Author Topic: Do you like any non-SEGA Developers?  (Read 15707 times)

Offline CrazyT

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Re: Do you like any non-SEGA Developers?
« Reply #30 on: April 16, 2013, 05:19:26 pm »
I was not saying it is a bad thing, but Nintendo is as guilty of it as anyone else for spinoffs, they do have a higher standard of quality as you mentioned. I just do not believe this notion Nintendo is holier then thou, they do a lot of stuff other publishers are attacked for (Lack of new IPs, countless spinoffs, price fixing etc) only they're games are very well made so often it's overlooked.
Well that's basically what I meant. Yes not all of the spinoffs are on par with their main games, but they aren't bad most of the time and do what they're meant to do, which is being fun. I wasn't treating nintendo as some holy grail, no company can be perfect for such a long time.

I think we can both agree however that if a new main game in an existing or new IP gets anounced, we know almost guaranteed it's gonna be a good game. And that is what I respect. Why I put emphasis on existing IP's is because i've seen various companies leading their IP's astray from their essence and being careless with it. Nintendo gets this. Metroid other m is the only mistake I can think of.

@Crackdude Well I am personally SEGA fan because they make great games within their own distinct identity and phylosiphy. I only started apreciating Nintendo recently so those 2 reasons don't apply to me at all.

Offline George

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Re: Do you like any non-SEGA Developers?
« Reply #31 on: April 17, 2013, 02:40:29 pm »
EA does good at times, but is very shit about 50%. I like Mirror's Edge and a few other games. The problem with EA is they get too greedy. Online passes, micro transactions. As a company they are dicks, they happen to publish some great games though.

I think Kingdom of Amalur is a totally underrated game this generation.

Offline TimmiT

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Re: Do you like any non-SEGA Developers?
« Reply #32 on: April 18, 2013, 07:02:02 am »
EA does good at times, but is very shit about 50%. I like Mirror's Edge and a few other games. The problem with EA is they get too greedy. Online passes, micro transactions. As a company they are dicks, they happen to publish some great games though.

I think Kingdom of Amalur is a totally underrated game this generation.
Kingdoms of Amalur is as much an EA game as Portal 2 is. As in: they published the console version. The developer self-published the game on Steam:

Offline George

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Re: Do you like any non-SEGA Developers?
« Reply #33 on: April 18, 2013, 10:02:25 pm »
That is true, just giving them credits as a publisher, not developer.

Anyway, an hour into FarCry 3. Yep, they know how to make a crack addicted game.

Offline TimmiT

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Re: Do you like any non-SEGA Developers?
« Reply #34 on: April 19, 2013, 01:57:36 pm »
That is true, just giving them credits as a publisher, not developer.

Anyway, an hour into FarCry 3. Yep, they know how to make a crack addicted game.
Speaking of Far Cry 3, Blood Dragon looks awesome and I wish it was a full retail game:

Offline George

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Re: Do you like any non-SEGA Developers?
« Reply #35 on: April 19, 2013, 02:21:29 pm »
Yeah, been looking at that. I wish it was a full game too. I wonder how long the game will be.