a happy new year to all those that do good deeds. help the poor and the weak
a wrath from god or allah that opress the weak.
to all of you sega fellow members i wish you a new year and a happy life.
please do strive and look for the truth
look at your family and worshop the allmighty god. for there is none but him.
to the atheists:
live your life with good intentions whatever you wished for that is good i hope the good for you.
may you be guided and join the good ranks
to all that strived to:
stop smoking cigarettes or weed
stop being an alcoholic
to spend more time with the family.
to play more sega a like a freaking freak mutant
to be kind to eachother
and if not kind that you may be good again
for we are but humans and we all make mistakes
angels have common sense
animals have nstinct
we humans have common sense and instinct. this makes us having free will.
i wish all of you to comensate both
so that you wont be a slave of your whims and desire
to much jibber now
but all i wanted to say
happy new year
Freaking crazy mofo semmie
to the moderators thanks for changing my stat in dreamcast 2. it fits me