Author Topic: ''Oh, Yay, Another Mario Game.'' Step up to Playstation 2/20  (Read 43792 times)

Offline max_cady

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Re: ''Oh, Yay, Another Mario Game.'' Step up to Playstation 2/20
« Reply #30 on: February 20, 2013, 06:02:35 pm »
I'm kinda curious to see this conference, but I can't find a stream worth a damn right now...

Offline CrazyT

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Re: ''Oh, Yay, Another Mario Game.'' Step up to Playstation 2/20
« Reply #31 on: February 20, 2013, 06:28:03 pm »
So far it's been as I expected. Better hardware would result in more games trying to show its strength and take advantage of it. Meaning more detailed which can only be shown by realistic looking games instead of imaginitive. Not my kind of thing to be honest. I like to see more artistic, colorful and imaginitive games rather than realism. But that's just me. The only game so far that has showed that was  the first game shown by that crash bandicoot guy.

Also max, hope this works

Offline max_cady

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Re: ''Oh, Yay, Another Mario Game.'' Step up to Playstation 2/20
« Reply #32 on: February 20, 2013, 06:38:25 pm »
Thanks, dude, I'll go check it out!

From the Twitter feed, I'm guessing that a lot of people did not care much for polygon counts and I can understand that... we aren't in 1999 anymore.

Offline crackdude

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Re: ''Oh, Yay, Another Mario Game.'' Step up to Playstation 2/20
« Reply #33 on: February 20, 2013, 07:09:38 pm »
Gotta say though visually the PS4 looks like many people speculated, like the PC.
There are no PC games using this kind of tech yet. PCs sure are capable, but devs haven't developed games with such high graphical fidelity (except for Crysis 3 or another one)

Offline George

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Re: ''Oh, Yay, Another Mario Game.'' Step up to Playstation 2/20
« Reply #34 on: February 20, 2013, 07:12:04 pm »
What are you talking about? I play most games on PC because they don't look crappy. Its not about the poly count per say, but about how crisp it looks. Example, Sonic Generation on PC looks leagues better than it on PS3. It looks really clean and crisp.

The first game Sony showed off at the event looked very cartoonish, really unlike them this 'current' generation. I'm excited to see what else they have in store.

That game by the Braid dude looks awesome as well. Diablo III, meh. I haven't even touched it on PC (my brother has a copy).

Also CrazyTails, Crysis 3 looks as good as most PS4 games will look like for awhile. We don't really know how much power the PS4 has, do we? They have not announced what equivalent video card they are running. I hope its equivalent to the Nivida Titan that isn't out yet.

Offline Mengels7

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Re: ''Oh, Yay, Another Mario Game.'' Step up to Playstation 2/20
« Reply #35 on: February 20, 2013, 07:17:44 pm »
I love how Sega is never at these anymore.  They're never guest speakers at E3.  Never at the console launches.  It's always Ubisoft and Square Enix and Capcom.  Considering I mostly only care about Sega, gaming just keeps getting more and more depressing for me.

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: ''Oh, Yay, Another Mario Game.'' Step up to Playstation 2/20
« Reply #36 on: February 20, 2013, 07:20:42 pm »
Facebook: The Console.

Offline George

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Re: ''Oh, Yay, Another Mario Game.'' Step up to Playstation 2/20
« Reply #37 on: February 20, 2013, 07:23:18 pm »
Yeah, I was hoping they would do a SEGA game. Maybe E3? Very doubtful. The issue is that SEGA keep stumbling, if Aliens: Colonial Marines was as good as we hoped, they would have been on the map.

The issue is that their big western games are now in niche markets. Total War, Football Manager and now Relic?

Offline Mengels7

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Re: ''Oh, Yay, Another Mario Game.'' Step up to Playstation 2/20
« Reply #38 on: February 20, 2013, 07:33:42 pm »
Yeah, I was hoping they would do a SEGA game. Maybe E3? Very doubtful. The issue is that SEGA keep stumbling, if Aliens: Colonial Marines was as good as we hoped, they would have been on the map.

The issue is that their big western games are now in niche markets. Total War, Football Manager and now Relic?

Indeed.  I'd be okay with a big western game at one of these shows if only to get their name out there again.  There has to be SOME power left in one of their Japanese franchises other than Sonic though to make it at one of these shows!  PSO2 on PS4 would have been...neat enough I guess.  I guess the child in me just wants to see Yu Suzuki come out and announce something amazing, be it a revolutionary new Shenmue or something else he's cooked up.

Offline George

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Re: ''Oh, Yay, Another Mario Game.'' Step up to Playstation 2/20
« Reply #39 on: February 20, 2013, 07:52:07 pm »
I mean't niche in how they are played. Their games need a PC, RTS have been 'tried' on console. Even by Creative Assembly (Stormrisers) and failed. EA tried it multiple times as well.

SEGA needs to get big studios to start doing Action Adventure, Open World type games with dramatic storylines with quality graphics/controls.

Offline Aki-at

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Re: ''Oh, Yay, Another Mario Game.'' Step up to Playstation 2/20
« Reply #40 on: February 20, 2013, 07:53:43 pm »
Relic's Company of Heroes has done over 4 million, I would not class them as niche.

But I doubt we would ever see SEGA at any of these conferences. Sony Japan may value SEGA Japan's corporation but on a worldwide scale SEGA just is not relevant enough, they have not been relevant since the mid-90s and nothing is going to change that any time soon.

Sure if something like Sonic had the pulling power it did on the Playstation 2 (Sonic Heroes did over 4 million and was the most successful platformer last generation) but the lack of care on that franchise has hurt them badly. Right now I'm pinning my hopes on Creative Assembly and Relic at least making SEGA somewhat relative again but it's disappointing that neither the likes of AM2 or Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio (CS3 too) will get the recognition they deserved, ah well, c'est la vie.

EDIT: Ops accidently ended up deleting my post instead of modifying it.

Offline Aki-at

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Re: ''Oh, Yay, Another Mario Game.'' Step up to Playstation 2/20
« Reply #41 on: February 20, 2013, 07:57:52 pm »
On the presentation itself, it was a pretty good one but I felt they needed another hour to make it a truly great one, after the Media Molecule guy came and went, the conference went down hill from there.

But overall I'm interested to see what they've got in store for E3, I can only say though after seeing that presentation and as long as they price remains realistic, Nintendo is pretty much screwed out of the market.

SEGA needs to get big studios to start doing Action Adventure, Open World type games with dramatic storylines with quality graphics/controls.

Agreed. But I can only see either Creative Assembly or Relic being the only candidates to produce something like this.

Offline CrazyT

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Re: ''Oh, Yay, Another Mario Game.'' Step up to Playstation 2/20
« Reply #42 on: February 20, 2013, 07:58:15 pm »
There are no PC games using this kind of tech yet. PCs sure are capable, but devs haven't developed games with such high graphical fidelity (except for Crysis 3 or another one)
Yes it' because not everyone can afford a high end PC so most games are designed to look good on mid range PCs. But games that do push the limits like Crysis or the witcher do look very similar to what i've seen in that conference. This is the general sentiments really. PC has made a huge comeback in the last few years so they became a major competitior in the market especially with STEAM. So in my opinion sony will have to do it through service and exclusives to show its strenghts.

ALso people were expecting the PS4 to blow away any competition nintendo brought. In fact the hype made people forget about nintendo alltogether. But imo this conference has only proven my initial point, which is that graphics has reached a peak where it looks fine in general. What I mean is that Wii U this generations doesnt look as dated as the Wii looked last generation. The competition is still much there and as we know nintendo, they focus a lot more on imaginitive, magical experiences rather than realism, so the hardware they'e picked is perfect for that. It also makes nintendo stand out in this regard.

They havent anounced the price yet, but i think the competition this next generation is going to be a very unpredictable one

Offline George

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Re: ''Oh, Yay, Another Mario Game.'' Step up to Playstation 2/20
« Reply #43 on: February 20, 2013, 08:08:53 pm »
I feel really bad for Nintendo. What can they do? I predicted it when it was announced that they will have this issue. The only thing they can do is be Nintendo. Hit high, hit it big. Mario Kart, Zelda, Metroid, Smash Bros. All of them, creative and fun.

Doubt they will have a better online presence than Sony, seems that online is a huge focus compared to PS3. Also 3rd parties all over the fucking place. Bungie doing exclusive content is big too, I like the concept of their upcoming game (if its good, that is another story).

I agree, a high end PC will cost thousands. Then 3 years later games might not be as optimized for it, while the PS4 will have all games running optimized for it. I think the Steambox, if true, has a lot of work ahead of it.

You say that Nintendo will work more with magical experiences? Where are these experiences? I think Sony had better games at this E3 than the Wii U had all year and at their E3 event.

Offline Aki-at

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Re: ''Oh, Yay, Another Mario Game.'' Step up to Playstation 2/20
« Reply #44 on: February 20, 2013, 08:14:47 pm »
ALso people were expecting the PS4 to blow away any competition nintendo brought. In fact the hype made people forget about nintendo alltogether. But imo this conference has only proven my initial point, which is that graphics has reached a peak where it looks fine in general. What I mean is that Wii U this generations doesnt look as dated as the Wii looked last generation.

I really have to disagree, the difference between the Playstation 4 and the Wii U is massive compared to the difference between the Wii and 360.

I feel really bad for Nintendo. What can they do? I predicted it when it was announced that they will have this issue. The only thing they can do is be Nintendo. Hit high, hit it big. Mario Kart, Zelda, Metroid, Smash Bros. All of them, creative and fun.

But here is the thing, all of these titles appeared on the Gamecube and none of them helped move the system further than 22 million. With the Wii U already severely underselling, I really think Nintendo will find itself falling into dangerously low numbers for the Wii U to the point the Gamecube may look like a massive success.