Author Topic: Disney buys Lucasfilm and announces new Star Wars movies  (Read 23184 times)

Offline mylifewithsega

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Re: Disney buys Lucasfilm and announces new Star Wars movies
« Reply #30 on: November 15, 2012, 12:24:26 am »
I do. The Prequels were slow paced compared to OT and the serials that inspired them. The acting style is somewhat different as well. Today modern actors have many various acting styles to draw from mainly from the method acting idealogy where back then in the time of those serials that idea of method acting as we know it today didn't exist. But the serials are more exciting by defination because of the pace that they had,something was always happening all the time. Now the PQ i wasn't expecting it to be the same as the OT, neither was i expecting it to be overly simple because the PQ had many elements to set up but what i was expecting it to do better was in acting and certain key moments done properly as well as the script. You already mentioned the Padme thing which was another screw up. The actual turning of Anakin could have played better if it wasn't Hayden and if the character of Anakin was someone the audience gave a shit about. But they didn't at least half of them didn't. And that was down to how the character was written and acted. It should have been a great tradegy seeing a hero turn to become a villan but from how it was done it came across as a moody teenager who was in love and then went on a killing spree. Not from what i'd have expected in what is the origin of the great movie villians of all time.

I can't agree with you entirely. The prequels have much more going on in terms of both plot and action for me. The first half hour of Phantom Menace gives you several action set pieces that easily top the all too brief shootout on the Blockade Runner in New Hope, or even the first 35 minutes of Return of the Jedi. Don't get me wrong, I do love these movies. However, I had a much easier time sitting through Qui-Gon and company hiding out on Tatooine for 20 minutes, as opposed to 35 minutes of watching a couple droids running around the desert, getting abducted, only to be sold to a whiny teenager. Then meeting up with Ben, finding the message from Leia, hiring Han and Chewie....

Seriously, it's a long wait before you get anymore action.

Same deal with Return of the Jedi. It doesn't exactly open with a bang. Instead, it takes 15-20 minutes just to watch Luke duke it out with a puppet. It's still a fun sequence, but - damn - there wasn't a more economical way to go about saving Han from Jabba? Something that would not have consumed the entire first act.

As for our hero/villain being a whiny teenager; well, if it worked for Luke, why not Anakin? Like father, like son. And the method acting? How can anyone be method with this movie? I mean, let's face it; there's no such thing as the Force, or lightsabers, or droids that feel pain. From what I've seen through documentaries, nobody went "method" for either trilogy. I feel that's in keeping with the serials.

Do understand, I love the original trilogy. I freely admit that neither the prequel or original is without faults. Still, I prefer the prequels.
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Re: Disney buys Lucasfilm and announces new Star Wars movies
« Reply #31 on: November 15, 2012, 09:07:01 am »

I can't agree with you entirely. The prequels have much more going on in terms of both plot and action for me. The first half hour of Phantom Menace gives you several action set pieces that easily top the all too brief shootout on the Blockade Runner in New Hope, or even the first 35 minutes of Return of the Jedi. Don't get me wrong, I do love these movies. However, I had a much easier time sitting through Qui-Gon and company hiding out on Tatooine for 20 minutes, as opposed to 35 minutes of watching a couple droids running around the desert, getting abducted, only to be sold to a whiny teenager. Then meeting up with Ben, finding the message from Leia, hiring Han and Chewie....

Seriously, it's a long wait before you get anymore action.

The difference is the pace, there's a sense of urgency and excitement in the OT which is lacking in the PT.And really in PM half the audience fell alsleep between the sequences in naboo up to the point of the first encounter with Darth Maul. moot point but it dragged in a lot of places which is something you cant say about the OT. Sith was the one that got the pacing a bit better but that's not really saying much.

Same deal with Return of the Jedi. It doesn't exactly open with a bang. Instead, it takes 15-20 minutes just to watch Luke duke it out with a puppet. It's still a fun sequence, but - damn - there wasn't a more economical way to go about saving Han from Jabba? Something that would not have consumed the entire first act.

As for our hero/villain being a whiny teenager; well, if it worked for Luke, why not Anakin? Like father, like son.

Because there was a development with Luke from boy to hero/man.he didn't stay the same. With Anakin were meant to see from boy to hero to villian but he came across as being a whiney teenager in the second and third film although not so much. it was hard to sympahise with the character let alone feel sorry for him. And that was the most important thing for the character's arc that it was a tragedy but if one didn't care about the character then its ultimatly failed. just like Jar Jar Binks whose original storyline was supposed to end with his death but thanks to the moaning SW fans GL changed it because he didn't get the reaction to the character that he wanted and if he had used the original outline of that character's arc, the fans would have had the complete opposite response to his death then what was intended so he dropped it. unfortunatly GL screwed up Anakin's portrayal as well.

And the method acting? How can anyone be method with this movie? I mean, let's face it; there's no such thing as the Force, or lightsabers, or droids that feel pain. From what I've seen through documentaries, nobody went "method" for either trilogy. I feel that's in keeping with the serials.
You've missed the point. method acting covers the style of acting that most actors use/trained in, in today's cinema. Half if not all the cast in SW has been trained using this idealogy or gone through the classical theatre route. So that type of acting wasn't around back in the 40s although the classic theatre training was. So the styles of acting you would see from films of the 40s and 50s would be different to the films of the 70s till now in the type of acting style you see.

The best example of the classically trained/shakespherian thespian actor would be in the form of Ian Mcdirmand as Papaltine or even Sir Christopher Lee. They become the characters that they are portraying. While Ewan mcgregor while gave a good and consistant performance never became the character he seemed like he was reading his lines. That goes for the girl who played Padme too and she's usually a strong actress in many of the films she's appeared in.

Do understand, I love the original trilogy. I freely admit that neither the prequel or original is without faults. Still, I prefer the prequels.

Im not attacking you for loving the prequels but the prequels have a LOT of flaws,  many of the SW films do but its more obvious in the PT trilogy.

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Re: Disney buys Lucasfilm and announces new Star Wars movies
« Reply #32 on: November 15, 2012, 01:45:20 pm »
The difference is the pace, there's a sense of urgency and excitement in the OT which is lacking in the PT.And really in PM half the audience fell alsleep between the sequences in naboo up to the point of the first encounter with Darth Maul. moot point but it dragged in a lot of places which is something you cant say about the OT. Sith was the one that got the pacing a bit better but that's not really saying much.

Because there was a development with Luke from boy to hero/man.he didn't stay the same. With Anakin were meant to see from boy to hero to villian but he came across as being a whiney teenager in the second and third film although not so much. it was hard to sympahise with the character let alone feel sorry for him. And that was the most important thing for the character's arc that it was a tragedy but if one didn't care about the character then its ultimatly failed. just like Jar Jar Binks whose original storyline was supposed to end with his death but thanks to the moaning SW fans GL changed it because he didn't get the reaction to the character that he wanted and if he had used the original outline of that character's arc, the fans would have had the complete opposite response to his death then what was intended so he dropped it. unfortunatly GL screwed up Anakin's portrayal as well.
You've missed the point. method acting covers the style of acting that most actors use/trained in, in today's cinema. Half if not all the cast in SW has been trained using this idealogy or gone through the classical theatre route. So that type of acting wasn't around back in the 40s although the classic theatre training was. So the styles of acting you would see from films of the 40s and 50s would be different to the films of the 70s till now in the type of acting style you see.

The best example of the classically trained/shakespherian thespian actor would be in the form of Ian Mcdirmand as Papaltine or even Sir Christopher Lee. They become the characters that they are portraying. While Ewan mcgregor while gave a good and consistant performance never became the character he seemed like he was reading his lines. That goes for the girl who played Padme too and she's usually a strong actress in many of the films she's appeared in.

Im not attacking you for loving the prequels but the prequels have a LOT of flaws,  many of the SW films do but its more obvious in the PT trilogy.

Okay, I believe you've missed the point. It's my opinion, as I've clearly stated. I don't agree with you, or your reasoning. The audiance I had seen Phantom Menace with hadn't fallen asleep, good sir. Instead, we gasped when Qui-Gon tried to cut through the blast door like a heat-seeking missile of justice, laughed when he insulted Jar-Jar, giggled with excitement like a bunch of children hopped up on Hi-C during the podrace sequence, not to mention the collective "holy shit" during the final battle....

That was a full house, almost three months after the movie had been released. Guess what? I saw the same damn thing when performing SIG checks at my day job (I work in a theatre) when we received Phantom Menace 3D.

I do apologize if I come off as rude, but I can say the original trilogy dragged. It did for me, at least.

I liked Anakin's outcome for the most part. It worked for me. Done.

I've made several short films and music videos, watched several documentaries, listened to countless audio commentaries, read many books all dealing with cinema and all that entails....I know what method acting is, okay? As I said, I don't agree. Again, how can you get "method" with Star Wars? When watching the documentaries for any one of the Star Wars films, prequel or original, no one's talking about "method" in these things, because the very notion is preposterous....

If you think their performances suck, fine. If you're trying to say that their performances sucked because they aren't classically trained actors, therefor unable to break away from their "method" backgrounds or whatever, fine. All I'm saying is I don't agree. That's all.
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Offline ROJM

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Re: Disney buys Lucasfilm and announces new Star Wars movies
« Reply #33 on: November 16, 2012, 05:37:58 am »

Okay, I believe you've missed the point. It's my opinion, as I've clearly stated. I don't agree with you, or your reasoning. The audiance I had seen Phantom Menace with hadn't fallen asleep, good sir. Instead, we gasped when Qui-Gon tried to cut through the blast door like a heat-seeking missile of justice, laughed when he insulted Jar-Jar, giggled with excitement like a bunch of children hopped up on Hi-C during the podrace sequence, not to mention the collective "holy shit" during the final battle....
Well apperently it isn't shared by many people. Like i said i'm not attacking you personally that you like the films, i'm saying there are many flaws in it. The OT has flaws but it is the foundation of the prequels,so effectivly its the standard which the prequels kinda failed. Mainly in my opinion if you compared the PT to the spin offs like the clone wars, they showed that these characters and the situation that they are in can work and can be entertaining. But it didn't really convey that in the actual PT films.

That was a full house, almost three months after the movie had been released. Guess what? I saw the same damn thing when performing SIG checks at my day job (I work in a theatre) when we received Phantom Menace 3D.
Not saying much it is SW after all. It was a full house at the screening i was in. But it didn't stop people from falling alsleep,that's what happened. Sorry.

I do apologize if I come off as rude, but I can say the original trilogy dragged. It did for me, at least.
Well i could have taken offense from what was said about the OT being simplistic and the PT having more depth, indicating that anyone who perfers the OT are stupid because they dont appreciate the subtley of the prequels. I didn't take offense to it,despite that comment. And i got the complexities of the PT. It still didn't stop the movies from having obvious flaws. Like i have said the OT have flaws in it(especially with the special editions and ultimate editions) as well but the reality is that when it comes down to it many people are going to say they think the OT is better than the PT for whatever reason. The OT is the standard of this franchise and the PT should have at least lived up or improved upon it.

I liked Anakin's outcome for the most part. It worked for me. Done.

It didn't for the majority of us.Done. :)The spin offs though did do it properly which was part of the problem. It should have been in the movies.

I've made several short films and music videos, watched several documentaries, listened to countless audio commentaries, read many books all dealing with cinema and all that entails....I know what method acting is, okay? As I said, I don't agree. Again, how can you get "method" with Star Wars? When watching the documentaries for any one of the Star Wars films, prequel or original, no one's talking about "method" in these things, because the very notion is preposterous....

Your clearly not getting it. When you are trained as an actor the method acting as popularized by someone like marlon brando is usually the standard in how they teach acting nowadays. Most acting nowadays use that style of acting teaching. Something that didn't exist during the 1930s and 40s. But as for motivation for the SW PT. Simple. Lucas to the actor that played Anakin in the third film. "you were taken from your mother as a boy. Despite your powers you couldn't save her. And now you fear iof losing the woman you love and the mother of your kids.You do anything to stop it from happening" Its not hard to figure out now is it? You may question it but believe you me that's how it is in film production in hollywood these days. Actors questioning why they should do this and that and whatever and what's the motivation for it.

If you think their performances suck, fine. If you're trying to say that their performances sucked because they aren't classically trained actors, therefor unable to break away from their "method" backgrounds or whatever, fine. All I'm saying is I don't agree. That's all.

No i'm saying that some performances in the prequels were better than others, even you have to admit that. I've seen many films that were dull or even crap but the actor with a good theatre background usually has a good performance in it. But that also includes a natural good actor that hasn't had that training. The PT didn't have any bad actors in it but some could use their training better than others. Theatre style or classical acting you become the character where method requires you to try to understand the character and why they would do what they do according to the script. The real problem was with the script an the direction and editing to a degree ultimatly.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2012, 07:31:26 am by ROJM »

Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: Disney buys Lucasfilm and announces new Star Wars movies
« Reply #34 on: November 16, 2012, 07:45:02 am »
AJ, you need to learn that "agree to disagree" does not exist for ROJM. You give your opinions, he'll give his AND tell you that it is shared by "many people". I particularly enjoyed the bit where ROJM was in a theater full of sleeping people. PICS OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN!

What happened to TA? I miss the epic arguments... :(


Since we're sharing theater stories, I saw all three prequels on their opening nights with my dad. TPM had tons of moments where the audience was applauding and really enjoying bits like the opening BOOM of the Star Wars logo, Qui-Gon cutting through the door, Jar Jar getting his tongue grabbed, Jar Jar getting electrocuted, the moment the double saber ignited (I remember one guy said "oh shit!").

TPM isn't the best SW movie, but like every other movie in the series it has a ton of awesome moments and that particular magic that comes with a SW movie. I have yet to see a fantasy movie that carries the same feeling that episodes 1-6 has. Same with the Indiana Jones movies. Even the weakest installments have that feeling that cannot be replicated.

I give TPM a lot of credit for looking the least "digital" of the prequels. I recall there was a load of model work done in TPM, and it was the only one of the PT films shot on film. Not to mention like ANH, it has a very standalone feel. No cliffhanger, just a big party and a "we defeated the enemy!" ending. This'll sound weird, but TPM reminds me of Dinotopia in terms of design, especially on Naboo. Part renaissance design, part bizarre prehistoric creatures. TPM has some of the best creatures in the saga for me. The fish, the crazy land animal stampede scene, the expanded Tatoonie bits. Really crazy imaginative stuff. Fans of SW creatures should check this book out:
« Last Edit: November 16, 2012, 07:56:07 am by Barry the Nomad »

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Re: Disney buys Lucasfilm and announces new Star Wars movies
« Reply #35 on: November 16, 2012, 08:10:05 am »
AJ, you need to learn that "agree to disagree" does not exist for ROJM. You give your opinions, he'll give his AND tell you that it is shared by "many people". I particularly enjoyed the bit where ROJM was in a theater full of sleeping people. PICS OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN!

Dude there was a time when mobile camera phones wasn't widely available. ::) Especially in 1999 when the first PT film came out. So acting that im just saying "this" when i've been more than reasonable and hardly insulting about it just indicates that you guys are too set in your views about these films and ready to slam down anyone that happens to have a different opinion. Strange considering that if you are a member of the Force net you know exactly that the opinion and that includes the founder and moderators of that site is way more harsher on the prequels than anything i've said.

What happened to TA? I miss the epic arguments... :(

You love the peace an quiet. Anyway its not sega related and i'm not too into sega as much anymore.

Since we're sharing theater stories, I saw all three prequels on their opening nights with my dad. TPM had tons of moments where the audience was applauding and really enjoying bits like the opening BOOM of the Star Wars logo, Qui-Gon cutting through the door, Jar Jar getting his tongue grabbed, Jar Jar getting electrocuted, the moment the double saber ignited (I remember one guy said "oh shit!").

I remember a contingent of Chinese people being excited about the film and was cheering it when it started, until they heard the bad guys speak. Then later on the other half of the audience were offended when they heard Jar Jar.  :-\

TPM isn't the best SW movie, but like every other movie in the series it has a ton of awesome moments and that particular magic that comes with a SW movie. I have yet to see a fantasy movie that carries the same feeling that episodes 1-6 has. Same with the Indiana Jones movies. Even the weakest installments have that feeling that cannot be replicated.
Don't disagree.

I give TPM a lot of credit for looking the least "digital" of the prequels. I recall there was a load of model work done in TPM, and it was the only one of the PT films shot on film. Not to mention like ANH, it has a very standalone feel. No cliffhanger, just a big party and a "we defeated the enemy!" ending. This'll sound weird, but TPM reminds me of Dinotopia in terms of design, especially on Naboo. Part renaissance design, part bizarre prehistoric creatures. TPM has some of the best creatures in the saga for me. The fish, the crazy land animal stampede scene, the expanded Tatoonie bits. Really crazy imaginative stuff. Fans of SW creatures should check this book out:
True to a degree.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2012, 10:09:53 am by ROJM »

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Re: Disney buys Lucasfilm and announces new Star Wars movies
« Reply #36 on: November 16, 2012, 08:18:40 am »
Glad we're not in complete disagreement.  8)

In the end, though, the prequels happened and they can't unhappen. Might as well not go into analysis overkill. Right now, the most important things to focus on are the new stuff like The Clone Wars and Episode VII. The Clone Wars, I'll admit, as a whole is more engaging than most of the Prequels. Even the current story ark, which is aimed at kids, is awesome in that it shows the process of building a lightsaber. Really cool stuff.

As for Ep VII, I can't see how the hell they can make the 2015 deadline. It's gonna be tight for sure. Good thing GL retired, because at his age I can't see him keeping up with a production moving that fast. Ideally, if people need to consult him, they'll come to him, and if he wants he can walk about the set and give is two cents.

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Re: Disney buys Lucasfilm and announces new Star Wars movies
« Reply #37 on: November 16, 2012, 10:15:17 am »
Glad we're not in complete disagreement.  8)

In the end, though, the prequels happened and they can't unhappen. Might as well not go into analysis overkill. Right now, the most important things to focus on are the new stuff like The Clone Wars and Episode VII. The Clone Wars, I'll admit, as a whole is more engaging than most of the Prequels. Even the current story ark, which is aimed at kids, is awesome in that it shows the process of building a lightsaber. Really cool stuff.

As for Ep VII, I can't see how the hell they can make the 2015 deadline. It's gonna be tight for sure. Good thing GL retired, because at his age I can't see him keeping up with a production moving that fast. Ideally, if people need to consult him, they'll come to him, and if he wants he can walk about the set and give is two cents.

If they're talking about it now they're were probably in pre production already before the buyout. I reckon GL didn't want to splash out on the 3D technology required for the sequels films. In that, i mean he would want the same tech that they used for Avatar or even better but Lucasfilm didn't or wouldn't want to pay the costs required for that film. Disney has the necessary funds perhaps, after all they are the nintendo of the movie world. :) Anyway it will ber an exciting build up to the first sequel movie much like how it was when they build up the anticipation for the prequels.

Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: Disney buys Lucasfilm and announces new Star Wars movies
« Reply #38 on: November 16, 2012, 10:28:10 am »
I want a ton of stupid promotions. The spring/summer of 1999 was great: Star Wars Pepsi cans, a multi-fast food release of Star Wars toys at KFC/Pizza Hut/Taco Bell, strange and wonderful candies and cereals.

I want Episode VII toothpaste come 2015!

Offline mylifewithsega

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Re: Disney buys Lucasfilm and announces new Star Wars movies
« Reply #39 on: November 16, 2012, 02:18:59 pm »
AJ, you need to learn that "agree to disagree" does not exist for ROJM. You give your opinions, he'll give his AND tell you that it is shared by "many people". I particularly enjoyed the bit where ROJM was in a theater full of sleeping people. PICS OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN!

So I've noticed.

However, let me clearify something for ROJM real quick. Just because I felt that the original trilogy was more black-and-white, doesn't mean I think less of anybody for preferring it over the prequel trilogy. I was just saying that I prefer a little more meat on my bones when it comes to my Star Wars experience.

No, I don't really care that a lot of people don't share my opinion. Seriously, that's fine with me. My girlfriend doesn't really care for Star Wars at all. It's just not her thing. She'll play with my lightsaber all the same, but that's beside the point. LOL! Just kidding.

Still, it's just my opinion. That's all.

Barry, why KFC/Pizza Hut/Taco Bell? Have you been watching Demolition Man again? LOL!
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Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: Disney buys Lucasfilm and announces new Star Wars movies
« Reply #40 on: November 16, 2012, 02:28:43 pm »
I just remember that for a good three months I frequented the shittiest fast food joints just to get a collection of Star Wars toys, lol

And they were really nice too! They came in these swanky boxes and a few of the toys were good enough as office decor. I only managed to get 1/3 of them.

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Re: Disney buys Lucasfilm and announces new Star Wars movies
« Reply #41 on: November 17, 2012, 01:06:57 pm »
So I've noticed.

However, let me clearify something for ROJM real quick. Just because I felt that the original trilogy was more black-and-white, doesn't mean I think less of anybody for preferring it over the prequel trilogy. I was just saying that I prefer a little more meat on my bones when it comes to my Star Wars experience.

No, I don't really care that a lot of people don't share my opinion. Seriously, that's fine with me. My girlfriend doesn't really care for Star Wars at all. It's just not her thing. She'll play with my lightsaber all the same, but that's beside the point. LOL! Just kidding.

Still, it's just my opinion. That's all.

Barry, why KFC/Pizza Hut/Taco Bell? Have you been watching Demolition Man again? LOL!

And the world is flat because its just my opinion,ignoring the fact that it isn't. ::)
You like it, i don't, was never really the point of what i was saying,mate. But let's leave it as that, eh , since everyone is too deft to listen to anyone else.

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Re: Disney buys Lucasfilm and announces new Star Wars movies
« Reply #42 on: November 27, 2012, 06:05:57 pm »
I'm happy to hear that George Lucas is donating like half of what he made to charity!!!

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Re: Disney buys Lucasfilm and announces new Star Wars movies
« Reply #43 on: November 28, 2012, 08:47:25 am »
Almost makes you think that he's on the way out or something... :-\

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Re: Disney buys Lucasfilm and announces new Star Wars movies
« Reply #44 on: November 28, 2012, 08:54:06 am »
Nah, GL has always given loads to charity. I don't think he's dying (knock on wood!). Though he is a bit chunky and needs to watch what he eats. Last year, a friend of mine in California was in line at a hoagie shop and George Lucas himself was in line in front of him! He snapped a photo, it was pretty funny. Flannel shirt, blue jeans and all.

He visited my college the year after I graduated (dammit!) so I saw all these photos of him walking around my old classrooms. :P