precisely i agree to that. but unfortunate most people are just followers.
even if the system s wrong they take it for right. they dont know better. and if the system tells them to hate muslims or jews or christians or budhists or whatever or democrats . anything. then they are going to hate it.
its even there in games.
if u ask me. i hate call of duty and medal of honor.
i do like halo because its a war in fiction. but those war games such as battlefield. killing russians and muslims.
if russians and muslims were easy we would have won by now.. (i say we as if i am in the system)
but one of the facts is that afghanistan is one of the 3 lands in the world that never got occupied.
we should leave them alone. they love being what they are. and if we are going to fre them from oppresion then lets help ourselves first.
theres plenty killings in the west rapes alcoholics. drug users. we point at the arabs. but when u look at the cia statistics of the countrys
less stealing in the world
less alcolism in the world
less prostitution
less pedophilia
and this is for real. so if we truly wanna give example
then why this:
most children born outta wedlock
children of 13 ask mummy for condoms( lol and we supposed to be against all this)
pople die of overdosis.
and with christmas we all happy aight?
did u know that it is the day where most suicide take place? we are not that of an example u see
not to forget the mass abortion. and they are planning to allow abortion at a 8 month rate. we bad bro really bad. you know what the west is ?
where is the love?