Author Topic: PS vita is doing extremely bad in japan  (Read 50768 times)

Offline semmie

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Re: PS vita is doing extremely bad in japan
« Reply #30 on: January 25, 2013, 03:51:13 pm »
Comparing the Vita and the Wii U in a hardware perspective, Sony really pushed ahead in pure product engineering as every component on the Vita is new leading to a higher price per unit built. That I can respect as they really raised the bar on handheld game systems.

Nintendo on the other hand has always did everything to keep costs down per unit since the days of the Gamecube where the hardware reached a profit margin per console sold (or handheld). It is why the Wii U has a resistive panel on the Wii U tablet controller as opposed to a capacitive display like a modern tablet or cell phone. The cost difference is major and the profit margin much higher.

Over many years a number of companies have sold consoles at a loss to recover the revenue in games. Early on both Nintendo and Sega did this and following along was Sony and Microsoft. The original Xbox was killing  Microsoft as they had to pay for the Nvidia chipset and the PS2 as well for Sony. Sega had a long running history of using existing components when building a console to help regain ROI much faster (the Dreamcast was the only system to buck the trend).

Over the last few days I dug out my old N64 and was rather impressed how much R&D went into the system, the visuals certainly didn't age well in comparison to other systems of that era but innovation was still there. The first analog control on a console. Sega and Sony quickly jumped on board but until the Dual Shock was bundled with new systems and the Saturn stuck to it's Dpad guns until the 3D controller was released but few games used it.

Anyway, innovation involves cost for both the hardware design and eventually the consumer. Anyone who bought a first generation iPhone canvouch for this. You had to pay full retail for the phone and then open a service agreement with AT&T. Not cheap to do but people snatched them up like mad (including myself).

What I'm really saying is there is both a cost for the manufacturer and the consumer. The price is high on new tech but as time goes by, prices drop. If anyone here bought a first generation PS3, The price of admission was high but now as Sony made money on game sales and cost cutting measures, the price is now very reasonable. Eventually I see this happening with the Vita.

the graphics are so good that if it was a sexy girl id probably lick it like a chupa chups strawberry lollypop. but guess what it is getting cheaper allready.
the normal without the 3g is now 180 euros. well inc. 4 gb would be 190. so thats a big jump back :).

pitty tho i payed too much for my cars yearly turn. 1200 euro. my turbo was leaking and i needed new tyres
next month. just let that pso2 come
i dont have a proper pc to play that game so this is a good reason to have it

Offline crackdude

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Re: PS vita is doing extremely bad in japan
« Reply #31 on: January 25, 2013, 06:22:30 pm »
Here in Portugal you can get a 3G-Vita for 190euros with 4gb + game + 1 month free internet.

Yorn is making these super campaigns every few months.

Offline ungibbed

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Re: PS vita is doing extremely bad in japan
« Reply #32 on: February 01, 2013, 12:07:55 pm »
I see a lot on Craigslist due to the high cost of ownership so most people want to trade them off for an iPod Touch. A questionable decision I'd say but trivial to me as I already have an iPhone anyway.

A majority of sellers are teens who just can't afford to buy games and buying second hand games comes at a price if you want trophies or to play online. You must purchase a new activation code which I think sucks but used game sales (the bread and butter of GameStop) curb sales of new games and stagnate budgets for all systems. EA started this trend which also sucks.

So in the end, in profit & loss reports, most losses are due to GameStop and the pushing of high profit on used games in turn while new product sits on shelves killing the developer as they make less ROI.
I despise ignorant fanboys. Enjoy the great games on all systems or platforms. There is no reason for blind hate...

Offline Emmett The Crab

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Re: PS vita is doing extremely bad in japan
« Reply #33 on: February 01, 2013, 12:48:40 pm »
It always kills me how gamestop can sell a used game for $55.00, and they keep limited stock of new games so you have to pre-order them or settle for the 5$ discount on a used copy.  They probably pay like $12.00 for it.

Offline crackdude

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Re: PS vita is doing extremely bad in japan
« Reply #34 on: February 02, 2013, 08:36:00 am »
In light of the PSVita deals available now, and the awesome PS+ Vita service, I'm considering buying a PSVita in a question of months.

But, since money doesn't come cheap, I want to see what this new PSQuadruple is all about first.

Offline semmie

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Re: PS vita is doing extremely bad in japan
« Reply #35 on: February 02, 2013, 08:39:07 am »
In light of the PSVita deals available now, and the awesome PS+ Vita service, I'm considering buying a PSVita in a question of months.

But, since money doesn't come cheap, I want to see what this new PSQuadruple is all about first.

srry for my lack of english knowledge but just to understand what is psquadruple

Offline crackdude

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Re: PS vita is doing extremely bad in japan
« Reply #36 on: February 02, 2013, 08:58:38 am »
srry for my lack of english knowledge but just to understand what is psquadruple
PS4, bitches

Offline semmie

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Re: PS vita is doing extremely bad in japan
« Reply #37 on: April 27, 2013, 09:05:13 am »
just to bring it up.

psvita is still failing

Offline ungibbed

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Re: PS vita is doing extremely bad in japan
« Reply #38 on: April 27, 2013, 11:52:57 am »
just to bring it up.

psvita is still failing

Why beat a dead horse? I still enjoy mine and don't give a rats ass otherwise if its "failing" in opinionated fashion. In any case I've been playing my failed Dreamcast despite its age
I despise ignorant fanboys. Enjoy the great games on all systems or platforms. There is no reason for blind hate...

Offline crackdude

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Re: PS vita is doing extremely bad in japan
« Reply #39 on: April 28, 2013, 04:46:08 am »
We aren't discussing opinions. The system is effectively failing. And STILL there are no games coming out.

Offline ungibbed

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Re: PS vita is doing extremely bad in japan
« Reply #40 on: April 28, 2013, 05:44:53 am »
We aren't discussing opinions. The system is effectively failing. And STILL there are no games coming out.

Still beating a dead horse... I am enjoying what I have for it and slow releases have always been an issue with new consoles. Instead of only a handful of games, Nintendo did have a wide variety of games out for launch. Not everyone is going to buy every single game and whine about it (save for a few people here that I won't name...)

I remember how awful the PS2 launch was where the Dreamcast had the games and it took nearly a year for the PS2 to start getting a flow of decent games with few games that really showed the advantages and the power of the once high priced console. ICO was and is now a modern classic, the PS2 at the time was such a handful that for a playable frame rate, ICO was released and displayed in 240p as the lighting model and such were too much. Still, I had a blast with it.

This being a Sega based fan site I can expect Nintendo hate from the haters who refuse to look at anything from Nintendo in a positive form. I am however, a fan of all games and systems from the oldies to the new hardware. Even if they do have their problems (two RRoD Xbox 360 systems, my 3DO needs a new cd drive motor), much of my original collection was stolen and I'm building it back up.

I'm a gadget fan and despite the hate for the Vita and the Wii U here, I still see great potential in the right hands.

The problem I can see is right now, the Wii U is matching current systems in visuals at nearly three time the price. Average Joe Gamer obviously will grab a cheap Xbox for $99 and a couple games instead of the $349 for the Deluxe Wii system that is meant to play just games and not DVD's or BD's like the cheap looking excuse of the third revision PS3...

Back to the point, since current SKU's look nearly the same on all three systems, the Wii U is getting the short end of the stick, but on the bright side, great launch titles that current systems are nearly tapped out. Once the new generation of game systems is out, greater potential and games will be seen on all systems with exclusive titles for each. I'd love a next generation Road Rash game, one franchise EA has been sitting on for years now...

Nearly every console launch was a shaky start for any system. Regardless of the amount of money thrown into marketing or early releases when developers just were not ready to release.

Sega set a lot of fires with their third party support by jumping the gun with the Saturn but for its brief life, it turned out to be a great and very collectable game console despite the missteps and extremely bad start.

Nintendo will never give up on the home console market, regardless of the beatings in the past, the mistakes were publicly admitted at a E3 keynote years back. I doubt they are just going to give up like Sega had with the Dreamcast which could have held on longer if the company just controlled its budget.

So regardless of the silly hate, it isn't going to change my opinion on the Wii U which is a great set of well designed hardware. Expensive? Sure it is, but what game console isn't during launch? I'm sure there are a few here that sank money on a launch PS3 console and asking the same damn question for a while... "Where are the games"?

Neo Geo AES owners here or people who sank $700 and change for a 3DO? I know many fanatics that have and did have patience instead of panic over a game system they didn't even own.
I despise ignorant fanboys. Enjoy the great games on all systems or platforms. There is no reason for blind hate...

Offline crackdude

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Re: PS vita is doing extremely bad in japan
« Reply #41 on: April 28, 2013, 06:07:06 am »
I remember back in 2007 everyone mocking the PS3 as well. The console wasn't right. It took 2 price drops, a redesign a barrage of top-notch exclusive content to make it worthwhile and turn it into the best console this gen.

So yeah, I'm a fan of "all games and systems from the oldies to the new hardware" as well. But I don't support systems based on potential, not by buying them nor by praising them.

Both the WiiU and the Vita are awful investments right now. The first one is just a mindblowingly bad deal right now. And the second has no games.

There is nothing bad with buying them. Maybe you really love the new Mario game, or really want to play Uncharted on the go. That's OK.
But trying to defend that it's just a "slow start" and everything will be okay is not cool. The difference from a slow start and a wreck job is indistinguishable. What we have right now are the facts.
And the facts are that both consoles aren't selling. And both consoles are lacking games. (all "company hate" aside)

Maybe you just like the underdogs.

It may be true that the Vita will rise up, just like the PSP did. Or that a price drop will make the WiiU irresistible. But right now that isn't the case.
There is no need to justify your purchases every single GODDAMNED time someone mentions the Vita is going through rough times.

When I got a PSP 6 months before the EU launch (yeah I was hyped) I never felt the need to explain why I didn't go for the better, best selling, game filled DS. And the first months of the PSP were just as bad as the Vita's.
Can you please just try to discuss the current state of the Vita?

Offline ungibbed

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Re: PS vita is doing extremely bad in japan
« Reply #42 on: April 28, 2013, 06:43:53 am »
Maybe you just like the underdogs.

It may be true that the Vita will rise up, just like the PSP did. Or that a price drop will make the WiiU irresistible. But right now that isn't the case.
There is no need to justify your purchases every single GODDAMNED time someone mentions the Vita is going through rough times.

When I got a PSP 6 months before the EU launch (yeah I was hyped) I never felt the need to explain why I didn't go for the better, best selling, game filled DS. And the first months of the PSP were just as bad as the Vita's.
Can you please just try to discuss the current state of the Vita?

One, I haven't discussed anything on the Vita for quite some time. I landed a it for a good trade on Craigslist. The current state of it doesn't fucking concern me. Why do you want to know? I just despise blind hate people have for game consoles or cell phones (iPhone vs. Android... Ugh), many people go and preach their decision. I'm happy with what I have as it does what I need it to do, if my BlackBerry didn't break, I would have never bothered upgrading at all

I got my Vita with a 32GB card and a ton of extras for an old iPod touch I was never really using. Since you really want to fucking know why I like it is that most all my classic PSP, PS One and a few great games on the Vita all all in one device that I use far more often than the old iPod Touch. I had two iPods anyway so it was no real loss and I am a real gadget fan. Having MGS 2&3 was awesome, Uncharted is amazing, the the OLED display makes games great with absolute zero lag time.

I like it for what it is, a handheld gaming device that fits MY needs, if you can't handle that, call the hurt feelings police... Really... Haters be hatin'...

Secondly for the Wii U, I love new hardware and money to spend so to de-clutter my AV cabinet, it served two purposes. Played my virtual console games ranging from Genesis to Neo Geo, games I love on the Wii, and it's ready for the next console generation... I had the spare money to spend and wanted one, so after a week long decision, I went ahead and bought one. I like it and some of the bonuses it has and that's all that matters. Period...

The only two games from Nintendo I bought were the new SMB U and the Nintendo Land pack-in which I really don't care for, so that's up on Craigslist.

Finally if I wasn't a fan of the underdog, I wouldn't be here on a Sega related website now would I?

You sure take shit personal...
« Last Edit: April 28, 2013, 06:57:17 am by ungibbed »
I despise ignorant fanboys. Enjoy the great games on all systems or platforms. There is no reason for blind hate...

Offline semmie

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Re: PS vita is doing extremely bad in japan
« Reply #43 on: April 28, 2013, 08:51:05 am »
ok well let me put it like this .

this is the 14th month and still no good sells. even the wii u which is going bad as well didnt have such a miserable time. the psvita can be almost confirmed a flop.
some websites officialy confirmed it as a flop. however i dont cause i know sony got a moota dough to keep going.

ungibbed i understand that you like it. cause i love saturn as well. so i understand the sentiment. but with all respect to both to u and crackdude. and put in mind that it is not my intention to belittle u

but all with all i think even tho u enjoy your games. but if u finish them there is not a lot of games to loop up on to. they say pso2 is coming on vita. i start to see delays and cancels 14 months in a row. even the mercy full sega who gave sonic transformed is basically canceling hesitating to give more input to this.

come on ungibbed honestly we can name the games cause they are but a few.
and 14 months and japan maybe 15 and still nothing.
this is a serious flaw bro.
a lot of peeps trough out websites and forums consider purchasing a vita as a great expensive gamble

and the topics ull see on the sony community is basically:
when should i purchase vita?
cause they dont even dare.

Offline crackdude

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Re: PS vita is doing extremely bad in japan
« Reply #44 on: April 28, 2013, 10:00:44 am »
You sure take shit personal...
You're the one taking it personal. Once AGAIN you are bothering in explaining you you bought the damned thing.

As I said before, there is nothing wrong in having fun with something. But that doesn't mean that it isn't going through trouble in the market. It is. And that is what we discuss in this thread. Why you always have to argue that everything's great because you can play 15yo games in new hardware is beyond me.

Another thing is your whole "you all haters I'm the true gamer" bullshit.
No one blindly hates Nintendo or Sony. If people here dislike those brands of hardware/software they have their own reasons. Having a personal opinion on what you like (or DON'T like) doesn't make you less of a gaming fan.

You feel like a sir for expressing how you love all consoles no matter how shit they are doing. That's okay. Just don't criticize others for having "blind hate" when you don't even consider why people dislike the products in the first place. Or worse yet, you ignore what reasoning others base their opinions on based on YOUR OWN personal opinions!

Right now, the Vita is a blunder. That is what is being discussed in this thread.
Good for you that you got a good deal out of it. But that doesn't mean the thing isn't a bust! Sony needs to act fast.

Also, Sega an underdog? I became a Sega fan in the MegaDrive days. Good luck trying to find someone who owned a Super Nintendo in Portugal.
Many of us are here because of Sega once being the dominant force in many places.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2013, 10:02:29 am by crackdude »