Author Topic: Aliens: Colonial Marines  (Read 123267 times)

Offline ROJM

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Re: Aliens: Colonial Marines
« Reply #120 on: February 18, 2013, 05:22:36 am »
Aliens: Colonial Marines is the number one title in the UK and the biggest launch (Ahead of DmC, Ni No Kuni and Dead Space 3) this year.

It sold worse than SEGA's AvP in 2010 so I guess that is something...
And the anti Sega brigade's work is done. let's just expect ALIEN from Creative Assembly turns out to be more of a decent game and get treated better. But history is against it. :(
« Last Edit: February 18, 2013, 05:27:21 am by ROJM »

Offline George

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Re: Aliens: Colonial Marines
« Reply #121 on: February 18, 2013, 05:51:08 am »
ROJM, I just beat Aliens. Trust me, it sucks.

Going to work on a pretty decent video review. Hopefully its good enough.

Offline max_cady

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Re: Aliens: Colonial Marines
« Reply #122 on: February 18, 2013, 08:17:21 am »
We'll be lookin' foward to it.  ;)

Offline ROJM

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Re: Aliens: Colonial Marines
« Reply #123 on: February 18, 2013, 08:27:22 am »
ROJM, I just beat Aliens. Trust me, it sucks.

Going to work on a pretty decent video review. Hopefully its good enough.
George i didn't say it was good or bad, I just haven't played it yet to make a judgement. I can trust your opinion because you have played it. Also you haven't gone around ranting and raving about how its failed to live up to expectations, and if you paid for this game you would have every right to do so. But people who haven't played it who are ranting and raving about how bad it is, i cannot and will not take seriously, especially when its fuelled by some aspects by an anti Sega  section of the games media. Like i said there is obvious something to answer for but i feel that the reaction by the media with people who haven't played it has gone a bit overboard.

Offline thearcticsea

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Re: Aliens: Colonial Marines
« Reply #124 on: February 18, 2013, 10:30:56 am »
There is no anti-sega agenda. The company you love simply sucks 50% of the time and people call it like it is.

Sega comes out with two shit games to every one brilliant one. I think it's time we acknowledge this?

For every Valkyria Chronicles there are two Daisy Fuentes Pilates.

Offline ROJM

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Re: Aliens: Colonial Marines
« Reply #125 on: February 18, 2013, 11:38:10 am »
There is no anti-sega agenda. The company you love simply sucks 50% of the time and people call it like it is.

Sega comes out with two shit games to every one brilliant one. I think it's time we acknowledge this?

For every Valkyria Chronicles there are two Daisy Fuentes Pilates.

And you clearly have no clue what you're on about. Older members in this forum have seen the bias from time to time for over a decade.

Offline Shigs

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Re: Aliens: Colonial Marines
« Reply #126 on: February 18, 2013, 12:01:20 pm »

Can't fight Aliens without a gun. Another odd glitch.

I will give them point for realism. You can't fire in this mode.
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Offline ROJM

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Offline Team Andromeda

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Re: Aliens: Colonial Marines
« Reply #128 on: February 18, 2013, 12:47:26 pm »
There is no anti-sega agenda. The company you love simply sucks 50% of the time and people call it like it is.

Sega comes out with two shit games to every one brilliant one. I think it's time we acknowledge this?

For every Valkyria Chronicles there are two Daisy Fuentes Pilates.

There is to a point. Far too many slag off SEGA games with out playing them, more so when it comes to SONIC.

Look Aliens isn't great and I speak as the sucker that spent £70 on the Limited Ed , but I've seen some give it a 1 out of 10 and its far from that bad . Its bad, but it does have half decent moments
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Offline Ben

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Re: Aliens: Colonial Marines
« Reply #129 on: February 18, 2013, 01:05:11 pm »
The general idea is most European outlets grew up on SEGA's consoles, therefore they have a stronger attachment to the SEGA brand. Whilst Americans grew up on Nintendo's consoles, therefore they have a stronger attachment to the Nintendo brand. Likewise there is a general bias against Japanese video games, or ignorance, by the Western media to prove their titles are superior to Japan.

I think that's a bit of a stretch....I think generally people in the West prefer Western games because they're developed more to Western tastes. I doubt your average game lover who got a job reviewing games cares about "proving their superiority to Japan," especially after likely growing up on Japanese games. 

Japanese games get excellent reviews all the time. Dark Souls is one of the recent ones but there are many others. Fire Emblem: Awakening has gotten near universal acclaim, just like Valkyria Chronicles did.

It sold worse than SEGA's AvP in 2010 so I guess that is something... If only Valkyria Chronicles was called Aliens Chronicles, or Aliens Domain, or Yakuza: Alien Souls.

Or, if those games were graced with even a fraction of the marketing that this one was...

Yet you haven't played it right? I haven't played it so i don't know if the game will truly suck or not. There are other ways to play a game without fully purchasing the title you know.Renting is one of them.

If I could walk on over to my local Blockbuster and rent the game I would have, but ....sadly, Blockbuster doesn't exist anymore (or hardly) making it very difficult to rent a game these days, outside of signing up for Gamefly, which wouldn't be worth it to me because of my general dislike for renting games. (Developers don't get the $$ for it.)

All you are doing is repeating what other people are saying and then getting into a fuss over it. I'm not a sheep, i'd perfer to see if i like it or not. Not what other people dictate to me.

Well, alright then, lol. I have no issue with that. You're free to play as many bad games as you'd like. My point is that I don't think you can tell us that we have "no right" to call a game bad when it's clearly a bad game.

You are reminding me of those who defended Sonic '06 and called those of us who at the time refused to play it as being jugmental or "unfair." Dude we don't live in the early 90s anymore, we have broadband internet, haha; it's far easier to tell if a game will be to our liking or not. You don't have to "play" a game to see, "hey, maybe this game's not for me." And overwhelmingly, those who HAVE played the game, have agreed.

Life's too short to waste it (and $$) to play bad games just to win "message board points" and the ability to discuss the games.

No need to shout. Anticipation is different from Sega purposely marketing it to the masses. All sega has done with this title is announce when they signed the license,announce the title with GBX and announce release dates. GBX was mainly hyping the title during the 7 year period, and most of the hype stems from their reputation. If it hasn't lived up to it then fair enough but the outrage now is going overboard and even you have to admit that. Like i said there's been many titles that people have anticipated for years and that's come out like shit yet people haven't over reacted like they are doing now.

Not shouting, emphasizing. And Sega has sponsored video playthroughs with major journalism sites, they've promoted the game, they demoed the game at trade shows, ...what do you mean Sega has done little to market the game? If the game's gotten attention it's been because of the marketing and the license. Gearbox is a developer, they don't handle the marketing.

but the outrage now is going overboard and even you have to admit that. Like i said there's been many titles that people have anticipated for years and that's come out like shit yet people haven't over reacted like they are doing now.

What you're saying just isn't the truth. The backlash towards Mass Effect 3's ending was a shitstorm that Colonial Marines' backlash isn't even touching.........and Mass Effect 3 was widely regarded as a great game with a "bad ending." But it got slammed. The new DmC game, again, a good game, but one slammed by the fanbase. RE6....major backlash as well. Backlash from disappointed fans is common among anticipated games, dude. There's nothing special happening here except that Sega rarely releases an anticipated game. ("Anticipated" meaning outside of a small fanbase.) Pretty much, the Yakuza fanbase (another incredibly small group) cared about Binary Domain, nobody else seemed to know or want to know.

You see Ben, i didn't say it wasn't sega's fault so your last remark doesn't make sense. from what i said the scandal is the fact that Sega didn't market it. And this was a title that many Sega fans knew about and wanted to see it succeed.

I'm...not sure what you're saying, to be honest. There was no "scandal" surrounding Binary Domain's marketing, outside of a few people on Sega sites complaining about it. By and large, the game was marketed terribly but people didn't seem to care about it. We posted articles about the game. Whenever Sega released a trailer or new information we posted it on our homepage. For the most part, our readers had no interest in the game. Our articles got no response and people just blew the game off as a "generic" TPS.

So I'm not sure where you're getting the idea that the Sega community wanted the game to succeed. Most Sega fans I saw, both on here and elsewhere, couldn't get past the Western character designs and refused even to play the game....letalone complain about its treatment by Sega. Nobody cared because nobody was interested in the game. Unfortunately, because it was a good game.

I can understand the outrage if someone brought the game and was expecting more. But the majority of the people complaining haven't brought it.

That's because people don't want to buy a bad game. They're horribly disappointed because they wanted to buy it and wanted it to be good.

But, people don't have money to spend on bad games.

Anyone that has played it i've noticed is a subduded tone in commenting whether the game was good or bad.

Probably because those who went out and bought it knowing how bad it was are die-hard fans (of either Sega or Aliens) who are determined to see the good in the game no matter what. But even their tepid thoughts on the game kinda say it all.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2013, 01:17:09 pm by Ben »

Offline Aki-at

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Re: Aliens: Colonial Marines
« Reply #130 on: February 18, 2013, 02:52:17 pm »
I think that's a bit of a stretch....I think generally people in the West prefer Western games because they're developed more to Western tastes. I doubt your average game lover who got a job reviewing games cares about "proving their superiority to Japan," especially after likely growing up on Japanese games. 

Japanese games get excellent reviews all the time. Dark Souls is one of the recent ones but there are many others. Fire Emblem: Awakening has gotten near universal acclaim, just like Valkyria Chronicles did.

But they would try to push their own preference onto their articles/reviews from time to time. A bit like how IGN had that football manager review and lambasted the game because it was nothing like FIFA or Pro Evo. I would not exactly think it's too much of a stretch, for example look at EDGE, whilst they usually are often quite strict, get a British developer behind it and they would show some sort of leniency towards the title.

Or, if those games were graced with even a fraction of the marketing that this one was...

You didn't get my stealth troll at SEGA Europe/America, did you? :(

Offline crackdude

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Re: Aliens: Colonial Marines
« Reply #131 on: February 18, 2013, 03:16:26 pm »
I saw Angry Joe's video review.
I'm not a fan of his, but the dude hands out honest opinions.

His video made realize that reviews are truly bullshit. He is an Aliens fan, and it shows. He didn't bash the game just fucking because, he gave it a chance but ultimately was disappointed.

Myself, I'm not an Aliens fan, but I enjoy the movies. And quite honestly, he kinda sold the game to me.

I'm going the Joe way, I will only form opinions on games after I play them. Fuck reviews.

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: Aliens: Colonial Marines
« Reply #132 on: February 18, 2013, 03:44:32 pm »
There is no anti-sega agenda. The company you love simply sucks 50% of the time and people call it like it is.

Sega comes out with two shit games to every one brilliant one. I think it's time we acknowledge this?

For every Valkyria Chronicles there are two Daisy Fuentes Pilates.

The fucking truth.

Offline Ben

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Re: Aliens: Colonial Marines
« Reply #133 on: February 18, 2013, 03:49:36 pm »
But they would try to push their own preference onto their articles/reviews from time to time. A bit like how IGN had that football manager review and lambasted the game because it was nothing like FIFA or Pro Evo. I would not exactly think it's too much of a stretch, for example look at EDGE, whilst they usually are often quite strict, get a British developer behind it and they would show some sort of leniency towards the title.

On a small scale, sure, but again, I think the Fifa thing is more about preference....people in America by and large aren't as interested in soccer (though FIFA does quite well) so they prefer the FIFA experience, as it's more accessible. Again, I don't think this is some sort of "America vs the UK" thing, lol, I just think that Americans tend to prefer FIFA to Football Manager.

Anyway, Western developers are all over the place; some are from the UK, some America, some Canada and France....Even amongst Western games there's preferences, I don't think there's some sort of nationality thing going on here.


You didn't get my stealth troll at SEGA Europe/America, did you?

lol yeah I did. But I wanted to add that if Sega had marketed their other titles they may have done better, even without the Alien name.

Here's a scary thought; how much better could Colonial Marines have done (it's already doing well in the UK) if it were actually good?

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: Aliens: Colonial Marines
« Reply #134 on: February 18, 2013, 04:09:00 pm »
Again learn to read. If you don't like people insulting you, don't do it to others. And i wouldn't know if the game is garbage because i haven't played it, just like you. Unlike you however i don't behave like a lemming and take what people say as bible.

Yawn, I never said that no other game had a shitstorm. ::) I said that this shitstorm is worse than anything i've seen for years and what makes it worse is that no one apart from a few people have played it. I dont remeber any game getting slammed like this. So stop twisting my words just to fit your agenda.

First of all, I wasn't intending to insult anyone (apart from Gearbox and Sega). I had a jab at Semmie at first, but that was more in jest. Sorry if I offended you.

Also, you realise I'm not just going off of reviews. Based on gameplay vids and information about the game, I can see it's sub-par. I can see the bad graphics, bad gameplay, hear about all the bad glitches and retarded storyline.

There are games out there that have had good reviews but I still have no intention of playing them, like Sonic 4 and Sonic Colours. I actually have played Sonic colours and found it to be pretty mundane and didn't bother sticking past the second level or so.

I also disagree that this shitstorm is worse than anything in years. Do you follow other developers and genres to the extent you follow Sega? If you only really follow Sega it'll seem like the biggest thing ever, but really it's about on par with the backlash against stuff like Resi 6, DmC and Sleep Fighter X Tekken a Nap (AKA Jab x Timeout, AKA The worst fighting game ever created).