Author Topic: Aliens: Colonial Marines  (Read 123210 times)

Offline Radrappy

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Re: Aliens: Colonial Marines
« Reply #105 on: February 17, 2013, 09:19:40 pm »
I have to say I hate metacritic. You are saying "I say this game is blah, due to what these people say". I'll tell you that you should really just PLAY Binary Domain for yourself. The game has likable characters, good shooting, great pace and a neat concept behind it. It has that sci-fi touch and the likable Japanese anime type personalities with some of the characters.

I did play and beat BD.  75/100 is not an unfair score for the game.  I might have scored it slightly higher personally (probably a high 7 or low 8 ) but I never saw what reviewers were giving it and screamed bloody murder.

If we're talking about the critical reception of something, I'm not sure what else to cite other than meta critic.  Game rankings? 

Is it looking like we'll see our first "D" grade at SEGAbits, George?

I've considered reviewing Sonic '06, if only so people can see what our "F" looks like.

given that you've mentioned having missed the whole 06 debacle, I would be extremely interested in this. 
« Last Edit: February 17, 2013, 09:21:27 pm by Radrappy »

Offline DJaw

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Re: Aliens: Colonial Marines
« Reply #106 on: February 17, 2013, 10:59:17 pm »
All I will say is that this game is Nintendo fault. There is no other way. Nintendo not involved this game would be good

Admin Edit: Please don't refer to Nintendo with derogatory names, thanks. Next time it's a warning, you've already done this in another topic. There is way's to express your disdain for Nintendo without using derogatory names
« Last Edit: February 17, 2013, 11:57:04 pm by Will »

Offline George

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Re: Aliens: Colonial Marines
« Reply #107 on: February 17, 2013, 11:25:37 pm »
Nintendo has nothing to do with Aliens: Colonial Marines.

Rappy, I don't mind people disagreeing with me on a game or anything. I just rather hear what you disliked personally that made it a 7-8, instead of saying "Well, IGN says its 8/10 so its not as good as X game."

Personally I rather play Binary Domain than Gears of War, but that is personal. I know Gears has better shooting, but I thought Binary Domain was a great entry to a new IP. A sequel that built on that would and could be a AAA title.

Good example: Borderlands was a pretty alright game, 2 did everything a ton better and got way better sales/scores.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2013, 11:27:51 pm by George »

Offline Radrappy

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Re: Aliens: Colonial Marines
« Reply #108 on: February 17, 2013, 11:31:33 pm »
Nintendo has nothing to do with Aliens: Colonial Marines.

Rappy, I don't mind people disagreeing with me on a game or anything. I just rather hear what you disliked personally that made it a 7-8, instead of saying "Well, IGN says its 8/10 so its not as good as X game."

Personally I rather play Binary Domain than Gears of War, but that is personal. I know Gears has better shooting, but I thought Binary Domain was a great entry to a new IP. A sequel that built on that would and could be a AAA title.

Good example: Borderlands was a pretty alright game, 2 did everything a ton better and got way better sales/scores.

Noted.  But that would be for a discussion on the merits of BD.  This specific discussion was about the game's reception and whether or not there is a legitimate media bias against Sega.  I see no harm in referencing a review aggregate site in this context. 

Offline George

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Re: Aliens: Colonial Marines
« Reply #109 on: February 17, 2013, 11:48:38 pm »
Well enough, I don't think many people are biased against SEGA. I think Valkyria Chronicles, Yakuza franchise and Binary Domain proved that.

Though I think most reviewers are too harsh on Sonic and some expect it to live up to Mario Galaxy, when its not what Sonic is about.

Offline Shigs

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Re: Aliens: Colonial Marines
« Reply #110 on: February 18, 2013, 12:27:41 am »
I just resumed a campaign and had...NOTHING in my hand. XD My hands were set like they had a pulse rifle in them, but they were empty and I couldn't fire. I could switch to shotgun and then back to empty hands. I got video of this too. (I'll be posting it later.)

BTW, from experimenting with that, I did find out by accident that holding the weapon switching button (y or ^) does bring up and extra cursor where you can switch to other weapons I thought I could only use in multiplayer! I'm almost done with the campaign and I could've used a completely different weapon this whole time.
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Offline Chaosmaster8753

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Re: Aliens: Colonial Marines
« Reply #111 on: February 18, 2013, 12:45:26 am »
Other big games like Resident Evil online(remember that one?) didn't get this type of treatment but all of a sudden were getting this big shitstorm over this game. I wonder why. Nothing to do with who's publishing the game then.

I'm pretty sure people were expecting Operation Raccoon City to end up sucking given that it's a side game developed by a Western developer with an average history. Also, highly hyped games not published by SEGA get outrage ALL the time. Remember Mass Effect 3, Diablo 3, DmC, Street Fighter x Tekken, etc?

I'm sorry but there's no excuse in what is essentially an over reaction to a bad game.

I dunno, maybe it could also be that the game is worse looking and performing than a DEMO, being able to erase save files on the 360 by resetting the system cache, being hyped for 6 years, being tied to one of the most iconic sci-fi/horror series out there, some possible shady development works, etc.

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: Aliens: Colonial Marines
« Reply #112 on: February 18, 2013, 02:46:25 am »
Wait, Joe, are you saying RE6 didn't get a shit-storm?

Man that game got shat on from sky-scrapers, and deservedly so, it was the worst fucking game I've played in years. Yes, this time I was silly enough to buy it and it was atrocious. That game got slammed by everyone too, and if we were on CapcomBits we'd probably have seen all that backlash as much as we are about this abomination.

Offline pirovash88

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Re: Aliens: Colonial Marines
« Reply #113 on: February 18, 2013, 03:07:01 am »
It's really a shame that this game turned out to be horrible. As a fan of the AvP game, I was planning on purchasingthis game, until I heard and read some of the terrible reviews. Game should never have been outsourced.
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Offline George

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Re: Aliens: Colonial Marines
« Reply #114 on: February 18, 2013, 03:43:40 am »
OH its very bad. I'm working on our first video review for this and I feel bad capturing footage because it means I have to replay sections.

Offline Aki-at

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Re: Aliens: Colonial Marines
« Reply #115 on: February 18, 2013, 04:21:59 am »
Because Binary Domain's reception was hardly enough to raise any eyebrows.  Its critical average on metacritic hovers around a 75/100 which to me, is a solid to tepid reception that you would have a hard time using as evidence of some kind of media bias.  Was it slightly underrated?  Maybe a little.  But nothing that screams bias.  I mean, sonic colors and generations were reviewed pretty favorably by most gaming outlets so how does that factor into your suspicions? 

You did not read the rest of my post did you?

The general idea is most European outlets grew up on SEGA's consoles, therefore they have a stronger attachment to the SEGA brand. Whilst Americans grew up on Nintendo's consoles, therefore they have a stronger attachment to the Nintendo brand. Likewise there is a general bias against Japanese video games, or ignorance, by the Western media to prove their titles are superior to Japan.

And using Metacritic is hardly a fair indication of anything because EDGE's 7 will be different from a IGN 7.

Offline ROJM

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Re: Aliens: Colonial Marines
« Reply #116 on: February 18, 2013, 04:31:51 am »
Well I can't speak for people "attacking" those who liked the game, I personally haven't done that and won't do that.
Good for you.

That said, I don't see anything wrong with people being angry that a game we were looking forward to has turned out to be such a mess. Dude I don't have to play the game, I can watch videos of it and see that it was clearly a rushed effort that does not deserve my $60. The AI on the enemies is utterly laughable and frankly has been outdone by the AI in N64 titles. It's totally inexcusable.

Yet you haven't played it right? I haven't played it so i don't know if the game will truly suck or not. There are other ways to play a game without fully purchasing the title you know.Renting is one of them.All you are doing is repeating what other people are saying and then getting into a fuss over it. I'm not a sheep, i'd perfer to see if i like it or not. Not what other people dictate to me.

You do realize that people have been anticipating this game for YEARS, right? This was supposed to be a cannon sequel to Aliens, known by many as one of the best science fiction films of all time...

No need to shout. Anticipation is different from Sega purposely marketing it to the masses. All sega has done with this title is announce when they signed the license,announce the title with GBX and announce release dates. GBX was mainly hyping the title during the 7 year period, and most of the hype stems from their reputation. If it hasn't lived up to it then fair enough but the outrage now is going overboard and even you have to admit that. Like i said there's been many titles that people have anticipated for years and that's come out like shit yet people haven't over reacted like they are doing now.
Again, people have to actually know that the game exists to be able to make a fuss about it.

Again learn to read.
Here is what i actually said....
To me what people should have been angry and kicking up a fuss about is the way BINARY DOMAIN has been treated by sega.
You see Ben, i didn't say it wasn't sega's fault so your last remark doesn't make sense. from what i said the scandal is the fact that Sega didn't market it. And this was a title that many Sega fans knew about and wanted to see it succeed. Yet Sega didn't even bother with anything to promote it and that was scandoulous. GOLDEN AXE BEAST RIDER got more media coverage from sega than BD did. but i don't see people tearing down the walls over that. 

Offline ROJM

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Re: Aliens: Colonial Marines
« Reply #117 on: February 18, 2013, 04:36:44 am »
I'm pretty sure people were expecting Operation Raccoon City to end up sucking given that it's a side game developed by a Western developer with an average history. Also, highly hyped games not published by SEGA get outrage ALL the time. Remember Mass Effect 3, Diablo 3, DmC, Street Fighter x Tekken, etc?

I dunno, maybe it could also be that the game is worse looking and performing than a DEMO, being able to erase save files on the 360 by resetting the system cache, being hyped for 6 years, being tied to one of the most iconic sci-fi/horror series out there, some possible shady development works, etc.

Oh yes there is something going on and GBX and Sega has something to answer for. I can understand the outrage if someone brought the game and was expecting more. But the majority of the people complaining haven't brought it. The people that have oddly enough aren't smashing down the walls with pure venom spitting death to GBX and Sega. Anyone that has played it i've noticed is a subduded tone in commenting whether the game was good or bad. We have had two people here that confirmed that they played it and both have different opinions. But both didn't say it was brilliant or anything. One said it was good, the other said it was bad/terrible. Both to me sounded subduded about it which you can tell that they are dissapointed. but both aren't shouting the odds either. Obviously they wanted a whole lot better than they got. But they will be the people i'd expect to really be pissed because they've payed for it/played it.

I wasn't trying to take anything back, the game is still a piece of garbage...
Again learn to read. If you don't like people insulting you, don't do it to others. And i wouldn't know if the game is garbage because i haven't played it, just like you. Unlike you however i don't behave like a lemming and take what people say as bible.

Wait, Joe, are you saying RE6 didn't get a shit-storm?
Man that game got shat on from sky-scrapers, and deservedly so, it was the worst fucking game I've played in years. Yes, this time I was silly enough to buy it and it was atrocious. That game got slammed by everyone too, and if we were on CapcomBits we'd probably have seen all that backlash as much as we are about this abomination.
Yawn, I never said that no other game had a shitstorm. ::) I said that this shitstorm is worse than anything i've seen for years and what makes it worse is that no one apart from a few people have played it. I dont remeber any game getting slammed like this. So stop twisting my words just to fit your agenda.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2013, 05:26:13 am by ROJM »

Offline ROJM

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Re: Aliens: Colonial Marines
« Reply #118 on: February 18, 2013, 04:49:45 am »
You did not read the rest of my post did you?

The general idea is most European outlets grew up on SEGA's consoles, therefore they have a stronger attachment to the SEGA brand. Whilst Americans grew up on Nintendo's consoles, therefore they have a stronger attachment to the Nintendo brand. Likewise there is a general bias against Japanese video games, or ignorance, by the Western media to prove their titles are superior to Japan.

And using Metacritic is hardly a fair indication of anything because EDGE's 7 will be different from a IGN 7.

Yes, but metacritic is supposed to take all the reviews from different publications and use it as a percentage as an overall score. Its more or less a guide rather than an opinion which is different from independent magazines like Edge, Famitsu or whoever that obviously have different score ratings.

As for the bias, I'm suprised there are people in this forum that are unaware of it. From my time in Sega nerds to Sega bits down the years we have seen some sort of media reviwer bias against Sega. How many games have we seen get marked down because it happened to be from sega? Or a game that was bad but made to be worse because it was from sega. geez i remeber there was an incident over at the old Sega nerds site where most of the regular posters led by the staff thee at the time having to defend the sites honour against some zealot who was taking potshots at Sega and then decided to turn their bile against Sega nerds. So people who says there isn't any anti sega sentiment out there is living in cloud cuckoo land. From the years of the media bias of seperate the truly bad games from sega from the games that are just average or brilliant. I'm sure ACM isn't a great game but this shitstorm has been created and led by certain media outlets thsat want to lead pitchforks and torches at sega's door.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2013, 05:07:20 am by ROJM »

Offline Aki-at

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Re: Aliens: Colonial Marines
« Reply #119 on: February 18, 2013, 05:15:31 am »
Aliens: Colonial Marines is the number one title in the UK and the biggest launch (Ahead of DmC, Ni No Kuni and Dead Space 3) this year.

It sold worse than SEGA's AvP in 2010 so I guess that is something... If only Valkyria Chronicles was called Aliens Chronicles, or Aliens Domain, or Yakuza: Alien Souls.