felt dissapointed. It's a super fun game, but here's an what's wrong with the game:

Number 1 - It's way too short, if you are pro, you can almost power through it in less than 20 hours. It feels extremely short.

Number 2 - The villains: In Saint's Row 2, the three different gangs (four when you take Ultor into consideration) have their own seperate stories and fully developed archs, in Saint's Row The Third, the three factions team up very early on and go into one single linear story. And for such a foreboding group, The Syndicate feel like pushovers.

Number 3 - Two of our main characters go through such a radical transformation - Shaundi and Pierce. Shaundi in SR 2 was the stoner, she was very absent-minded and had a penchant for being kidnapped (that's still true here). In SR3, she's a competely different character, both visually and in behaviour, she's way too serious. On the other hand, Pierce in Saint's Row 2, was the character who ussually had to come up with clever plans and tried to be the serious one in the group, however... he was always the bud of the jokes from Shaundi and the main character. In SR 3, he also seems barely recognizable from his previous iteration, more easy-going and goofy, almost like SR2 Shaundi-goofy.

The other new cast members seem cool and all, but to be honest, none of 'em stand out all that much, same with the main villains.

Though having said that, SR 3 is still very much a super fun game! It's much shorter, they removed some of the SR 2 activies that were a lot of fun, like Septic Avenger. Though, they did add one fun game, Prof. Genki's Super Ethical Reality Show, which can be summed up as a mini-game version of SEGA and Bizzare Creation's The Club. Prof. Genki himself does show up on the game world, but you can't kill him. I know, I tried blasting him with RPG rounds several times.

They also kinda dumbed down the Activies in SR 3, Mayhem in SR 2 was pretty hard after level 4. I had to backtrack to a Forgive and Forget and go back to the area and continue mayhem(the clock stop if you go outside, so there's really no penalty). In SR3's Mayhem, your character is invincible, so you have to be more focused on getting as many combos as possible.

I laughed my butt off with Saint's Row 2's Insurance Fraud, I sometimes boot up the game just to play that mission. SR 3's Insurance Fraud is a massive letdown and way too easy.

Heli Assault Lvl 6 on SR 2 was a friggin' nightmare, SR3's Heli Assault is much easier. Escort in SR3 is pretty much broken, you never lose.

Also, unlocked power-ups and upgrades are obtained via cash that you earn from missions and the places that you buy up, which is another downer. Very few store variety (Rim Jobs which I never used) and why are there so many Image as Designed stores!? Lazy, man, I tell you.

Final rant, Steelport is much, much smaller than Stillwater.

The cool thing about unlocked power-ups is that some of 'em make you feel like a superhero, immunity to bullets, car crashes and falls, which basically means I can drop from any tall building and be fine.

Immunity to bullets and fire carries over from the main game to Prof. Genki's game which makes it all the better.

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Re: What are you playing, stupid?
« Reply #2123 on: July 30, 2013, 10:11:07 am »
Just finished playing Resident Evil for the umpteenth time. I've been trying to beat it in under 3 hours so I could win the rocket launcher with infinite ammo. I had done it several times on the PlayStation, but that was ages ago....I wanted to do it on Saturn.

Finally, after a few years of trying, I've done it. It feels good. Like before, I memorized the layout, every enemy, every item, etc. Felt like a dick because I decided to sacrifice Jill. Thankfully, I came in just under 3 hours. 2hrs 59min 57sec to be precise. I FEEL AWESOME!
Master-Cast TV: The Four-Mega Web Series!

Offline max_cady

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Re: What are you playing, stupid?
« Reply #2124 on: July 30, 2013, 04:41:50 pm »
Oh, boy, I've playin' Saint's Row 3 for so long that I've forgot how to play other games because I've been used to the SR 3 button layout so much that I tried to do stuff on other games... Namely Sleeping Dogs, I popped the game back in and for the life of me I couldn't figure out how to play the game for a good 5 minutes, then my muscle memory started to kick in again!

Offline George

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Re: What are you playing, stupid?
« Reply #2125 on: July 30, 2013, 08:55:48 pm »
Dude, Rogue Legacy, so addicted. Try the demo, its great:

Offline Nameless 24

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Re: What are you playing, stupid?
« Reply #2126 on: July 31, 2013, 04:26:17 am »
Pikmin 3!!!!

Amazing game, but you really do become stuck sometimes on knowing where to go, losing precious days. :(
Big fan of Claymore, Miria in particular.

Currently playing Yakuza 0.

Offline max_cady

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Re: What are you playing, stupid?
« Reply #2127 on: August 02, 2013, 06:37:52 pm »
OK, I gave Saint's Row: The Third a much needed brake and concentrated on a "new" title, Fable III.

Well, I've certainly managed to get back to where I was and made several vital advances to the plot, but the game's biggest strenght is also it's biggest flaw.
They made it remarkably easier to jump from one town to the next, but by doing so, it hampered the sense of exploration. Fable II had a huge world and I kept going back and forth, even crossing most of the rural areas where I knew there would be a lot of figthing monsters and crooks. Here, your skills don't actually level up until you go to the Road to Rule limbo area and unlock it based on the number of missions you complete and the people you befriend. So in a sense there's really no incentive to explore and fight for long periods of time.

I'll admit Fable II was broken, a very fun game, had a crushingly dissapointing ending, but fun, still. Fable III for some reason, feels like a dull carbon copy. Only more broken and dumbed down!

Offline Nameless 24

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Re: What are you playing, stupid?
« Reply #2128 on: August 03, 2013, 01:39:12 pm »
Beat Pikmin 3 today, with a time of 8:11, 39 in game days and 51 out of 66 Fruit Pieces.

I could probably get all the fruit and beat the final boss in 25 days next time since I know where to face the bosses now.
Big fan of Claymore, Miria in particular.

Currently playing Yakuza 0.

Offline FourCartridge

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Re: What are you playing, stupid?
« Reply #2129 on: August 03, 2013, 02:27:58 pm »
Sly Cooper Thieves in Time. For a 3D platformer in a age where they're a rarity, it's pretty decent. Getting SA1 vibes from the design & Genre Roulette; Stealth, RC Cars, Beat em ups, you switch gameplay like every 15 minutes.