Author Topic: Anarchy Reigns General Discussion  (Read 15741 times)

Offline Randroid

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Re: Anarchy Reigns General Discussion
« Reply #15 on: January 11, 2013, 04:13:36 pm »
Okay, for real this game is utter garbage. I'm returning it tomorrow if I can be arsed.

It's no VF, that's for sure, but if you've ever played MadWorld then you shouldn't be surprised. 

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: Anarchy Reigns General Discussion
« Reply #16 on: January 11, 2013, 04:43:02 pm »
I think you guys are getting the wrong idea about why I dislike it. I was never expecting it to be a 'fighting game' per se, like VF or KOF et. al.

After doing a bit of research, I think I might try it again on Normal mode. I started on Hard mode and found the single player to just be an endless grind fest to earn points so I can get to another mission. I found out that generally if you get a good rating (Gold/Plat) you don't need to grind, which would be fixed by playing on an easier difficulty.

The un-skippable cut-scenes are apparently skippable if you've seen them once, although that doesn't explain the smaller ones like in the second free mission where you have to watch the bar bot over and over.

But I think the biggest issue I have is the problem I predicted from when it was first announced. The game is heavily focused around multiplayer, but is also a pretty niche concept. This is a lethal combination because to have the most fun you need to play online, but when you head online it's a wasteland. It took me ages just to find enough people to start a match and even then it was the biggest lag fest ever and nearly unplayable because we had to scrape together players from all over the world. And this is OPENING WEEKEND. I just don't see this game surviving long at all, especially in Aus with it's poor internet infrastructure and relatively low number of players.

The single player alone doesn't seem compelling enough to warrant hanging onto it, it's nowhere near as fun as Bayonetta, Vanquish or even Madworld was, it was clearly made with online play in mind. And no split screen!? I can't even play with friends offline :/

Offline Ben

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Re: Anarchy Reigns General Discussion
« Reply #17 on: January 12, 2013, 11:35:20 pm »
And this is OPENING WEEKEND. I just don't see this game surviving long at all, especially in Aus with it's poor internet infrastructure and relatively low number of players.

Well, opening weekend for came out in Japan ages ago. This was Sega fucking up, of course, by delaying what was meant to be a worldwide release.

Anyway. My thoughts thusfar are that I'm fairly unimpressed with the single player mode. The combat seems fun and the music's cool, and I actually do like the visuals. Problem is, the whole "run around aimlessly hacking away to unlock the next mission" just seems so bland and sort of thoughtless.

Was hoping more for Power Stone....this isn't Power Stone, lol.

I dunno. At least MadWorld's levels were structured and well-paced. They should have done a similar thing here for the single player.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2013, 11:36:57 pm by Ben 10 »

Offline SpeedyBlueDude

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Re: Anarchy Reigns General Discussion
« Reply #18 on: January 13, 2013, 12:11:35 am »
Neogaf lead me to believe this was a wrestling game. It's not. : (

I'll still probably end up picking it up.

Offline semmie

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Re: Anarchy Reigns General Discussion
« Reply #19 on: January 13, 2013, 02:38:19 am »
I think you guys are getting the wrong idea about why I dislike it. I was never expecting it to be a 'fighting game' per se, like VF or KOF et. al.

After doing a bit of research, I think I might try it again on Normal mode. I started on Hard mode and found the single player to just be an endless grind fest to earn points so I can get to another mission. I found out that generally if you get a good rating (Gold/Plat) you don't need to grind, which would be fixed by playing on an easier difficulty.

The un-skippable cut-scenes are apparently skippable if you've seen them once, although that doesn't explain the smaller ones like in the second free mission where you have to watch the bar bot over and over.

But I think the biggest issue I have is the problem I predicted from when it was first announced. The game is heavily focused around multiplayer, but is also a pretty niche concept. This is a lethal combination because to have the most fun you need to play online, but when you head online it's a wasteland. It took me ages just to find enough people to start a match and even then it was the biggest lag fest ever and nearly unplayable because we had to scrape together players from all over the world. And this is OPENING WEEKEND. I just don't see this game surviving long at all, especially in Aus with it's poor internet infrastructure and relatively low number of players.

The single player alone doesn't seem compelling enough to warrant hanging onto it, it's nowhere near as fun as Bayonetta, Vanquish or even Madworld was, it was clearly made with online play in mind. And no split screen!? I can't even play with friends offline :/

i didnt get you wrong. i like t depending the character. but in overall its kind of the same third person feeling we had over and over again. im not dissing the game entirely cause i enjoy it. and i love the cult like theme. i was sucked into the game since the press start screen. when the dude was eating like he never ate it waas funny. then after i played the tutorial. i officialy started playing.

its a good game so lets start with that. and it does lnow how to be different from the others.
but if you ask me an honest fusion of games. then this game is basically as follows.

its a madworld game, with the craziness of no more heroes, with the background of a crazy cultive scifi movie.

and after all that its a good game.

but then the dislike.
when you play the game it wont feel like for example when you played vanquish. thats unfair me saying that. but i hope you understand that it doesnt really feel like:
oh wow fucking game i have to play it back to back oh yeah it makes me addicted.
2.the game is a third person view game and her physics are to familiar. sometimes i tend to believe that it has a god of war camera view but that is not a precise comparison cause god of war is more of the prince of persia view.
so playing this doesnt make you look up to the game. it deserves an average 7 out of 10 for sure.
if you play vanquish you will be like wtf and then after you play binairy domain ull be like ok its a lesser good game then vanquish but its allright.

and then the crucial:
when you play anarchy reign after playing all these games. and lets add up non sega games such as dead space  mass effect. or yeah bayonetta sega game. let us say that some of you played all those similair games in an abstract point of view where only the physics and polygons and puzzles in the games are noticed.

then this game my sega fellow isnt really that of a reason to like.

but personally i like and dislike it. and thats why i play it for some time and stop. i even talk to my wife while playing it. i didnt have that with vanquish i was dragged into it.

i cant really explain myself that well in english. but i hope this serves the load

Offline Trippled

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Re: Anarchy Reigns General Discussion
« Reply #20 on: January 13, 2013, 06:48:42 am »
i even talk to my wife while playing it.


Offline CrazyT

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Re: Anarchy Reigns General Discussion
« Reply #21 on: January 13, 2013, 08:46:16 am »
I think he means that it doesnt require his full attention and effort.

Anyway the game has got its first review from IGN.

Offline semmie

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Re: Anarchy Reigns General Discussion
« Reply #22 on: January 13, 2013, 08:56:30 am »
I think he means that it doesnt require his full attention and effort.

Anyway the game has got its first review from IGN.

in the review preview it says that it is properly priced. and i agree with that. and that is why i gave it the 7 out of 10.

30 dollars
in euro
23 euro

its a fine game for that price

Offline CrazyT

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Re: Anarchy Reigns General Discussion
« Reply #23 on: January 13, 2013, 10:25:42 am »
To be honest, I don't have any real opinion about the game yet. It looks to control like mad world, with more characters and online features. All I do know is that platinum games usually makes high quality games and so far this seems like the first game that has scored this poorly. 

Offline thearcticsea

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Re: Anarchy Reigns General Discussion
« Reply #24 on: January 13, 2013, 10:44:29 am »
To me, this game was never a good idea.

It was, again to me(!), the same old Platinum Games offering of a redundant game in a tired genre and relying on their personality pedigree to sell it to fans.

A brawler? A Beat-em-up? I think I did this in Battletoads, Double Dragon, Turtles in Time, Streets of Rage, Golden Ax, Streets of Rage 2, Final Fight, Spikeout, Fighting Force, Dynasty Warriors, Streets of Rage 3, God Hand, Devil May Cry, Spiderman, X-Men, Fighting Force 2, Battletoads and Double Dragon, Xmen Arcade, The Simpsons Arcade Game, Final Fight 2, Guardian Heroes, DYnamite Cop, Zombie Revenge, TMNT Hyperstone Heist, Viewtiful Joe, The Bouncer, Die Hard Arcade, and Kenka Bancho.

I think the genres pretty much played out.

I know this opinion has proven to be unpopular, but Platinum Games is all show, no go.

Offline Ben

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Re: Anarchy Reigns General Discussion
« Reply #25 on: January 13, 2013, 11:46:29 am »
I think they truly delivered with Vanquish, I thought that game was incredible and definitely an experience loaded with substance, not just "show."

This game though in single player (haven't played online multiplayer yet, no Live at the moment) is off to a rocky start, I hope I can will myself to play it more. Controls seem fairly complicated and even after that long tutorial I feel like I've forgotten how to do most of the techniques and almost can't be bothered to re-do it.

Offline Randroid

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Re: Anarchy Reigns General Discussion
« Reply #26 on: January 13, 2013, 04:13:49 pm »
I have to say this game is really growing on me. Been playing it quite a bit since I got a few friends that bought it now. 

There's a moment after a certain amount of online play where everything suddenly starts to click. I'm not getting totally schooled online any more which I honestly thought would never happen.

I say if you like everything about the game but are getting frustrated by the online play, give it its time and you'll find it rewarding. It's seriously a matter of practice.


Offline loempiavreter

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Re: Anarchy Reigns General Discussion
« Reply #27 on: January 13, 2013, 04:52:39 pm »
To me, this game was never a good idea.

It was, again to me(!), the same old Platinum Games offering of a redundant game in a tired genre and relying on their personality pedigree to sell it to fans.

A brawler? A Beat-em-up? I think I did this in Battletoads, Double Dragon, Turtles in Time, Streets of Rage, Golden Ax, Streets of Rage 2, Final Fight, Spikeout, Fighting Force, Dynasty Warriors, Streets of Rage 3, God Hand, Devil May Cry, Spiderman, X-Men, Fighting Force 2, Battletoads and Double Dragon, Xmen Arcade, The Simpsons Arcade Game, Final Fight 2, Guardian Heroes, DYnamite Cop, Zombie Revenge, TMNT Hyperstone Heist, Viewtiful Joe, The Bouncer, Die Hard Arcade, and Kenka Bancho

And what about RPG's or FPS... Just because you are tired of beat'em ups or belt scroll games doesn't mean everyone is, fuck i pray every day that people still release Belt scroll/beat'em ups, lightgun games, run & gun titles and action platformers... that they don't forget about US Instead of trying to chase for that impossible number of sales just because they want to get the sales Call of Duty or Elder Scrolls had.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2013, 04:55:18 pm by loempiavreter »

Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: Anarchy Reigns General Discussion
« Reply #28 on: January 13, 2013, 05:23:05 pm »
I'm loving Anarchy Reigns because it is an excellent pick up and play for as short or as long as you want. I love games like that. Reminds me a lot like Jet Set Radio Future, where you can either just explore and do your thing (trick in JSRF, fight in AR) or try side-missions or main missions to continue the story. Even the boss fights, where you're contained in a section of the level, reminds me of JSRF. Then there is the ability to meet and add characters to your roster.

Offline max_cady

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Re: Anarchy Reigns General Discussion
« Reply #29 on: January 13, 2013, 05:50:15 pm »
I'm still waitin' for my copy to arrive in the mail.
Hopefully it should be at my doorstep tomorrow.