Author Topic: SEGA at E3 2013  (Read 76325 times)

Offline Trippled

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Re: SEGA at E3 2013
« Reply #60 on: June 13, 2013, 08:37:39 am »
Sega should concetrate on lots of smaller games on digital. More stuff like Castle of Illusion but with their own IP's.

Offline ROJM

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Re: SEGA at E3 2013
« Reply #61 on: June 13, 2013, 08:48:47 am »
Sega should concentrate on lots of smaller games on digital. More stuff like Castle of Illusion but with their own IP's.

That's exactly what they have been doing but they're released mostly in japan.Stuff like KINGDOM CONQUEST and good knows what. Sega west is now really adopting that policy. 

Offline Trippled

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Re: SEGA at E3 2013
« Reply #62 on: June 13, 2013, 08:49:26 am »
That's exactly what they have been doing but they're released mostly in japan.Stuff like KINGDOM CONQUEST and good knows what. Sega west is now really adopting that policy. 

That's social iOS stuff tough.

Offline ROJM

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Re: SEGA at E3 2013
« Reply #63 on: June 13, 2013, 08:58:44 am »
Not all of them, a lot of them are games in their own right and SOJ were not only the first of the big games companies to start activity produce original digital games for mobile devices but have created notable franchises at least in japan that are over ten years old. The other stuff were titles that basically used/took over from the VMU data transfer of arcade titles you played but stored onto your phone, while the other half of titles released were ports of old Megadrive or Gamegear games.

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Re: SEGA at E3 2013
« Reply #64 on: June 13, 2013, 09:30:37 am »
Which makes sense. Nintendo can't compete directly with the big two, they've known that for years now. so they have opted to create a system that delivers something unique. Nothing really that unique with the WiiU but by the time the big games including BAY2 is released next year the Wii U would be more cheaper to get than it is now. but the PSX4 and XBO wont be.
Me too but i also like to see Sega try to challenge and compete with Konami and capcom by creating a title or titles that are on the same type of level. In that  i do agree with TA. Since post xbox they have either concentrated on japan or pushed Sonic and left any other company to fill the gap. I'd like to see Sega's consumer divisions tackle it instead of management sidestepping the issue by making cheap games with massive returns in profits.

Indeed, it's a good tactic to at least get some unique games for your system in addition to creating a genre that otherwise wouldn't even be considered on the Wii U.

Indeed, I do agree with that, but I am guessing they are doing baby steps as to not upset Sammy with the stock being steady for the last few years as they've been careful.

Perhaps too careful mind, but I expect them to step it up over the years again and try to catch up with what Capcom and Konami are doing, although to me...Capcom and Konami are in a worse position due to one's over-reliance on the Metal Gear/Castlevania franchises and Capcom's hit and miss policies with their DLC/DRM implementation in their games.

SEGA Japan certainly needs to step out on more bigger venues, but I am guessing that Yakuza/Sonic with a few games here and there will help their balance somewhat for the next few years before they take the riskier paths.

I certainly wish they didn't rely on their Western Studios either but if it works, it works.
Big fan of Claymore, Miria in particular.

Currently playing Yakuza 0.

Offline ROJM

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Re: SEGA at E3 2013
« Reply #65 on: June 13, 2013, 09:51:41 am »
Indeed, it's a good tactic to at least get some unique games for your system in addition to creating a genre that otherwise wouldn't even be considered on the Wii U.

Indeed, I do agree with that, but I am guessing they are doing baby steps as to not upset Sammy with the stock being steady for the last few years as they've been careful.

Perhaps too careful mind, but I expect them to step it up over the years again and try to catch up with what Capcom and Konami are doing, although to me...Capcom and Konami are in a worse position due to one's over-reliance on the Metal Gear/Castlevania franchises and Capcom's hit and miss policies with their DLC/DRM implementation in their games.

SEGA Japan certainly needs to step out on more bigger venues, but I am guessing that Yakuza/Sonic with a few games here and there will help their balance somewhat for the next few years before they take the riskier paths.

I certainly wish they didn't rely on their Western Studios either but if it works, it works.
Dont worry that western focus,statedgy is all but dead now. It was only really successful with the acquisitions and that was a policy implemented by Sammy boss Satomie. Other than that with the majority of original IP and the Sega classic IP stuff not making the impact they wanted in the American market and the losses they made on the titles that didn't happen because of cancellation and closing down studios, Sega wont invest in that as much as they did anymore. Oddly enough it was only the Marvel stuff that actually did pay off for Sega because a few of the titles sold over a million units.  But still heavy losses were incurred which messed up a lot of plans that they did have. Only the important games or cheapest games are now being done. Notice that Sega is letting Nintendo handle Sonic that they would do themselves? All Sega is doing is developing the title and letting Nintendo doing the rest of the work. With BAYONETTA 2 Sega is basically letting Nintendo handle the costs while they pick up a fat check and dividends from sales (when it happens) and if the game is really succesful, Sega will still have a more prominent IP that they can use in the long run. I'm just wondering that if this is what's in store for other Sega games on the way.
Also wondering what the final Sega games for Ps3 and 360 are going to be.

Offline Happy Cat

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Re: SEGA at E3 2013
« Reply #66 on: June 13, 2013, 11:12:44 am »
we finally got some SEGA E3 news, but not be what you want to hear though

Nagoshi supports blocking used games

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Re: SEGA at E3 2013
« Reply #67 on: June 13, 2013, 11:13:40 am »

Offline Trippled

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Re: SEGA at E3 2013
« Reply #68 on: June 13, 2013, 11:22:27 am »
Since Nagoshi is CCO and General Manager of the Consumer Division, I do wonder what his observations reflect on at in-house development at Sega.

It's one thing people forget. He's not really the "Yakuza guy" :P

Offline CrazyT

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Re: SEGA at E3 2013
« Reply #69 on: June 13, 2013, 11:59:07 am »
I don't know what the context is behind his statement. Whether he really means it or is showing voicing his support because of some kind of partnership going on, it pains me to say that i'll lose my respect for him.

I am very principled on this DRM matter. If I buy a game, it is my game and it should be mine forever. Even after 50 years and I decide to get my console out of the basement, and feel like playing it again without some dumb non existing server at that time to hold me back, it should work. I don't wanna have anything to do with this bullshit. Screw loyalty

If it's too expensive to develop big games, stop developing expensive games! instead of playing with our rights.

All this news is making me question of next gen is even gonna work if they need these kinds of systems in order to maintain the existence of AAA. Frankly I don't care how big and huge a game's production value is. As long as its a good game. And indies are proving that it's possible to make special experiences without all the bells and whistles
« Last Edit: June 13, 2013, 12:04:50 pm by CrazyTails »

Offline Team Andromeda

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Re: SEGA at E3 2013
« Reply #70 on: June 13, 2013, 03:24:57 pm »
That only happened once TA and that wasn't even worth it,  usually Sega doesn't bother with E3 and haven't done since the DC died. Remember the last three years?

Stop it with the endless defending of SEGA. I remember E3 when SEGA pleased it's own fans where the likes of a 10% compete  JSRF blew most SEGA fans away at E3 2001, in 2002 Orta made SEGA fans weep with tears of joy at the visuals on offer then SEGA also had the likes of Shinobi, HOTD III, SEGA GT, TJ&Earl III to show off , E3 2004 wasn't the best but at least SEGA did have the likes of OutRun , ESPN NFL 2005 (one of the best sports games ever made) E3 2006 we had the likes of Revo, VF 5 Virtual Tennis 3, Yakuza and even a trailer of PSO II .

So stop the endless defending of SEGA . SEGA Japan had a piss poor show at this years E3 and are nowhere for next gen engines or IP and the one big IP SEGA has on the consoles that sells well WW . SEGA in their wisdom has locked to a console that is selling like shit and looks for all the world a doomed console .

So? does YAKUZA SONIC and VC count then?

SEGA didn't even show off Yakuza at this years E3, SEGA is not making a new VC much less show it off at this years E3 . All we got is Sonic , that's the issue .

Yes because you can look into the future

No need retail shows that the Wii U is selling like crap and 3rd parties aren't doing well at all on the system and where its been vastly outperformed by the 360 and PS3 for Hardware sales month to month .

Because at least sega bothered to release games for the 360 when it first came out when "almighty" capcom and Konami didn't

Get your facts right mate . Capcom were on the 360 right at the start with Dead Rising and Lost Planet and even before the PS3 made it out it was confirmed that DMC IV would be out on the 360. Konami had Pro Evo on the 360 early in . Not that's issue , Konami and the likes of Capcom have had their games and next gen engines  being promoted  by SONY and MS on their new consoles , SEGA Japan haven't .

Apart from the fact that Sega never had a good showing at E3

Utter Tosh . SEGA had a great showing at E3 2001 and E3 2002 . But keep on defending SEGA and it's piss poor games development plans (or lack of )
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Offline MadeManG74

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Re: SEGA at E3 2013
« Reply #71 on: June 13, 2013, 05:50:56 pm »
Dammit Nagoshi...

I can understand why people like this idea in theory, but the reality is that DRM hurts paying customers while the Pirates just avoid all this shit with their chipped consoles and hacked games.

Offline Dr. SEGA Monkey

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Re: SEGA at E3 2013
« Reply #72 on: June 13, 2013, 11:10:08 pm »
So I guess the SEGA Spectrum turned out to be fake? I wasn't expecting a new console of course, but I assumed it was an arcade board or an online service or something.

Ah well.

Offline ROJM

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Re: SEGA at E3 2013
« Reply #73 on: June 14, 2013, 03:49:27 am »
Stop it with the endless defending of SEGA. I remember E3 when SEGA pleased it's own fans where the likes of a 10% compete  JSRF blew most SEGA fans away at E3 2001, in 2002 Orta made SEGA fans weep with tears of joy at the visuals on offer then SEGA also had the likes of Shinobi, HOTD III, SEGA GT, TJ&Earl III to show off , E3 2004 wasn't the best but at least SEGA did have the likes of OutRun , ESPN NFL 2005 (one of the best sports games ever made) E3 2006 we had the likes of Revo, VF 5 Virtual Tennis 3, Yakuza and even a trailer of PSO II .

Yawn most of those games mentioned wasn't unveiled at E3. The only time Sega japan unveiled something at E3 was that video of games that turned out to be arcade titles san one. Again get your info correct.needless to say more people agree with me than you on this.

So stop the endless defending of SEGA . SEGA Japan had a piss poor show at this years E3 and are nowhere for next gen engines or IP and the one big IP SEGA has on the consoles that sells well WW . SEGA in their wisdom has locked to a console that is selling like shit and looks for all the world a doomed console .
WiiU is a next gen system. Again please stop your ranting and raving and look at things objectively.
SEGA didn't even show off Yakuza at this years E3, SEGA is not making a new VC much less show it off at this years E3 . All we got is Sonic , that's the issue .

Sega NEVER unveiled YAKUZA and VC at E3.They usually showed it off somewhere else. They haven't showed off any big games for years now at E3, that's the point. You are acting like this is an common occurance but it isn't.I suggest stop trying to make yourself cool with the uneducated because you are talking complete carp.

No need retail shows that the Wii U is selling like crap and 3rd parties aren't doing well at all on the system and where its been vastly outperformed by the 360 and PS3 for Hardware sales month to month

And that's going to last right? Really for someone who is meant to be experienced in gaming you are using sales figures at the first cycle to prove a point it wont sell. The SNES outsold the PSX before it finally was wound down. And we all know what happened at the long run.

Get your facts right mate . Capcom were on the 360 right at the start with Dead Rising and Lost Planet and even before the PS3 made it out it was confirmed that DMC IV would be out on the 360. Konami had Pro Evo on the 360 early in . Not that's issue , Konami and the likes of Capcom have had their games and next gen engines  being promoted  by SONY and MS on their new consoles , SEGA Japan haven't .

Those games weren't there at day one, Sega was that's the point. And Sega did keep supporting the 360 compared to your obvious favourites so you get your facts right.

Utter Tosh . SEGA had a great showing at E3 2001 and E3 2002 . But keep on defending SEGA and it's piss poor games development plans (or lack of )
I defend sega when capcom/konami fans come here bashing them on something which is untrue. which is probably why you perfer the saturn over actual Sega systems full of sega made games compared to the one system that didn't. Oh well. As for your rantings...

Two years and after that?  Please provide how many great revelations and great E3 sega had since then.You are acting that sega has always had a great showing, they haven't not compared to when the DC was around.  That sadly is the truth of the matter deal with it.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2013, 03:54:47 am by ROJM »

Offline Team Andromeda

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Re: SEGA at E3 2013
« Reply #74 on: June 14, 2013, 04:14:23 am »
Yawn most of those games mentioned wasn't unveiled at E3

Wrong  at E3 2001 Gunvalkyrie was playable for the very 1st time It was also  the 1st time it was seen running on the X-Box . At same the E3 show SEGA showed off a  then 10% complete Jet Set Radio Future demo -complete with 'understand the concept of love' track (I should know because I still have that very E3 video ) The next E3  HOTD III (with the drop of the cel shading graphics)  and Orta showen off for the 1st time running on Hardware at E3  2002 and PSO II was revealed for the very 1st time at E3  a few years latter.

For someone who claims to be bastion of all things SEGA  I would have liked to have expected better

WiiU is a next gen system

laughable . Its a current gen system and one that is selling like utter tripe, even in Japan .

Those games weren't there at day one

Very few games are there at day one. Its the commitment the developer makes that's the key, efore the 360 made it out Capcom Japan were committed  to the XBox 360 with In-House development (not just 1st/2nd party software but In-House)  and showing off its Framework next gen engine and was one of the 1st corps to launch a demo that showed what the 360 could do with its early Dead Rising demo  and  if you want to be clever Full Auto wasn't a launch title either.

Your laughable defence that SEGA has been rubbish at E3 for years  means/makes it ok it just totally pathetic for the every E3 there after, that's like saying we made shit games for years while bother making anything good . If anything that should make you up your game and portfolio but no SEGA had it's worst E3 in years  and when the eye's of the world gaming press , is awash with talk of the next gen and the new systems . SEGA japan is totally absent from it - It's weak, its pathetic and its worrying to see what SEGA Japan become what it is today...

« Last Edit: June 14, 2013, 06:12:18 am by Team Andromeda »
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