Author Topic: Sony patents tech to block second Second-Hand Games  (Read 5716 times)

Offline semmie

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Sony patents tech to block second Second-Hand Games
« on: January 26, 2013, 10:57:45 am »
By Tom Phillips Published Thursday, 3 January 2013

Sony's PlayStation division has patented technology that can block the use of second hand games on a console.

The idea sees individual game discs matched to user accounts. Games which have been associated with another user's account will be rejected.

Discs would come branded with a contactless tag which would be recognised and read by your console, using the same sort of NFC technology present in modern bank cards.

"When the game is to be played, the reproduction device conveys the disc ID and a player ID to the use permission tag," the patent document filed by Sony Computer Entertainment Japan reads (thanks, NeoGAF). "The use permission tag stores the terms of use of the game and determines whether a combination of the disc ID and the player ID conveyed from the reproduction device fulfils the terms of use or not."

The documentation goes into detail about Sony's desire and past efforts to "suppress" second hand game sales, and notes that the technology is a neat alternative to a simple password or Online Pass solution.

"Where the reproduction device [console] is not connected to the internet, use of the content cannot be controlled," the text states. As for a simple passcode feature, "users may communicate to share the password between them and therefore the second-hand sales and purchases cannot be eliminated reliably."

Sony aims for its new technology to be able to change that.

"As a result [of the patented idea], the dealing of electronic content in second-hand markets is suppressed, which in turn supports the redistribution of part of proceeds from sales of the electronic content to the developers."

Later sections of the patent describe how the technology could be variously used to temporarily grant access or limit the number of uses for a piece of software. There's even suggestion that the technology could be expanded to gaming peripherals, accessories and other electronic media entirely, "such as an office suite, images, and music content".

Sony does not name a specific device with which it plans to use the patented technology, and there's no mention of any plan to integrate it with existing hardware.

It's rumoured Sony will announce its next home console in the coming months.

What a stupid move not every can afford brand new games. This a clever way to keep game prices inflated for longer. If this is true I hope somebody hacks the crap out of the ps4. They driving the poor to piracy with is move. I every game we buy must be brand new plus what if you own two ps4 only works on one what a load of crap.

source> eurogamer

aint this like the biggest shame?

Offline max_cady

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Re: Sony patents tech to block second Second-Hand Games
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2013, 05:49:21 pm »
Here's the thing... I can't see Sony doing this without any sort of backlash. Piracy, I can understand. Used games is a different issue altogether.

Online pass is a b****, but if 5 extra bucks is all that takes for EA and other companies to shut up then I'm OK with it. Not being able to play used games, however, represents a serious hurdle.

If buying games become too inconvinient, people will just stop buying 'em altogether.

Offline semmie

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Re: Sony patents tech to block second Second-Hand Games
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2013, 01:20:14 am »
Here's the thing... I can't see Sony doing this without any sort of backlash. Piracy, I can understand. Used games is a different issue altogether.

Online pass is a b****, but if 5 extra bucks is all that takes for EA and other companies to shut up then I'm OK with it. Not being able to play used games, however, represents a serious hurdle.

If buying games become too inconvinient, people will just stop buying 'em altogether.

imagine u got a game u wanna play over your friends house. like streetfighter.
and guess what? u cant play it over there cause it has to be on your ps3. if this is really the case my dear sega friend, then i will stop buying sony stuff.

like u said in name of fighting piracy i can understand the measures. but this is going a step to far

Offline Emmett The Crab

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Re: Sony patents tech to block second Second-Hand Games
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2013, 01:28:48 am »
If Sony does this and the competetors don't, they will start that genreation giving the competition a hige advantage.  Really stupid.

Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: Sony patents tech to block second Second-Hand Games
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2013, 09:03:15 am »
Pretty sure this was said to just be Sony patenting something for the sake of protecting the tech, and that they probably wouldn't implement it. But if another company does, Sony could sue or at least make things difficult for them.

Offline nuckles87

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Re: Sony patents tech to block second Second-Hand Games
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2013, 05:23:18 pm »
I can't imagine such a thing going over well with gamers or retailers. It would destroy Gamefly's business, make it significantly more difficult for GameStop to make a profit, and severely hurt the value of games in the eyes of gamers. All this would do is make gamers even more cautious with their purchases, unless game companies become willing to sell their games for a significantly cheaper price.