Author Topic: Aliens: Colonial Marines  (Read 123212 times)

Offline Ben

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Re: Aliens: Colonial Marines
« Reply #180 on: February 20, 2013, 12:06:06 pm »
Bad story? LOL. You came to that conclusion from a review of a game you haven't played? Come on. And patches can improve the game from the state its in now so let's not get carried away that its beyond saving.

Again dude I've seen VIDEOS OF THE CUTSCENES, lol. This is bad storytelling/writing/everything. It can't be fixed in a patch.

Again, my point from earlier; that you were able to enjoy the story is largely irrelevant when the majority of Aliens fans seem to hate it.

Actually the reception has been mixed. The critics have mostly negative reviews with a few positives. The gamer reviews is split between negative and positive. So that isn't a general concensus of people hating the game, a bit suprised really myself but then again these are from people who have played the game.

Where are the positive reviews?

I'm just a little confused as to where this is mixed in ANY fashion; you are the first person I've seen defend this game.

Rubbish and you know it. No one was turned off by the title.

People were turned off from the minute the first trailer hit and they started complaining about Americanized character designs and bad dialogue.

funny the two people shouting about a game they haven't played agrees with one another. what a bloody suprise.

I don't have to play CM to know that it has not connected with its audience nor has it been well-received. I don't need to play the game to know that Sega can not continue putting out games like this. We are in an industry where 1 game can ruin a company. Sega has to tread carefully.

Offline ROJM

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Re: Aliens: Colonial Marines
« Reply #181 on: February 20, 2013, 12:07:56 pm »
So it holds the number one formats position in UK and Germany (Europe's 1st and 2nd biggest gaming markets respectively) whilst the French charts is out next week. Be interested to know what hold the game will have, if any, next week.

Regardless of quality, ladies and gentlemen...

As i eluded to in a previous post, pages back, It wont affect the people who aren't regular game nuts or the hardcore Aliens fans who were always going to buy the game. It depends on how much of a drop off this game will have in the chart which would indicate how much regular gamers are supporting the title. Also it will be more intresting where ACM debuts in the american monthly game charts next month.

Offline ROJM

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Re: Aliens: Colonial Marines
« Reply #182 on: February 20, 2013, 12:45:13 pm »
Again dude I've seen VIDEOS OF THE CUTSCENES, lol. This is bad storytelling/writing/everything. It can't be fixed in a patch.

Talking to someone who hasn't played the game I'll wont take your word for it.
Again, my point from earlier; that you were able to enjoy the story is largely irrelevant when the majority of Aliens fans seem to hate it.
Where are the positive reviews?


1. Amazon's review section is known to be faulty mainly because its had several cases where people have put fake reviews on numourous occassions to promote or sabotage a product.
Second: Using the PC section of reviews on metacritic doesn't prove your point either. Show me where that whole data is collected overall to see if the score is in the negatives or positives. At the moment from what i've seen its in the middle. But that will probably change as more people play it. Again this is a silly and desperate ploy from someone who lost the argument several posts back.

I'm just a little confused as to where this is mixed in ANY fashion; you are the first person I've seen defend this game.

Im not defending the game you silly little man. For gods sake. I'm not going to judge a title without playing the game. I've said that constantly. This is what i'm talking about that pisses me off. This current crop of gamers who jump to stupid and idiotic conclusions without even giving the game a try. Why the hell should I take you seriously? The only people who are even agreeing with you are people who have also made sweeping genralisations over sega and there current form of game quality, when they've released several great games in a four year period. Just because some one doesn't go with the status quo they are suddenly per,ceived to be defending the title or saying its good. Grow up. We have had more sensible heads giving out the reasoning about this game and whether one should play it before judging. Jesus Christ.
People were turned off from the minute the first trailer hit and they started complaining about Americanized character designs and bad dialogue.

Yes you did a scientic study on everyone to know what you just said is a fact. Dont be ridiculous.

I don't have to play CM

Then shut up about it.
to know that it has not connected with its audience nor has it been well-received. I don't need to play the game to know that Sega can not continue putting out games like this. We are in an industry where 1 game can ruin a company. Sega has to tread carefully.

What? A flawed unfinished game or a game which is bad gameplay? By your scientific study of not playing it. If it hasn't connected with its audience then no one would have brought the game let alone get it to number one. Now i'm finished with this discussion as far as you are concerned.

« Last Edit: February 20, 2013, 12:49:38 pm by ROJM »

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: Aliens: Colonial Marines
« Reply #183 on: February 20, 2013, 02:03:36 pm »
My friend played it and didn't like it, and he even liked Kane & Lynch 2. GGs Sega, no re.

Offline CrazyT

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Re: Aliens: Colonial Marines
« Reply #184 on: February 20, 2013, 02:06:51 pm »
All things considered, I find Yakuza to be pretty impressive for an annual franchise.

Allstars Racing Transformed took 2 1/2 years to make and was already based on a game that was already a pretty run-in-the-mill kart racer. I love the game, but IMO Sumo under their circumstances didn't do an outstanding job compared to other Developers.

And also, I find Sega to shine among other Japanese (publishers).
Compare PSO2 to FXIV
Compare RE6 to Binary Domain
Sonic is pretty much the only noteworthy plattformer to come out besides Mario in Japan.

Sega is I would say is still above the likes of Capcom, Namco, Konami etc., but go alongside of Nintendo and Platinum Games.

I'll defenitly give ya that SEGA hasn't neared anywhere some of the other games you've named. But what irks me about yakuza mainly is that it's starting to feel like a cashcow as well. Even if that may not really be the case and they are pushing themselves, it's standing still and could have had so much potential becoming great globally like Aki said. But they chose the easy way and decided to apeal to the mass audience of japan. Not changing too much about the mechanics because they're probably fine according to the standards there. And everyone knows that the casuals over there likes dancing games so they added haruka's campaign to cater to that part as well. The series has never had a major audience outside of japan, but the few it attracted were most likely attracted because of the story, action and overall great atmosphere of the yakuza world. That's what they should've focused upon imo. Wonder if it's even gonna get a release here in the west...

About sonic racing transformed. I'll give ya that it's development took longer than the average but you gotta realise it's nothing like the previous game. Total new engine with the addition of 3 different physics all feeling polished to the extent where t couldn't get any better. And even when they've been done developing, still in contact with the fans about bugs fixes. I don't know who is actually part of the sonic racing community on steam, but look at this

All the sticky threads is S0L communicating with us and there's still patches coming out each several days. I actually played a few matches with S0L and it was great.

It's hard to think any japanese dev team couldve achieved what Sumo has. But then again, Sumo isn't really part of SEGA, but i can say without a doubt they loved working on the game just as much as we love SEGA here.

I'm surprised you add Sonic Racing 2 has a lot of passion put into it but neither of those titles do whilst I'm the opposite (Minus PSO2) on the matter heh.
Most titles from SEGA west, despite less to little activity over here, are the only ones i genuinly felt were games I ended playing more than I expected. Spiral knights still has a lot to grow but I think it's a very underapreciated SEGA game(by sega fans) and PSO2 could learn a thing or 2 from it. Having said that, i'm glad PSO2 is a huge succes though
Sadly this happens the world over, for recent examples, see FUSE. People at the top of the company who are only interested in making money barking orders to the lower management.
Yea I think you have a good point here. Look at what's happened to dead space or DmC.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2013, 03:14:59 pm by CrazyTails »

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Re: Aliens: Colonial Marines
« Reply #185 on: February 20, 2013, 03:08:52 pm »

Offline Ben

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Re: Aliens: Colonial Marines
« Reply #186 on: February 20, 2013, 10:56:35 pm »
1. Amazon's review section is known to be faulty mainly because its had several cases where people have put fake reviews on numourous occassions to promote or sabotage a product.

When that happens the site is bombed by hundreds and hundreds of reviews in a short period of time. Aliens only has around 99 reviews, which is a decent amount but not one that suggests a widespread review bombing.

Im not defending the game you silly little man. For gods sake. I'm not going to judge a title without playing the game. I've said that constantly. This is what i'm talking about that pisses me off. This current crop of gamers who jump to stupid and idiotic conclusions without even giving the game a try. Why the hell should I take you seriously? The only people who are even agreeing with you are people who have also made sweeping genralisations over sega and there current form of game quality, when they've released several great games in a four year period. Just because some one doesn't go with the status quo they are suddenly per,ceived to be defending the title or saying its good. Grow up. We have had more sensible heads giving out the reasoning about this game and whether one should play it before judging. Jesus Christ.

lol I stopped taking you seriously when you started crying over this game like it was a sir are the one who needs to grow up. We're here to discuss video games. We're here to discuss Sega. Sega has published a game that has been trashed. That is a bad thing. That is all I am saying and I don't have to have played the game to say that. Sega can not continue to release products that people do not like.

Yes you did a scientic study on everyone to know what you just said is a fact. Dont be ridiculous.

Better than your scientific study that says gamers everywhere are loving Colonial Marines and that everyone who doesn't is on a mission to destroy Sega and all you hold dear.

If it hasn't connected with its audience then no one would have brought the game let alone get it to number one.

People bought the game thinking it would be good. Sales will crash in week 2, mark my words.

Now i'm finished with this discussion as far as you are concerned.

Probably for the best, I'd hate for you to get even angrier and break something.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2013, 10:58:11 pm by Ben »

Offline mylifewithsega

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Re: Aliens: Colonial Marines
« Reply #187 on: February 21, 2013, 12:00:54 am »
Well, I finally replaced my PS3 and purchased Aliens: Colonial Marines. Speaking as a huge fan of the Alien franchise, as well as Aliens vs Predator (Developed by Rebellion, Published by SEGA), this game is a mixed bag. The gameplay's okay, but somewhat bland. Visually and aurally, it's a major disappointment; especially when you take into account how long it was in development. Enemy AI borders on braindead and killing xenomorphs isn't nearly as terrifying or thrilling as it is in AVP. For example, if I take out a xeno's legs, the slimy bastard will try to crawl towards me and attack my ankles. Reminds me very much of Binary Domain in that respect. If you set a xeno on fire - which looked fantastic, by the way - they'll run around in a panic, collapse to their knees and explode into an acidic mess....

With ACM, they'll perform a half-assed attempt at playing it stealth-like then rush into your bullets. The noise-seeking alien sequence was the only moment of fear I experienced. With AVP, it's almost constant. I was checking every corner before I entered the room. The xeno's in AVP would hide in the wall, much like they did in the processing plant in Aliens, and even let you pass so they could attack you from behind. If you started shooting up some nearby eggs, they'd attack you much faster. The critters were very clever and cunning. Hard to kill too. They take a lot of heat and moved very fast. I'm a damn good shot and these fuckers kept me on my toes.

ACM? Braindead. Weak and powerless even. I walked into a room, shot all of 'em and marched onward. Again, I'm fairly skilled with my PS3 controller, so blowing 'em to pieces took almost zero effort. After 5 minutes, I quit clearing rooms. I'll just walk in as if I'm in a hurry to find my car keys.

The pulse rifle is weird. When I hold on the trigger, I hear the same 4-burst sound sample repeat over and over. It doesn't sound like I'm spraying the room with 10mm explosive-tipped caseless. In AVP, there's no break in the audio when I hold the trigger down. Little details like that are important to me. Also, on my 5.1 surround setup, the audio in ACM sounds flat and doesn't make much of an attempt to surround you with atmosphere. With AVP, you're in the fuckin' environment. Excellent use of the sound channels there.

ACM's greatest offense is the story. It flies in the face of established continuity and doesn't care to thoroughly explain itself. 1) Alien Resurrection proved you can easily remove a chestburster without killing the host. Cut open the chest, cut the umbilicus, remove, sew up. DONE! According to ACM, it's like a weed the roots itself into every vital blah-blah-blah. Forgive me, but I'm calling bullshit. 2) Hicks is DEAD! DEAD! DEAD! Why would the company toss some half-wit into Hicks' cryotube, wearing his dogtags, only for some shit to go down and have 'em eject....just, oh fuck it. Even if that were the case, how could the company miss some egg hiding up in the rafters that eventually hatches, impregnates Ripley, sets off the alarm and shits 'em out on the prison colony? 3) 17 weeks? What happened? The Sulaco would have been considered overdue after 17 DAYS, according to the movie. Did the company send reports to the USCM, telling 'em everything was honky-dory the whole time? 4) Hadley's Hope - was fucking - NUKED! The plant blew, taking the complex with it. However, as it's shown in ACM, a 30 megaton blast just fucks up a wall or two....

Seriously, I could go on. I'll stop myself here, because quite honestly it's pissing me off the more I think about it. The gameplay isn't horrible. It is playable, though it's a dull experience. The story is what really kills this game for me, as well as the dated visuals and substandard audio. If it weren't for the name and my love of Aliens, I'd pawn it faster than you could say "game over, man!"

But that's just me.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2013, 12:10:53 am by mylifewithsega »
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Re: Aliens: Colonial Marines
« Reply #188 on: February 21, 2013, 02:19:33 am »
After everything that was said here and everywhere else, why did you still buy it? Morbid curiosity?

BTW, I traded my copy in already. Got about $40 in trade thanks to a promotion going on right now. Picked up Nin No Kuni. No regrets.

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Offline MadeManG74

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Re: Aliens: Colonial Marines
« Reply #189 on: February 21, 2013, 03:34:47 am »

Offline mylifewithsega

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Re: Aliens: Colonial Marines
« Reply #190 on: February 21, 2013, 04:04:32 am »
After everything that was said here and everywhere else, why did you still buy it? Morbid curiosity?

BTW, I traded my copy in already. Got about $40 in trade thanks to a promotion going on right now. Picked up Nin No Kuni. No regrets.

What kind of critic would I be if I didn't play it for myself? Besides, I love Aliens. It's the very same reason I suffered through Rob Zombie's Halloween remake, as well as it's atrocious sequel. Fandom can be rather painful.
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Re: Aliens: Colonial Marines
« Reply #191 on: February 21, 2013, 04:41:12 am »
The thing that made me the most piss is that the best online mode only has 2 fucking maps and they want to charge for more... which will be maps probably made up of assets from in the campaign. FFS SEGA, get it together. All DLC should be free IMO.

Offline ROJM

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Re: Aliens: Colonial Marines
« Reply #192 on: February 21, 2013, 06:36:44 am »
When that happens the site is bombed by hundreds and hundreds of reviews in a short period of time. Aliens only has around 99 reviews, which is a decent amount but not one that suggests a widespread review bombing.

Not one to suggest there isn't one either. Point is that site isn't credible. Just as credible as your meta critic link.

lol I stopped taking you seriously when you started crying over this game like it was a sir are the one who needs to grow up. We're here to discuss video games. We're here to discuss Sega. Sega has published a game that has been trashed. That is a bad thing. That is all I am saying and I don't have to have played the game to say that. Sega can not continue to release products that people do not like.
I'm not the one coming up with faulty premises to make a point or to prove one. I don't take people seriously who shout at people over not sharing their view of a game that they have never played. And trying to suggest someone is defending a game when they are not just because they question certain elements of that opposite view.

Better than your scientific study that says gamers everywhere are loving Colonial Marines and that everyone who doesn't is on a mission to destroy Sega and all you hold dear.
Learn to read properly, i said the reviews are mixed. Again a perfect example of the lack of intelligence of current gamers who has to generalize about someones stance if it isn't shared by them.
People bought the game thinking it would be good. Sales will crash in week 2, mark my words.

Not really because your words don't mean anything to me based on what you've said so far.

Probably for the best, I'd hate for you to get even angrier and break something.
I'm not the one shouting at people which you have done on more than one occasion.

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Re: Aliens: Colonial Marines
« Reply #193 on: February 21, 2013, 07:20:19 am »
After everything that was said here and everywhere else, why did you still buy it? Morbid curiosity?

BTW, I traded my copy in already. Got about $40 in trade thanks to a promotion going on right now. Picked up Nin No Kuni. No regrets.

NnK is amazing, but the battle mechanics are pretty off....why are your Specials cancelled when one of your allies uses a Special? I will never get that.
Big fan of Claymore, Miria in particular.

Currently playing Yakuza 0.

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Re: Aliens: Colonial Marines
« Reply #194 on: February 21, 2013, 12:28:42 pm »
I'm not the one coming up with faulty premises to make a point or to prove one. I don't take people seriously who shout at people over not sharing their view of a game that they have never played. And trying to suggest someone is defending a game when they are not just because they question certain elements of that opposite view.

I never said that your "view" of the game is correct, or incorrect. You must be confusing me with someone else. But you've been on the defensive and combatative for pages and pages now.

All that I have been doing is citing the major issues that people have with the game. The game got negative reviews. Negative. Not mixed. Reviews have been negative. "Mixed" is when there is just as much positive as there is negative. Sonic and the Secret Rings got "mixed reviews." Aliens: Colonial Marines has gotten negative reviews from both the press, the fans, and average gamers. People aren't (generally) happy with the final product that they've received. And if there are legions of people liking the game, they certainly aren't speaking up.

Dude if we had to play every single game we discussed on these forums then there would be no discussion here at all because people can't afford to do that. If you're rich then by all means send the rest of us $$ to buy the games if it bothers you so much.

I am not writing a review of this game. Obviously if I was I would have played it, as people look to a reviewer to have thoroughly played the game. I am a gamer on a message board discussing a game that has been universally trashed. I am under no obligation to play this game. I'm not even an Aliens fan, honestly. But I believed the hype and was eagerly anticipating the Wii U version of this game...which was delayed, thankfully. I would have bought it on Day 1 if it hadn't been, and you think I'd be singing a different tune if I paid $60 for this? No, if anything I'd be hating this game even more than I already am for what it will do to gamers' trust in Sega. It scares me to think that this is the first "Sega game" in many years for a lot of people who are buying it. Judging from their reactions, they were not impressed.

But I never once said that you were "wrong" for liking the plot. Or for liking the game. All I've said is that your opinion is in the distinct minority, from what I've seen.

And you have yet to provide me any examples of people loving this game, all you've done is tell me that my examples are "not to be taken seriously." Sorry but that's not a very compelling argument. Provide evidence to support your claims or stop trying to discuss this with me. (Like you threatened to do in your previous post.)

I'm not the one shouting at people which you have done on more than one occasion.

Are you still hung up on that? Take my advice and let it go............the big font was to emphasize a point; (I don't feel the Bold Text stands out particularly well against our site's background) It was not to "yell." I've already explained this to you once, you refuse to believe me. Why, I'm not sure. But I'm quickly losing interest in trying to find out. 

« Last Edit: February 21, 2013, 12:46:04 pm by Ben »