I'm certain every reader of SEGAbits have noticed the new rotating banner up top. At the moment, we have 56 banners representing SEGA games and consoles. However, we'd like to see many many more. Problem is, not every game has high res art to go with it.
This is the topic where readers can share high res art that they've found, and can give a shout out to a franchise that they'd like to see given a banner. Ideally, the art is hand drawn, digitally drawn or is a render. We'd like to stay away from screenshots.
I know no reader can know exactly what game has a banner, given the nature of how the rotation works, so I'll be happy to give the "yes, that already has a banner" or "no, that doesn't have a banner" answer.
Currently, I'm in need of some high res Virtua Fighter 1 and 2 art. So if you know of any, please point me to it!