Author Topic: reached the sega top  (Read 7407 times)

Offline semmie

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reached the sega top
« on: November 25, 2012, 05:48:51 am »
i wrote this to a sega co
dont know if he will reply me. he actually did before and hopefully it will shed light after years of riddles.

this is the mail i wrote:

i thank you for giving hope to the sega fans olskool and the new generation.

all i want is to have more communication between eachother. im sure you agree that sega fans are actually not fans but family or at least good friends of sega. you know best about makin or not making a console. but the curiosity is not wether it gets made or not. people wanna know if sega is trying to get it done. or at least talks abut it or to consider.

there are so many rumors that came in the past. if sega would actually become more transparant we would know more and appreciate more.

have you ever asked google how many people actually hit on

sega new console 2013
sega new console
new sega console

if you would ask google surely you would be amazed. i for instance for the fool that i am ive been doing this since dc stopped publishing. thats how loyal and naive i am.
call me a loyal dog. i dunno
but at least give some info. this is a stress factor. you see most of these topics get erased. but when u go to other fan sites of sega ull see that this silenced topic is actually being talked about back to back

its always like

new seg console

and there are new sega fans that are waiting for a console with sonic. etc..

please reconsider and please find a way to make a console
we have ouya and zeebo that are basically shitty consoles
but know that when you make a sega console that is a bit better then ps2 and a bit lesser good then ps3.
wow man people would buy it if sega would give exclusives and be loyal to bring out games. not necessarily 3rd development

look this is a big topic with agreements and disagreements.
all i ask you is to reconsider

and please reply i would appreciate that

so this is what i wrote.
im even planning to reach him at his department i wanna interview him on behalf of sega fans.

Offline semmie

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Re: reached the sega top
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2012, 10:34:08 am »
a small reply i got is that they always talk about forum behaviours and that they often talk about shen3 and new seg console since it is such a hot topic. it is something talked about and considered by many. there are even of those that actually wanna make this happen.

ofcourse they will not tell us cause all of it is confidential.

im just saying we do have influence on segabits cause they monitor all of it

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: reached the sega top
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2012, 02:24:18 am »
Sega making a console is suicide. Get used to it.

Offline Trippled

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Re: reached the sega top
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2012, 09:35:12 am »
Yuji Naka always talks about how he wants to create a new console, so at most he can start a new Kickstarter project for some kind of Hardware Idea that he might have.

That's the most that could happen.

Offline JetSetRadioForever

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Re: reached the sega top
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2012, 09:35:28 am »
The Sega that made consoles is long gone.

Really, if Okawa-san (CEO until his passing in 2001) didn't give back all his stock in his will to get Sega out of the red at the time, I don't know there would still be a Sega.

Offline ROJM

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Re: reached the sega top
« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2012, 10:37:01 am »
Yes, long gone and finacially impossible for them to do despite telling certain people like the topic poster that you need millions and millions of dollars to create a new game system these days for R+D.Kids. ::) A warchest of money is something that Sega doesn't have anymore or anytime soon. Microsoft lost a lot of money with the Xbox and made a bit of a loss and broke even with the 360(the lost is due to them supporting a now defunct DVD format) So if M$ can't make much of a profit on their systems especially with the amount of R+D spent on them, how the hell is Sega? 

Offline semmie

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Re: reached the sega top
« Reply #6 on: November 29, 2012, 02:58:16 pm »
Yes, long gone and finacially impossible for them to do despite telling certain people like the topic poster that you need millions and millions of dollars to create a new game system these days for R+D.Kids. ::) A warchest of money is something that Sega doesn't have anymore or anytime soon. Microsoft lost a lot of money with the Xbox and made a bit of a loss and broke even with the 360(the lost is due to them supporting a now defunct DVD format) So if M$ can't make much of a profit on their systems especially with the amount of R+D spent on them, how the hell is Sega?

because sega may not be rich. but they are in the zone where their statistics go well
yes its slow but well
yes a console may be a risk. but it depends on how you adapt

come on rojm
u see the ouya lately. and they basically started from scratch trough kickstarter

i wanna add that sega does actually consider to make a console and they talk about this once in a while

Offline crackdude

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Re: reached the sega top
« Reply #7 on: November 29, 2012, 05:48:19 pm »
At this point, maybe it would be cheaper for Sega to start a Formula 1 racing team rather than launching a new console.

More worthwhile as well.

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: reached the sega top
« Reply #8 on: November 29, 2012, 08:58:57 pm »
^Sega used to sponsor an F1 team a while back didn't they?
But yeah, Sega wouldn't bother with a kickstarter project for something like Ouya. They already do their little portable Mega Drive consoles through Toy Tech or Blaze or whoever, if they don't feel that is worth their time to do in-house, they won't bother with another cheap console stunt.

Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: reached the sega top
« Reply #9 on: November 30, 2012, 07:40:01 am »
Like I've been saying, the closest we would get to a SEGA console now is a console from another company that allowed developers more of an identity in the digital marketplace. To be honest I'd LOVE it if XBOX 720, PS4 or Valve's rumored console has channels for developers to have all their titles in one place. There would still be an all encompassing marketplace, like PSN or XBLA, but there could be Apps like "SEGA Channel" or "Capcom Channel" or "EA Channel". Opening those apps, or even built-in sub menus within the marketplace that could be pinned to the console's home screen, would show a library of games you own, a library of games for sale, sales and promotions, a video channel (perhaps a direct feed of the company's youtube channel?) a news board from the company and other stuff that the company would have control over like the background and music elements. Like a cross between a company Facebook page and an online marketplace, but with much more polish and identity.

Sure you're still playing on another company's console, but everything on screen is controlled by SEGA. I think that would be awesome.

Offline STORM!

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Re: reached the sega top
« Reply #10 on: November 30, 2012, 07:52:05 am »
  I don't know how it is called, I think it is "investors" ? Whatever... back on the Dreamcast era, Isao san has saved up Sega with his own money, but, the banks/investors managed to make Sega signing a document where says that Sega will NEVER make a new home console again.

 Even with money Sega CAN NOT make a new console nevermore.

Offline semmie

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Re: reached the sega top
« Reply #11 on: November 30, 2012, 09:28:51 am »
I don't know how it is called, I think it is "investors" ? Whatever... back on the Dreamcast era, Isao san has saved up Sega with his own money, but, the banks/investors managed to make Sega signing a document where says that Sega will NEVER make a new home console again.

 Even with money Sega CAN NOT make a new console nevermore.

then how come sega is actually talking about it?

Offline STORM!

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Re: reached the sega top
« Reply #12 on: November 30, 2012, 09:38:46 am »
then how come sega is actually talking about it?

Are they?  ???

Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: reached the sega top
« Reply #13 on: November 30, 2012, 09:53:51 am »
Are they?  ???

Seconding this. When did SEGA talk about it?

Offline Centrale

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Re: reached the sega top
« Reply #14 on: November 30, 2012, 11:04:38 am »
I don't know how it is called, I think it is "investors" ? Whatever... back on the Dreamcast era, Isao san has saved up Sega with his own money, but, the banks/investors managed to make Sega signing a document where says that Sega will NEVER make a new home console again.

 Even with money Sega CAN NOT make a new console nevermore.

I don't think Sega is going to be making a new console, but... having said that, your story is complete nonsense.  There's no way "investors" would come up with a deal like that, and no way any company would agree to it.  What if the Dreamcast had ended up the top console of that generation?  Sorry, we can't ever make any more because our investors said so.  ::)