Author Topic: what feeling does it give you when.....  (Read 9196 times)

Offline semmie

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what feeling does it give you when.....
« on: March 12, 2013, 02:40:15 pm »
honestly since the dreamcast od on us we kind of in the beginning hoped for a retaliation or a come back. and we always just believed that sega will get their second 100 chance.
but now that we are in anno 2013 and basically sega skipped a generation we were dissapointed. and some of us who were aware of segas plan werent dissapointed and took it for granted that sega is a software company

yet the feeling for everyone sorta . or at least for most of us was the same. that weird feeling u lost the console base of sega and had to choose for a console other then sega. with all the pain in your heart some of u had wii ps3 or xbox or all of it if ur geeky.
regardless all u would feel sad i mean like seriously said like ur father has sold his car after 6 years driving with family. yes its a car. but there is emotions innit?

so now that this generation skipping has become official we come to the next next gen. we hear about steambox nvidia shit or ouya getting real  ps4 and xbox

when i see all this i become more and more demotivated about sega. and i dont wanna sound like this armageddon type of story but it gives me that feeling that sega doesnt care anymore. cause honestly with the mixture of floppy games. yes yes there is vanquish valkyria n resonance. but lets not dwell on it.
so anyway

next gen is coming how do u feel about that maybe perhaps again u will be a sega fan without a console base?

Offline Sharky

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Re: what feeling does it give you when.....
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2013, 05:05:06 am »
Sega will not have a new console next generation, but that doesnt bother me. Sure it is great to have all of your Sega games on one console but frankly beyond that I don't care.

Why are we into the games industry? For games! Not for hardware... When I make toast it's not the toaster I'm a fan of... it's good toast! Sega make games and either you like their games or you don't and it's really that simple. I still get excited about plenty of Sega games. I got lucky because outside of Sega my two favourite genres were RTS and Point and Click Adventures and Sega have dabbled in both of those recently.

I WAS upset when Sega moved out of the hardware business, the Dreamcast was for me the golden era of gaming, not because games aren't great now, they are! But it just came along at the right time in my life and happened to have a ton of games I loved! The console itself was noisy and the controller lacked both duel analog sticks and the awesome D-pad of the Saturn... So as much as I loved the DC for it's games the console itself was just the medium I used to play them.

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Offline CrazyT

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Re: what feeling does it give you when.....
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2013, 10:49:30 pm »
I dunno. I think quality wise SEGA isn't there yet to compete. You gotta look at each of the consoles and most of the 1st party games are the best on the systems. Especially the case with sony and nintendo. That's important because 1st party exclusives is what sells a system and then 3rd party follows.

SEGA at this point has good games, but no massive system seller.

However if SEGA would ever make a console, I wouldn't want them to compete with the power of the next generation. Something between the wii u and PS4 would be more apropriate because I think SEGA doesn't need too much power for their types of games.

Sometimes I do wish I could stand behind SEGA's console instead of picking one of the other 3
« Last Edit: March 13, 2013, 11:00:16 pm by CrazyTails »

Offline Emmett The Crab

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Re: what feeling does it give you when.....
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2013, 01:52:33 am »
I was sad when the Dreamcast died, but then one day grocery shopping I saw OXM with Panzer Dragoon Orta on the cover, and I had to have an XBOX.  I could give a crap about the PS2.

Offline Trippled

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Re: what feeling does it give you when.....
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2013, 08:41:31 am »
I was sad when the Dreamcast died, but then one day grocery shopping I saw OXM with Panzer Dragoon Orta on the cover, and I had to have an XBOX.  I could give a crap about the PS2.

Same with me, and the same happened with Valkyria on PS3.

Wonder what's the game gonna be next time to have that kind of effect.

Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: what feeling does it give you when.....
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2013, 11:17:37 am »
I was sad when the Dreamcast died, but then one day grocery shopping I saw OXM with Panzer Dragoon Orta on the cover, and I had to have an XBOX.  I could give a crap about the PS2.

Xbox Nation Magazine (the unofficial Xbox mag) was the reason I got an Xbox post-Dreamcast. I was sad to see Dreamcast Magazine cancelled, and doubly sad to see the Dreamcast dead. But then I learned that a lot of the Dreamcast Magazine crew went on to Xbox Nation, and took with them their love for SEGA. As such, JSRF and Orta got awesome cover stories. At that point, Xbox just felt like such a natural next step. The console had an awesome magazine with a SEGA loving staff, *new* SEGA games (PS2 had only Dreamcast ports and arcade ports), a familiar controller layout, and emphasis on online gameplay.

Honestly, looking back, the PS2 was disappointing when it came to SEGA games. Yakuza, Yakuza 2, Virtua Fighter 4 and Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution were the standouts. Looking through the list of PS2 games I'm seeing Aero Elite: Combat Academy, Astro Boy, Shinobi (all poor titles), Red Entertainment published stuff, Dreamcast ports like Crazy Taxi, Rez, Headhunter, Space Channel 5, and a load of games that also appeared on Gamecube and Xbox (and in almost every instance the PS2 version was the worst).

Gamecube benefitted by having some exclusive titles, like Beach Spikers, Billy Hatcher, F-Zero, Phantasy Star Online Episode III: C.A.R.D. Revolution, but I'd place the PS2's exclusives above those. However, Gamecube did have the best versions of the new Sonic titles, despite the games themselves being rather weak. Beyond that, there are just multi-platform titles. Though in most cases the Gamecube versions beat the PS2 version and are equal to the Xbox version.

Then, with Xbox, when it came to exclusives you had Sega GT 2002, Crazy Taxi 3, Orta, JSRF, Gunvalkyrie, The House of the Dead III, Otogi & Otogi 2, Spikeout: Battle Street, and ToeJam & Earl III: Mission to Earth. Right there you have a strong number of titles, covering a wide range of genres. Then there were the multi-platform titles like Headhunter Redemption, Super Monkey Ball DX, and OutRun 2006: Coast 2 Coast as well as the many sports and Sonic titles. In many cases the multi-platform titles were the best or second best to the Gamecube version (though not nearly as far behind as the PS2 version).

Offline Trippled

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Re: what feeling does it give you when.....
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2013, 01:12:52 pm »
Xbox Nation Magazine (the unofficial Xbox mag) was the reason I got an Xbox post-Dreamcast. I was sad to see Dreamcast Magazine cancelled, and doubly sad to see the Dreamcast dead. But then I learned that a lot of the Dreamcast Magazine crew went on to Xbox Nation, and took with them their love for SEGA. As such, JSRF and Orta got awesome cover stories. At that point, Xbox just felt like such a natural next step.

That's all what Microsoft wanted you to belive! They just wanted those extra sales from Sega fans, and then left those franchises in the dead with no marketing.

You fell in thier trap

I did too

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Re: what feeling does it give you when.....
« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2013, 02:06:08 pm »
Throw me in with the group that jumped on the XBox bandwagon when Panzer Dragoon Orta was announced.  I also picked up ToeJam & Earl III and Shenmue II when they came out.  I felt the XBox was the closest to a Dreamcast and didn't invest in a PS2 until maybe two years later, and that was for Virtua Fighter and Yakuza.

I'm actually happy to see Sega venture out into other platforms though.  At this point, it's definately their games that push me one way or another.  Consoles don't matter to me now. 

Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: what feeling does it give you when.....
« Reply #8 on: March 14, 2013, 02:50:07 pm »
You fell in thier trap

I did too

I knew it was a trap, and it was a trap I was happy to fall into. ;) It's not like Sony was trying to lure me in :P

Offline Sharky

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Re: what feeling does it give you when.....
« Reply #9 on: March 14, 2013, 03:56:33 pm »
Dude I remember being at my friends house showing him trailers for the new Panzer Dragoon, Shenmue 2, Jet Set Radio Future, Super Monkey Ball and I knew exactly what console I was getting next.

So glad I did too because O.TO.GI 1 & 2 were the shit!
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Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: what feeling does it give you when.....
« Reply #10 on: March 14, 2013, 04:51:48 pm »
If we have a slow week, we should have a podcast about which consoles we went for post-Dreamcast and debate which one was the best (as if there is any debate) :)

Offline crackdude

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Re: what feeling does it give you when.....
« Reply #11 on: March 14, 2013, 06:43:28 pm »
If we have a slow week, we should have a podcast about which consoles we went for post-Dreamcast and debate which one was the best (as if there is any debate) :)
How do I get to enter one of the podcast thingies?

Offline Centrale

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Re: what feeling does it give you when.....
« Reply #12 on: March 14, 2013, 08:12:48 pm »
JSRF was what brought me to the Xbox.  In fact, as it happened I bought JSRF about five days before I got the Xbox itself, and spent a lot of time staring at the box and manual.  Panzer Dragoon Orta and Crazy Taxi 3 (the best of the series IMO) were the icing on the cake. 

Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: what feeling does it give you when.....
« Reply #13 on: March 14, 2013, 09:18:12 pm »
How do I get to enter one of the podcast thingies?

PM George, tell him your availability, and have a GOOD mic and a GOOD internet connection. :)

Offline ROJM

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Re: what feeling does it give you when.....
« Reply #14 on: March 20, 2013, 12:08:34 pm »
I don't think its a coincedence that Sega's lack of quality titles or preceived lack of quality games as a third party coincided with their demise as a first party console manufacturer. Sega games for over half a century or even more has been made to ultilise Sega hardware mainly arcade. As a producer of  home consoles for the last 20+ years they created titles that also did the same thing but had to deliver beyond the half hour enjoyment you get at the arcades and create titles that gave a bit more depth and lasted longer. Now that's gone. And while the arcade part of sega still rumbles on you have another division that doesn't have that experience in creating titles for a new Sega system anymore. Their motivation has gone. The majority of these guys since joining sega, mostly from graduation in universities, have been fed the company line that their style of game systems  are the best and their type of games are the ones to show what their systems can do. But now there isn't a Sega system to create games for, the motivation that thrived in the old days doesn't exist. There has been good games, Sega went off to a good start at the begining and they've also shown a great few line ups as a third party publisher but overall they haven't been the same because of it. That mentality is hard to shrug off especially after what happened with the DC. Were talking about a group of individuals who help created great games and were use to see their efforts rewarded by the adulation of the fans and more importantly the systems that they were working on becoming the top system. It worked with Master System in europe, it worked with the MD in america and it worked with the saturn in japan(to a lesser degree) but with the DC which saw some great original Sega consumer titles it didn't work. And i dont think many of those guys recovered from that especially then having to go on and create games on what were rival systems from  companies that they at one point thought were never their equal in what they could acheive. I really didn't expect them to start blowing everyone's socks off because of the fact that Sega games were primarly designed to make great use of a sega designed system and whatever ideas they had they could afford to take the risk because they had the guarantee that on a sega games system a lot of users would more likely buy these titles in some abundance. That is all gone now and it will probably take another genration before they even start making games close to their console efforts and that's really when a lot of the older lot have gone. Unless of course Sega has the oppurtunity to create a new console again.