Author Topic: wake up project  (Read 30841 times)

Offline semmie

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wake up project
« on: December 16, 2012, 11:20:17 am »
Dear Sega i have an idea since there have been so many discussions about every console u ever made.
no i do not as a new console cause there is allready a topic for that. But this is something really special. and since i know that u have all the development kits still in stash i request something that will make u revolutionary.

the idea of waking up every console u ever made would bring such a commotion and people would wait in lines to get what they want.
the accomplishment of bringing the outmost best of every console you ever made just IMAGINE that you would bring for every console just one game that is licensed by you sega. for every console u ever made an fficial game that is really brought into the best effort of the previous consoles

let me suggest this 5 games wake up project. the pier solaar game brought to genesis was a good attempt.
but i know that u can give better so here goes

1. sega master system
-bring one game so good that it actually looks like a 16bit game. a deep rpg game with at least 70 hours gameplay and an animated movies in between and in the intro. bring the best out of the midi

-bring a game out much more superior then the virtua racing engine. and basically make a game like crusader centy so beautifull with 3d inbetween.

3. saturn
bring out panzer dragoon saga 2 and make it look so good that it actually looks like the dc almost. also try to surpass the quality ever made for any saturn game. and with this game bring a 64bit cartridge with it that enables a tremendous quality ever give to a sega saturn. let this game have 12 discs and also that the gameplay is 300 hours and 500 hours side quests included.

the DC
bring back the phantasy star online blue burst engine style
and call this phantasy star . phantasy star 5. you can choose wether this game be 2d or 3d. it dont have to be necessary online. what is necessary tho that it is better then phantasy star 4.

,if u are affraid bringing out this phantasy star on dc due to the piracy. then encrypt it so badly.
i know u can

u do what u pls

at all times let these games come out in all parts of the world. i await ur reply

to segabits: do u see skill in this idea. and wouldnt u want to see the uttest quality of these consoles?
pls tell me ur feedback and how u want it to be

Offline crackdude

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Re: wake up project
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2012, 11:44:34 am »
i don't even

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: wake up project
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2012, 02:00:55 pm »
to segabits: do u see skill in this idea.

On behalf of Segabits as a collective whole: No, no we do not.

Offline semmie

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Re: wake up project
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2012, 02:16:20 pm »
On behalf of Segabits as a collective whole: No, no we do not.

come up with something then.
my highlight would be the saturn game.

the saturn never got the best of it

Offline semmie

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Re: wake up project
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2012, 02:27:04 pm »
i don't even

ok allright. then what is it that you want. i mean seriously as a segaman. if u claim so?
what is it that u want frm it. u aint sega for nothing obviously. u must v liked the games or the consoles.
so if u dont even as u say. then what is it that you want

i try with all my might to brainstorm possibilities. probably this is one of the lessest ideas. i still aim for a new sega console.

but also this is  an idea. this wake up project is not an aim to success. just a temperoraly boost and relive some nostalgic consoles. many peeps bought pier solar. they just made the game and sold it. sega can do such a stunt for one time calling it the wake up project.

why is it that u dont even.
but you dont EVEN do anything. arent u amongst those that are waiting for a good game to show u and then shout hell yeah thats a good game. and then when it isnt u just basically sprout that sega is shit.

i dont wanna sound like i have prejudice.

so if all this text seems wrong. or u think i blame u then tell me why you dont even

ill be enlightened hopefully

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: wake up project
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2012, 03:01:51 pm »
Okay here's my idea: Sega should make sequels to all their three most loved games that fans want more of;
1) Shenmue
2) Skies of Arcadia
3) Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg

Starting with least popular to most popular they should make a sliding scale of production quantities, but they should make LESS the more popular it is. This way they can create mad hype and demand for the games.

Billy Hatcher should have a run of about two million copies. That seems like a lot, but heres the catch, only seven hundred thousand are actually working copies! The rest only contain a portion of the game each, so you'll need to trade with friends like trading cards. If trading card companies can become wildly successful charing $2 a pack, imagine how much Sega will make charging $59 a game!

Skies of Arcadia will get a print run of about one million, but here's the catch; it's only on Dreamcast! They can release two editions, the game by itself and one bundled with a Dreamcast console for a premium. It should also come with a DreamArena key disc.

Finally Shenmue, they should use the profits from Skies and Billy to fund this game, coupled with Kickstarter monies. To save the surprise, they shouldn't actually name the kickstarter 'Shenmue' or even notify people that they are running a kick-starter. This way the surprise and the resulting sales boom will be intact. They should make this for PS3 and Xbox 360 and it should have graphics better than Crysis 2 and have competitive multiplayer where you need to enter the Shenmue Thunderdome in Kowloon. Basically make it like COD but better. This sounds expensive, but it won't be because they only need to make ONE copy of this game, not over a million like most big budget titles. By making only one copy, it'll be a collector's edition instantly, and they can charge THOUSANDS of dollars for the game. It'll then become a communal game that is passed between Sega fans. This is something new that has NEVER been done before.

Offline Randroid

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Re: wake up project
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2012, 07:53:52 pm »
Okay here's my idea: Sega should make sequels to all their three most loved games that fans want more of;
1) Shenmue
2) Skies of Arcadia
3) Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg

Starting with least popular to most popular they should make a sliding scale of production quantities, but they should make LESS the more popular it is. This way they can create mad hype and demand for the games.

Billy Hatcher should have a run of about two million copies. That seems like a lot, but heres the catch, only seven hundred thousand are actually working copies! The rest only contain a portion of the game each, so you'll need to trade with friends like trading cards. If trading card companies can become wildly successful charing $2 a pack, imagine how much Sega will make charging $59 a game!

Skies of Arcadia will get a print run of about one million, but here's the catch; it's only on Dreamcast! They can release two editions, the game by itself and one bundled with a Dreamcast console for a premium. It should also come with a DreamArena key disc.

Finally Shenmue, they should use the profits from Skies and Billy to fund this game, coupled with Kickstarter monies. To save the surprise, they shouldn't actually name the kickstarter 'Shenmue' or even notify people that they are running a kick-starter. This way the surprise and the resulting sales boom will be intact. They should make this for PS3 and Xbox 360 and it should have graphics better than Crysis 2 and have competitive multiplayer where you need to enter the Shenmue Thunderdome in Kowloon. Basically make it like COD but better. This sounds expensive, but it won't be because they only need to make ONE copy of this game, not over a million like most big budget titles. By making only one copy, it'll be a collector's edition instantly, and they can charge THOUSANDS of dollars for the game. It'll then become a communal game that is passed between Sega fans. This is something new that has NEVER been done before.

Comon Made,

Take this seriously!


Offline Randroid

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Re: wake up project
« Reply #7 on: December 16, 2012, 08:01:22 pm »
Hey Semmie,

1. Just a quick question. Don't take this the wrong way, but where are you from? I mean your written english is less than perfect (which is totally fine), I just want an accurate accent in my head when I'm reading your posts. I really really don't mean to be offensive btw. I can speak spanish but can't write it for shit so you're a brave dude if english is not your first language.

2. Are you serious? haha, comon man, the idea is near impossible from a dollars perspective, but the standards you're hoping for each title. lol.

3. Serious, dude, seriously??

4. Your bonkers man, but hey, every forum needs one I guess.

(MadeMan, greatest response of all time. LMAO)

Offline CrazyT

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Re: wake up project
« Reply #8 on: December 17, 2012, 03:56:01 am »
Sega Master system - Not a spin off or variation from the alex kidds, even though I loved the one in shinobi world and the lost stars wasn't bad either. Though it would have been cool if they made a 2nd in the miracle world type of game. Saying this without counting the terrible existence of the genesis game.

Genesis- The genesis obviously needed more RPG's and indeed crusader of centy AKA soleil was is an amazingly underrated game. Better than zelda in my opinion. I think it was made by ATLUS? Anyway if there were to be made another genesis game i'd like it to be an RPG. A turn based phantasy star 5, or something similar to Crusader of centy

Saturn - You hit the nail with this one. Definitly a panzer dragoon game, preferably sagas 2. One thing I think the saturn really missed was a quality 3d platformer. They were either bad Playstation ports or just simply terrible like bug. I would go with a sonic platformer similar to what sonic jam showed as a concept, allthough faster ofcourse.

Dreamcast - The online capabilities were amazing, but used so scarsily. Phantasy star online is my most played DC game and I still love the franchise to this day because of it. I think more online content would have been amazing for the dreamcast. I'd go for a co op online game similar to gauntlet and cannon spike. That would have been pretty fun I think

Offline Centrale

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Re: wake up project
« Reply #9 on: December 17, 2012, 09:58:39 am »
Well, despite the impossibility, I love the idea. I wish it were possible that there was still a viable mass market for the older, cartridge-based systems especially.  Imagine if Sega actually did something this crazy... it would get a lot of attention and positive press.  But there could be liability risks as well, as the consoles are all aging and it would be a huge investment to ramp up manufacturing for one-off items like these.  Anyhow, it's a great idea, but the closest we'll come to this is by supporting the homebrew developers who have done recent games like Digger Chan for the Master System and Pier Solar for the Genesis. 

Offline semmie

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Re: wake up project
« Reply #10 on: December 17, 2012, 11:17:45 am »
Hey Semmie,

1. Just a quick question. Don't take this the wrong way, but where are you from? I mean your written english is less than perfect (which is totally fine), I just want an accurate accent in my head when I'm reading your posts. I really really don't mean to be offensive btw. I can speak spanish but can't write it for shit so you're a brave dude if english is not your first language.

2. Are you serious? haha, comon man, the idea is near impossible from a dollars perspective, but the standards you're hoping for each title. lol.

3. Serious, dude, seriously??

4. Your bonkers man, but hey, every forum needs one I guess.

(MadeMan, greatest response of all time. LMAO)

i speak dutch. but i can speak english the normal way if i want to. but when i type really fast i somehow use the slang of stockton california cause i used to go with peeps like that for a very long time.
ofcourse if i want to and try my best.

but typing fast and at the same time gaming and talking to my wife makes it hard to use dots and komma.

i just love sega and i keep thinking of ways to get things done.

bonkers? yeah thats me. In holland we call it ..prettig gestoord..
it means: nice crazy :
that is how i like to describe myself.

at all times we a as a sega fan site and forum should try hard to contact the sega department. Maybe sega has more insight to their economy, but we as sega fans have more expertise to the market of today. We know better what consumers want. Cause we ARE the consumers.

The problem is with leaders when they lead for so long they get defective in their freaking brains. all they see is money. but when you only focus on the money you will lose money and even more.
A stunt like this : the wake up project. It would make a lot of things better. Old fans that forgot about sega will play it again.

now dont think dirty you dirty devil.
but sega need to fill all the gaps and holes. its a great company but it needs to be polished.

Ok as you see this was my attempt to type english the correct :P But dont get used to it. To much thinking for me.

Back to the old me:
the wake up project would be the best ever aight. and i just suggested some of the games. buut hey there are other games as well ye know. like shenmue mentioned earlier.

Offline semmie

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Re: wake up project
« Reply #11 on: December 17, 2012, 11:30:59 am »
Sega Master system - Not a spin off or variation from the alex kidds, even though I loved the one in shinobi world and the lost stars wasn't bad either. Though it would have been cool if they made a 2nd in the miracle world type of game. Saying this without counting the terrible existence of the genesis game.

Genesis- The genesis obviously needed more RPG's and indeed crusader of centy AKA soleil was is an amazingly underrated game. Better than zelda in my opinion. I think it was made by ATLUS? Anyway if there were to be made another genesis game i'd like it to be an RPG. A turn based phantasy star 5, or something similar to Crusader of centy

Saturn - You hit the nail with this one. Definitly a panzer dragoon game, preferably sagas 2. One thing I think the saturn really missed was a quality 3d platformer. They were either bad Playstation ports or just simply terrible like bug. I would go with a sonic platformer similar to what sonic jam showed as a concept, allthough faster ofcourse.

Dreamcast - The online capabilities were amazing, but used so scarsily. Phantasy star online is my most played DC game and I still love the franchise to this day because of it. I think more online content would have been amazing for the dreamcast. I'd go for a co op online game similar to gauntlet and cannon spike. That would have been pretty fun I think

just to add up
sonic 3 and knuckles part 2

Offline crackdude

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Re: wake up project
« Reply #12 on: December 17, 2012, 05:26:01 pm »
arent u amongst those that are waiting for a good game to show u and then shout hell yeah thats a good game. and then when it isnt u just basically sprout that sega is shit.
No. In fact it's quite the opposite, when many around here shout out that some Sega games are shit I actually try to come up with some positives.

Sega should totally just restart the whole videogame industry. THINK ABOUT IT:
They'd release a new MASTER SYSTEM, and just release MS sequels for a couple of months, so that people really learn the roots of gaming. Many people just got into gaming and deserve to relive the 8-bit days!

Then, they'd make a new Mega Drive, and release Sonic 5 & Shadow & Silver, a monster DOUBLE LOCK ON masterpiece complete with 16-bit music from great pop artists like Prince and Mastodon (you know, just like MJ did Sonic 3).

Then they need to release a new Sega Saturn, but call it the Sega Enceladus (like Saturn's moon, clever peeps know this) and get Square Enix to port FINAL FANTASY VII for it (like it should have back then). Just imagine all the FF fans that would buy it for a retro remake of the original PSX game running at slightly better framerate on your brand spanking new Sega Enceladus!

Then came the Sega Creamcast, so good you creamed your pants, complete with online for EVERY GAME (paid online of course just like Xbox Live but more expensive cause it's better and Sega needs to be rich). The controller would be just like the Dreamcast controller but with 2 extra bumpers, a second analog, a rear touch pad, 6 face buttons, and 3 slots for different color AMOLED LCD VMUs that together compose a whole second touchscreen on your hands.

People would revisit all the best moments of gaming throughout a whole year (Sega needs to plan this right guys) and sell everything really cheap but profitable so that it makes a lot of moonies.

And at last they release the Sega Ultimate console. A console so powerful that Sony finally goes bankrupt and Sega gets their revenge by making better games than EA and buying EA and destroying Nintendo for having all the good Sega and EA games.
Shenmue 3 would be an exclusive and be divided into a whole new trilogy (people love trilogies), like a trilogy inside a trilogy know what I mean? So people would pay 3 times more for it, and buy all the games.

This is surely the ONLY WAY for Sega to be great again.

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: wake up project
« Reply #13 on: December 17, 2012, 09:20:00 pm »
Oh god, my sides

Offline semmie

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Re: wake up project
« Reply #14 on: December 18, 2012, 11:35:53 am »
No. In fact it's quite the opposite, when many around here shout out that some Sega games are shit I actually try to come up with some positives.

Sega should totally just restart the whole videogame industry. THINK ABOUT IT:
They'd release a new MASTER SYSTEM, and just release MS sequels for a couple of months, so that people really learn the roots of gaming. Many people just got into gaming and deserve to relive the 8-bit days!

Then, they'd make a new Mega Drive, and release Sonic 5 & Shadow & Silver, a monster DOUBLE LOCK ON masterpiece complete with 16-bit music from great pop artists like Prince and Mastodon (you know, just like MJ did Sonic 3).

Then they need to release a new Sega Saturn, but call it the Sega Enceladus (like Saturn's moon, clever peeps know this) and get Square Enix to port FINAL FANTASY VII for it (like it should have back then). Just imagine all the FF fans that would buy it for a retro remake of the original PSX game running at slightly better framerate on your brand spanking new Sega Enceladus!

Then came the Sega Creamcast, so good you creamed your pants, complete with online for EVERY GAME (paid online of course just like Xbox Live but more expensive cause it's better and Sega needs to be rich). The controller would be just like the Dreamcast controller but with 2 extra bumpers, a second analog, a rear touch pad, 6 face buttons, and 3 slots for different color AMOLED LCD VMUs that together compose a whole second touchscreen on your hands.

People would revisit all the best moments of gaming throughout a whole year (Sega needs to plan this right guys) and sell everything really cheap but profitable so that it makes a lot of moonies.

And at last they release the Sega Ultimate console. A console so powerful that Sony finally goes bankrupt and Sega gets their revenge by making better games than EA and buying EA and destroying Nintendo for having all the good Sega and EA games.
Shenmue 3 would be an exclusive and be divided into a whole new trilogy (people love trilogies), like a trilogy inside a trilogy know what I mean? So people would pay 3 times more for it, and buy all the games.

This is surely the ONLY WAY for Sega to be great again.

do people also love to drive bikes while licking on a popsicle?

but i hope u get the message. there are a lot of unfinished games.
call it wake up call. just to feed this hunger . especially the panzer dragoon saga2