Author Topic: The Amazing 2012 Movie Discussion Rises: An Unexpected Journey  (Read 53842 times)

Offline CosmicCastaway

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Re: The Amazing 2012 Movie Discussion Rises: An Unexpected Journey
« Reply #105 on: July 15, 2012, 04:06:38 pm »
I dunno, the name is dumb, but there's nothing inherintly wrong with the character I think. He can shrink and become giant, I imagine that has some uses.

In terms of abilities Hank Pym aka Ant-Man is really cool. However, in the comics he is a real big jerk! (He beat his wife for Pete's sake!)

« Last Edit: July 15, 2012, 04:08:10 pm by CosmicCastaway »
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Offline Aki-at

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Re: The Amazing 2012 Movie Discussion Rises: An Unexpected Journey
« Reply #106 on: July 15, 2012, 04:12:35 pm »
I dunno, the name is dumb, but there's nothing inherintly wrong with the character I think. He can shrink and become giant, I imagine that has some uses.

Oh nothing wrong with the character, but hard to make a successful film about a guy who can become small and big I think, not sure audience would go for something like that, especially considering how much Marvel will probably pour into a film.

Offline George

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Re: The Amazing 2012 Movie Discussion Rises: An Unexpected Journey
« Reply #107 on: July 16, 2012, 04:05:57 am »
Its a Marvel Studios movie. It will be good. I have faith. If they can make a Captain America and Thor movie work, they can do this I hope.

Now if only Marvel Studios did the next X-Men, Spider-Man and Wolverine movie... :(

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Re: The Amazing 2012 Movie Discussion Rises: An Unexpected Journey
« Reply #108 on: July 16, 2012, 04:25:54 am »
Did you guys see the 10 min short film of The Punisher? IT has the Punisher actor from Warzone (right?) movie and it even has that one dude from Hellboy/ Sons of Anarchy.

« Last Edit: July 16, 2012, 04:49:12 am by George »

Offline Chaosmaster8753

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Re: The Amazing 2012 Movie Discussion Rises: An Unexpected Journey
« Reply #109 on: July 16, 2012, 05:19:04 am »
In other news involving non-Marvel Studios made Marvel films, Fox's Fantastic Four reboot has gained a director while their Daredevil reboot loses its director:

Fox has moved a step forward on one superhero franchise and a step back on another.  First up, Deadline confirms that Josh Trank (Chronicle) will direct the reboot of Fantastic Four.  The studio is trying to get all of its superhero franchises back up and running, but right now X-Men is the only one with any gas.  The Wolverine is due to start filming next month, and the sequel to X-Men: First Class will shoot in January once Jennifer Lawrence has wrapped on The Hunger Games: Catching Fire.  Progress on Fantastic Four could mean that the studio has at least one new superhero movie every year.

However, the studio may not have much time left for Daredevil.  Hit the jump for more.

According to Deadline, David Slade (The Twilight Saga: Eclipse) is no longer attached to direct the Daredevil reboot.  Even though Fox reportedly has a script they like, Slade has hit a scheduling conflict because he’s set to direct the pilot episode of NBC’s Hannibal.  Slade’s exit on the project puts Fox in a tricky position because they need to get a Daredevil movie into production by this fall or else the rights revert to Marvel/Disney.  However, Deadline says the studio “isn’t hell bent on making Daredevil at this point.”

I’d be surprised if the studio chose to let the project go, since Marvel will absolutely not let one of their most popular superheroes lie fallow, especially when there’s the opportunity to fold him into the Marvel Movie Universe.  If Daredevil goes back to Marvel, and they make a smash hit, then Fox looks foolish for letting the character go.  But it’s worth noting that this isn’t a Sony/Spider-Man situation.  Spider-Man sells itself so Sony made sure they got The Amazing Spider-Man underway so the wall-crawler didn’t head over to Marvel/Disney.  Daredevil doesn’t have Spidey’s widespread popularity, so Fox may just be throwing money away if they try to make a Daredevil reboot just so Marvel/Disney can’t.

To play in the speculation game, I’m betting that if Fox decides to go forward on their Daredevil reboot, we should expect to see a journeyman director or a rising star attached to the project (someone with a bonafide hit but not enough clout to rock the boat).  There’s no time for an auteur to come in and start tinkering with the script and slowing down the process.  Personally, I’d rather the character go over to Marvel/Disney and be done right rather than Fox make the movie simply so it can be done.

At this point, Fox basically has the rights to the biggest non-Avengers Marvel teams. Although I'm noticing how X-Men: First Class and Amazing Spider-Man are making slightly lower box office numbers than their predecessors if that means anything.

Sorta. Movies like RED, Johah Hex and stuff count. But no, not as much as Marvel. The shitty part is that Marvel does big movies better while DC seems to be getting video games, TV shows down perfectly... especially their animated stuff.

DC pretty much have used next to no one other than Batman and Superman in their films. And their last attempts at making films using characters other than them (Jonah Hex and Green Lantern if we're talking about the mainstream DCU and not something like Vertigo, Wildstorm, Watchmen, etc.) didn't go well.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2012, 05:55:38 am by Chaosmaster8753 »

Offline George

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Re: The Amazing 2012 Movie Discussion Rises: An Unexpected Journey
« Reply #110 on: July 17, 2012, 02:37:31 am »
If there is no Daredevil movie by the end of the year I hear, the license goes back to Marvel.

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Re: The Amazing 2012 Movie Discussion Rises: An Unexpected Journey
« Reply #111 on: July 23, 2012, 12:40:52 pm »
So I saw The Dark Knight Rises on Sunday.

I loved it. Very satisfying end to the trilogy. Great movie, not as great as TDK, but still great.

I don't want to cramp my hand (been typing too much for other stuff) so I'll just say what I really liked:
• Catwoman was a real surprise, one of my favorite characters

• Robin was in the movie! And when I thought back to JGL's role in the movie, he really was Robin just without the mask. Helping Batman out from the sidelines. Real cool way to work him in.

• Bane was cool. Not "OMFG Joker!!1" cool, but he was a real menace and I loved how he looked like he was posing for a portrait half the time. That fight. Damn. Cracking Batman's head was brutal, not to mention the back snap. Not a full break, but still brutal.

• That "Bane wasn't the one who climbed from the pit" reveal actually got me! I was surprised by that, and frankly relieved. Bane as Ra's son was a disappointing reveal, and I was so glad it was phony.

• The Bat and the Batpod were great vehicles. Shame the tumbler didn't get action, but we did see it via the bad guys.

• The ending fooled me. I did believe for a moment that Batman DID die. The grave, the statue, it all drove it home. I began to accept it, but then seeing Bruce alive was both a relief AND a "well duh!" moment. I mean, same sort of deal in The Prestige.

I'll share more when I have the energy.

Offline SOUP

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Re: The Amazing 2012 Movie Discussion Rises: An Unexpected Journey
« Reply #112 on: July 23, 2012, 01:40:57 pm »
I loved it too. Especially upon the scond viewing.

A few things that I really liked:
- Bane was really scary. He had so many amazing lines too. Particularly in the first fight with Batman. Bits like: "Peace has cost you your strength. Victory has defeated you!", and "The shadows betray you because they belong to me". Very badass.
- The JGL character was a perfect fit in Nolan's Batman universe.
- On the scond viewing, the way they never actually lie about Bane's origin put me in mind of The Prestige. The answer's right in front of you the whole time. Very well written stuff.
- I also believed that Batman was dead at the end. It wouldn't really have surprised me if Nolan had him die to wrap up the trilogy, so I was legitimately emotional when it happend.
The scenes after that were pure win for me.

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: The Amazing 2012 Movie Discussion Rises: An Unexpected Journey
« Reply #113 on: July 23, 2012, 08:50:14 pm »
If there is no Daredevil movie by the end of the year I hear, the license goes back to Marvel.
I hope it reverts back to Marvel and we get 'The Man Without Fear'

Then Punisher.

Offline Chaosmaster8753

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Re: The Amazing 2012 Movie Discussion Rises: An Unexpected Journey
« Reply #114 on: July 24, 2012, 06:04:06 pm »
I assume most of us have seen the Man of Steel teaser from The Dark Knight Rises?


So basically the crew are from both Watchmen and The Dark Knight Rises.

Offline SOUP

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Re: The Amazing 2012 Movie Discussion Rises: An Unexpected Journey
« Reply #115 on: July 24, 2012, 10:18:23 pm »
I didn't see the Superman trailer in front of The Dark Knight Rises either time that I saw it, but I did check it out online before.
Looks ok. I'm not all that excited for it, but I hope to be pleasantly surprised (ala Amazing Spiderman).

Offline George

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Re: The Amazing 2012 Movie Discussion Rises: An Unexpected Journey
« Reply #116 on: July 25, 2012, 09:35:43 pm »
Dark Knight Rises was more of a sequel to Batman Begins, which IMO was more solid than TDK (outside of the Joker role, since Joker was a better villain than stupid ass Scarecrow.)

[spoiler]I figured out that Bane wasn't Ra's al Ghul's son... because his spawn is Talia, who fucks Batman and has a son with him. Damien Wayne. Who is now the new Robin. When I heard her name, I was like "plot twist? RIGHT!"

Catwoman was alright. She takes 2nd place. Can't beat Michelle Pfeiffer.

I feel that they wrote it to show that Bruce Wayne lost everything, like his company etc and show how depressed he has been. IT was OK at first, then they kept going for too long and didn't establish a relationship with him and Catwoman. So the notion that he gave up his life (which was shit I guess) to live a life (as a criminal? Where did he get all that cash?) with Catwoman is weird. They literally had like 5 lines of conversation prior to the ending. [/spoiler]

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Re: The Amazing 2012 Movie Discussion Rises: An Unexpected Journey
« Reply #117 on: July 26, 2012, 03:53:00 am »
Finally saw Dark Knight Rises. While I loved the film and felt it was a great end to a fantastic trilogy of films, I had some issues....

1. Why the fuck did they give Bane's origin to Talia?! It's his fucking origin, for fuck sake?! I mean, I guess it works for the movie, but it still bothers me to a certain extent. It wasn't necessary, in my opinion. Her seeking revenge was enough motivation; I didn't need that so-called "twist".

2. Cribbing from Good Will Hunting. Yes, Alfred's little speech about how he hoped Bruce would never return to Gotham when he went missing for seven years, how he just wanted to see Bruce in some fucking cafe with a woman and a couple of kids, is Bucky's speech to Will in Good Will Hunting. Different words, yes, but the sentiment is practically identical. Really? Good Will Hunting, guys? Seriously, it just took me outta' the movie for half a tick.

3. Scarecrow. I haven't liked this character since Batman Begins. As much as I love Dark Knight, I hate how they handled Scarecrow. He's a fucking drug dealer now? Oh, but in this movie he's content to hold mock trials and damn people to an icy death? BULLSHIT! They had a great villain and they completely flushed him down the goddamn toilet. It ticks me off because they could have done so much more with him. Wasted oppertunity.

4. Robin. Don't get me wrong, I love Levitt's character and I would love to see a series of films with him rockin' the cape. I'm totally down for that. However, why the fuck did you have to call him Robin? If he's Robin, why not just call him Dick Grayson? In retrospect, I really think that it was Nolan's way of hinting that Blake, like Robin, would follow in Batman's footsteps. He wouldn't necessarily BE Robin, but he'd be the next hero of Gotham to wear the cape and cowl. Then again, I'm pretty sure we all got that impression early on, which makes the reference completely fucking pointless. It's just a nod, or a wink, or a nudge that was totally unnecessary. 

5. Bane's voice. Bane is a fantastic villain here, but his voice kinda' bothers me. There's a couple of lines where I find it hard to understand him - only a couple - and he just doesn't sound....scary. To me, at least. [/spoiler]

Now, with that being said, I feel it was well acted, beautifully shot, and it has a kick-ass score. Really, Hans Zimmer really blew me away here. The photography and production design was absolutely stunning. In addition, I do love Christopher Nolan as a filmmaker. He has a very distinctive visual and storytelling style that I've enjoyed since The Following and I wanna' see more....

I really can't wait to see what he does next.
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Offline Aki-at

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Re: The Amazing 2012 Movie Discussion Rises: An Unexpected Journey
« Reply #118 on: July 28, 2012, 09:04:45 pm »
So I watched The Dark Knight Rises. It's got a lot of bad points, a few plotholes and some of the scene hoping is way too fast. Yet, yet, it was the greatest conclusion they could come up with and was a fantastic end to Batman the legend, but more importantly and I do not think he gets enough credit in the comics, Bruce Wayne the man.

I'll start off with the bits I really liked.

[Spoiler]First of, I know some might hate it, but personally I loved how much Bruce had to go through in this film, a broken body, a broken company but the one thing that he never lets go is his love for Gotham and it's people. He may not have any fancy powers, but his will to protect his city is what made Batman one of my favourite comic book character.

Bane was awesome, whilst the Joker was all out crazy and laughs, Bane was more badass, his one liners and poses were brilliant. I loved Catwoman too, smart and sexy, glad to she she finishes off as Bruce's girl in this continuity. Yes they had no kind of relationship here but hey Bruce somehow loved Rachel, so I suppose his standards are low or no women for 8 years got to him.

Seeing Gotham in complete and utter chaos was done excellently, felt like Arkham City all over again! I loved Crane coming back as a judge but in the back of my mind I would have loved it more if Joker was the judge and Crane the defense lawyer but both basically wanting to get the guy killed, it's a shame that Ledger passed away because I feel Joker deserved a cameo but respecting Ledger was for the best. But yes Crane, loved his little bit with Gordon "Fine... DEATH... BY EXILE!" Still I felt like they could have done so much more with a dysfunctional Gotham. All we got was a 2 minute scene of rioting.

The action scenes are all fantastic, Catwoman and Batman tag teaming a gang, Batman's first confrontation with Bane, the stock market crash, the plane scene and the last bit, it was all glorious. What a complete shame Bane died so quickly, really was hoping for more but alas.

The last bit, the ending, almost got me to cry manly tears. Batman reminding Gordon of their first meeting when his parents were murdered, seeing Batman ride off into the sunset as the nuke set off, seeing the Wayne family fortune carved up and given away to various charities, Batman's legacy restored but what really got to me was Alfred crying at the grave scene saying he failed Thomas and Martha Wayne.

Also the music is awesome, another film soundtrack I need to purchase.

Now for the bad bits and boy are there a lot...

How the hell did Blake know Bruce was Batman? "I saw you in my orphanage and knew that look was fake! LOL THAT'S HOW I FIGURED OUT YOU WERE BATMAN! LOL!" what type of shitty lazyass writing is this? It made next to no sense. No one else could work out he was Batman because they were not orphans? But he could tell from his look and added a billionaire playboy and a masked vigilante and came up with him being Batman? Please, that has to be the least realistic thing about the trilogy and that is saying something!

Talia climbed out as a child? Right... Then she somehow, as a 9 year old at most but looked more like a 6 year old, managed to track her father down? A man who would eventually go on to lead the most dangerous secret organization the world has ever seen? I'm sorry but I am just not seeing how she would be able to do that, especially as she would be growing in a cave and have limited knowledge of the world itself. Sure, it should be no sweat tracking him down what so ever!

One thing I found funny was when Talia said Bane's only crime in the League of Shadows was that he loved her. DUDE SHE WAS LIKE 6 AND YOU WERE AT LEAST mid-20s, WHAT IS THIS?! I surely hope she meant more of a fatherly love but I very much doubt it. So from now on I take it Bane is a pedo.

Also, Batman's back being fixed in the cave by someone punching it. Goddamn shut down stem cell research and get that guy over to every paralyzed person in the world, could work wonders!

John Blake. Blargh, the character is good and all but honestly felt like he took screentime away from Gordon and for what? A cheap Robin reveal at the end and shows how the Batman legacy continues? For what? Gotham is clean and no longer corruptible now, the reason Bruce Wayne became the Batman in the first place, who is he exactly going to take down? And why does it end with him? Should it not rather end with Bruce Wayne in the final scene, bah Robin ruins everything, even when he is not in the film.

That's actually a pet peeve of mine of comic books. Bruce Wayne is Batman, I do not really feel anyone else should become the new _______ of anything, including other superheroes. Oh well, I usually am alone in this compliant, just as I am in disliking how the Marvel/DC world shares one world, which is what I love most about Nolan's Batman, no other DC characters.

But yes, I feel Gordon did not get much screentime as he did in the Dark Knight. Everything Blake did, Gordon could have done too. Infact I felt the trilogy was as much about him as it was Wayne and Alfred, meh whatever.

As mentioned before, the romance was really terrible in this film, especially Talia. BRUCE I HATE YOU SO MUCH FOR KILLING MY FATHER BUT LET'S HAVE SEXY TIME! I wonder if she had no relationships for the past 8 years too.

Bane's voice. Seriously does Nolan not listen to the dialogue in his films. Batman was bad but Bane takes the cake. Which is such a shame, even though he sounded like Sean Connery he had a lot of awesome one liners.

Lastly, Bane breaks out thousands of criminals out of Blackgate and all of a sudden every single one of them is loyal to him? Is he paying them large amounts of money? What exactly is keeping them loyal to him?[/spoiler]

There are definitely many more positives and negatives I could list but I will leave it at there. It's not a better film than The Dark Knight, but it is the conclusion I feel the trilogy deserves. A fantastic end to Bruce Wayne's story.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2012, 09:07:23 pm by Aki-at »

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Re: The Amazing 2012 Movie Discussion Rises: An Unexpected Journey
« Reply #119 on: July 29, 2012, 07:08:25 am »
[spoiler]Talia does fuck Bruce Wayne in the comics and she has a son who is the current Robin but you probably knew that.

Talia was trying to get closer to Bruce because he was the Batman, if setting up her nuclear plan mean't she would have to fuck him, so be it. Part of her plan was to get Bruce to trust her.

Also was surprised that Catwoman only knew who Batman was because Bane called him Bruce... then Gordon didn't suspect it either... so weird. While other characters all knew all along. [/spoiler]
« Last Edit: July 29, 2012, 07:10:40 am by George »