Author Topic: The Wrestling Thread  (Read 3759 times)

Offline SOUP

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The Wrestling Thread
« on: April 02, 2012, 12:50:05 pm »
I don't know if anybody else here is into wrestling (I've just been getting back into it after about 7 years of not watching at all), but I figured that we might as well have a thread for some discussion.

A friend of mine's just recently gotten back to his normal healthy self after recovering from cancer treatments and surgury.  As a way to celebrate, he had a big Wrestlemania party last night.
The get together was tons of fun. Events like that are always better when you get a bunch of people that are really into it. We even had a pool going with all of our predictions for the night.

The show it self was much, much better than last year.  The only really bad moment was the way they treated Daniel Bryan. He's one of, if not the, most talented wrestlers in the company, holding the second most important title in the company, and they squash him in an 18 second match to start the night. Just terrible stuff. Thankfully, the crowd kept breaking into chants of his name throughout the night.
The Rock and Cena match was ok. Neither one of them is a technical marvel, so I guess it delivered what it was supposed to. I'm a bit surprised that both announce tables made it through the entire night.
CM Punk vs. Jericho was an incredible match. Really solid ring-work put on by two of the best in the business. These two told a great story in the ring, with solid technical skill to back it up.  Bonus points to Jericho for being such a fantastic jerk through the match. His digs at Punk's father and sister, all the while sporting this huge grin were classic Jericho.
The highlight of the show was obviously Undertaker vs. Triple H.  The match they put on last year was great, but this one blows it out of the water. Shawn Michaels as the referee really added so much to this match. He looked like he was on the verge of tears over the fact that one of these two was going to get legitimately injured. Both men weren't pulling any punches.  We're talking some really stiff hits, and some rough bumps. JR coming out to call the match just made it that much better. I don't really see anything being able to beat this as match of the year.  Truly memorable stuff.

Offline SOUP

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Re: The Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2012, 05:38:59 pm »
I'm pretty sure Brock Lesnar destroyed John Cena's arm last night.
Never thought I'd see such a brutal/bloddy beating in a WWE macth.