Sonic 4 Episode 1
Felt like replaying it and I've now managed to unlock everything again. Still think it's pretty good. The only parts I don't like are the special stages (too many bumpers!!) and that last attack from Robotnik where you've sort of got to jump and attack him before the floor gives way. That, was cheap. Still good fun though and I'm planning on playing episode 2 soon. I'm kind of itching to go back and replay some more Sonic too, but that will have to wait till I've finished my next game.
Anna's Quest
It only came out today and I'm finding it really good. It's a point 'n' click adventure game set in a fairy tale like universe. The story so far has been simple, but solid and the puzzles aren't going into that horrible area of ill logic and tedious "grab everything and try anything" that so many others fall into. Sure, puzzles have slowed me down, but it's not been frustrating or down to bad design. I've slowed down, done a bit of exploration, found something and the makings of the puzzle start to emerge - leaving you with the fun task of putting it together.