Author Topic: Yuji Naka:Im free from Sonic The hedgehog  (Read 18282 times)

Offline Team Andromeda

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Re: Yuji Naka:Im free from Sonic The hedgehog
« Reply #30 on: September 28, 2012, 11:50:35 am »

Yuji Naka didn't work in the Coin Up division even though he applied to join the Coin Up originally. Naka never worked on a coin up, until Samba De Amigo.

Sega didn't force him to continue making Sonic games like they forced Suzuki to kep making Virtua Fighter titles.
SEGA made him  CEO something which Yujia Naka was open that he didn't really like or really enjoy doing . I don't blame him or the members of the Team for having a tit full of SONIC tbh
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Re: Yuji Naka:Im free from Sonic The hedgehog
« Reply #31 on: September 29, 2012, 09:28:20 am »
Obviously you're just speculating.  Who are you to say what anyone within Sega could easily do, or would be required to do?  I'm sure if it was so easy for him to achieve all his personal career goals at Sega he wouldn't have left.  As it happened one of his goals apparently was to start his own studio.

No i'm not speculating, its a fact. Sega doesn't force their top level staff to do anything at least in the old days and they sure didn't force Naka to do anything.  Specifically Naka because he has the tendency to walk away when he doesn't like something. Which he's done before. Most of the things he's gotten throughout his career has been because of Sega,Including his own studio. Im really getting tired of this sympathy Naka is getting when he's really had a very great time at Sega. And this is a guy who did not create Sonic the hedgehog yet seemed to benefit the most from its creation.

You keep acting that Naka is some hard done by low level employee when his position in some regard was higher than Yu Suzuki who also had a strong franchise in Virtua Fighter. He not only took a back seat from that franchise he did start to create other game ideas. Unfortunatly it was the Shenmue situation that did him in.  So are you seriously telling us that you believe the person responsible for many of Sega's big hits and specifically how they built their name on was free to not create games based on one of his bigger hits yet Naka was forced to do Sonic time and again?

Offline ROJM

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Re: Yuji Naka:Im free from Sonic The hedgehog
« Reply #32 on: September 29, 2012, 09:31:27 am »

Yuji Naka didn't work in the Coin Up division even though he applied to join the Coin Up originally. Naka never worked on a coin up, until Samba De Amigo.
 SEGA made him  CEO something which Yujia Naka was open that he didn't really like or really enjoy doing . I don't blame him or the members of the Team for having a tit full of SONIC tbh

TA, he was involved in SONIC THE FIGHTERS with AM2 in some overview advisory role so he has had arcade experience but Samba is the first or one of the first sonic team designed arcade titles he was directly in charge of.

Offline Team Andromeda

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Re: Yuji Naka:Im free from Sonic The hedgehog
« Reply #33 on: September 30, 2012, 10:08:01 am »
Sega doesn't force their top level staff to do anything at least in the old days and they sure didn't force Naka to do anything

SEGA Japan has a silly tendency to promote people up the ranks based on 1 game or some great bit of code . Naka -san may have been genius coder , but was not a team leader.

Naka-san should have been made head of SEGA technical R&D imo and Yoji Ishii head of the Sonic Team

Unfortunatly it was the Shenmue situation that did him in.

SEGA treated Yu-Suzuki terribly imo , with out Suzuki-san they would be no SEGA that man singled handedly made SEGA inthe 80's . You can forget the other staff Yu Szuki was the man and the way SEGA treated him (after one failure ) was horrible and its a loss to SEGA to let that man go

but Samba is the first or one of the first sonic team designed arcade titles he was directly in charge of.

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Offline ROJM

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Re: Yuji Naka:Im free from Sonic The hedgehog
« Reply #34 on: October 01, 2012, 11:55:58 am »

SEGA treated Yu-Suzuki terribly imo , with out Suzuki-san they would be no SEGA that man singled handedly made SEGA inthe 80's . You can forget the other staff Yu Szuki was the man and the way SEGA treated him (after one failure ) was horrible and its a loss to SEGA to let that man go

Its a loss for Sega to get rid or lose half the talent that they had, there seems to be no ready replacements there at the moment. Its really gone back to the period before the Nakayama period started when Sega was more or less a one man show that became a faceless company churning out games. As much as i admired Nagoshi, it really didn't make sense to make him the one man show of sega when Sega especially after the Nakayama era started was more than a one man show company as what culmilated with the teams in the DC /third party period.

SEGA Japan has a silly tendency to promote people up the ranks based on 1 game or some great bit of code . Naka -san may have been genius coder , but was not a team leader.

Naka-san should have been made head of SEGA technical R&D imo and Yoji Ishii head of the Sonic Team
I wouldn't call it silly to recognise talent but making them go corporate is silly which i agree, many game developers never make good buisness corporate men IMHO i mean look at Hisao Oguchi, he always looked like a fish out of water in that enviroment and the reality is that the corporate side is always going to be a culture shock to the free world of the game developer/programmer etc.