
Do you think Sega should make Shenmue III?

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Author Topic: SEGAbits Shenmue III Hype Train! Update: Funded but lets go further!  (Read 689776 times)

Offline Aki-at

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Re: Shenmue Kickstarted Announced! It's real! Update: 1/2 funded!
« Reply #840 on: June 16, 2015, 07:01:07 am »
My best guess, is 4 million. At best.

No way this doesn't eclipse either Mighty No 9 or Igavania.

$12 million.

Offline CrazyT

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Re: Shenmue Kickstarted Announced! It's real! Update: 1/2 funded!
« Reply #841 on: June 16, 2015, 07:08:20 am »
No way this doesn't eclipse either Mighty No 9 or Igavania.

$12 million.
Its crazy to think that shenmue could have larger support than bigger franchises like castlevania and megaman. Would be amazing

Offline Aki-at

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Re: Shenmue Kickstarted Announced! It's real! Update: 1/2 funded!
« Reply #842 on: June 16, 2015, 07:16:54 am »
Its crazy to think that shenmue could have larger support than bigger franchises like castlevania and megaman. Would be amazing

Shenmue is larger than either series.

Offline CrazyT

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Re: Shenmue Kickstarted Announced! It's real! Update: 1/2 funded!
« Reply #843 on: June 16, 2015, 07:22:03 am »
Shenmue is larger than either series.
What makes you say that? My view is that it may possibly have a more passionate following than the other 2, but the other 2 games are much better known?

Offline Aki-at

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Re: Shenmue Kickstarted Announced! It's real! Update: 1/2 funded!
« Reply #844 on: June 16, 2015, 07:25:04 am »
What makes you say that? My view is that it may possibly have a more passionate following than the other 2, but the other 2 games are much better known?


Casltevania and Megaman rarely sold over a million.

Offline Trippled

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Re: Shenmue Kickstarted Announced! It's real! Update: 1/2 funded!
« Reply #845 on: June 16, 2015, 07:35:42 am »

Casltevania and Megaman rarely sold over a million.

Well in total franchise sales, they pretty much sold more than any Sega franchise other than Sonic.

Not making MegaMan and CastleVania is like not making Sonic and Mario imo

Offline Aki-at

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Re: Shenmue Kickstarted Announced! It's real! Update: 1/2 funded!
« Reply #846 on: June 16, 2015, 07:38:44 am »
Well in total franchise sales, it pretty much sold more than any Sega franchise other than Sonic.

Not making MegaMan and CastleVania is like not making Sonic and Mario imo

Megaman and Castlevania went into sub 100k sales territory. They're really not the same as Mario or Sonic or even close.

I mean the number of releases probably helped them go past certain series but I wouldn't be surprised if Total War and Puyo Puyo outranks them in sales. Some of the Megaman titles saw awful sales, the series retiring had more to do with declining sales than Capcom being evil.

Offline jonboy101

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Re: Shenmue Kickstarted Announced! It's real! Update: 1/2 funded!
« Reply #847 on: June 16, 2015, 07:40:46 am »
We don't actually know how much it cost as Yu Suzuki himself has said two different numbers. 80 to me, seems far too high even back then personally.

What I'm saying is, they wanted Shenmue to be a big title for them and they poured money into. However, expecting Shenmue to "save" the DC even back then was ridiculous. It was already dying before it was released and it's unlikely one game would turn that around. Throw in the theory that it needed to sell twice as many copies then the DC sold just to hit profit and it's even more absurd.

Take the stupidity of that out and simply work off the the number of DC's around, it sold well. On a more successful console, maybe it would of sold even better? We'll have to see I suppose.

Well, think about it another way. The game started development around 1995 or 1996 on the Saturn, and Sega blew a shit ton of money on it, and then had to scrap it for the DC version. They effectively made a killer app, twice.

Of course they didn't release it thinking DC owners would buy two copies. They hoped, but I highly doubt they expected, that it would move Dreamcasts, the way Virtua Fighter sold Saturns, or Sonic sold MDs. They hyped the living hell out of the game and advertised it very well (at least in the USA).

Sega definitely supported the game. YS is just inept at running a studio.

Offline Aki-at

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Re: Shenmue Kickstarted Announced! It's real! Update: 1/2 funded!
« Reply #848 on: June 16, 2015, 07:42:48 am »

Megaman series has sold 31,000,000 million units between 131 titles. Harder to know the series impact without knowing how much the best selling title sold.

Offline jonboy101

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Re: Shenmue Kickstarted Announced! It's real! Update: 1/2 funded!
« Reply #849 on: June 16, 2015, 07:45:06 am »
Well in total franchise sales, they pretty much sold more than any Sega franchise other than Sonic.

Not making MegaMan and CastleVania is like not making Sonic and Mario imo

Maybe in acclaim. CastleVania never shifted huge numbers. I don't think SotN was even a big seller outside Japan.

Offline jonboy101

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Re: Shenmue Kickstarted Announced! It's real! Update: 1/2 funded!
« Reply #850 on: June 16, 2015, 07:46:57 am »

Megaman series has sold 31,000,000 million units between 131 titles. Harder to know the series impact without knowing how much the best selling title sold.

Even still, that's clocking only 240k or so a release

Offline CrazyT

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Re: Shenmue Kickstarted Announced! It's real! Update: 1/2 funded!
« Reply #851 on: June 16, 2015, 07:47:32 am »
Interesting stuff Aki. I still stand by it being an amazing sight to behold if shenmue surpasses the highest (5.5 million for bloodstained) of the 2. I wonder how many people nowadays actually appreciate the franchise. Since 1&2 remaster havent been anounced(yet), this should mostly appeal to those who already love the franchise.

Offline Aki-at

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Re: Shenmue Kickstarted Announced! It's real! Update: 1/2 funded!
« Reply #852 on: June 16, 2015, 07:49:07 am »
Even still, that's clocking only 240k or so a release

Yeah exactly. It's hard to know if the series was all that big unless we get specific numbers. If the game maintains 700k units between most mainline entries it's easy to say that Megaman is as big as people make it out to be.

Offline Nirmugen

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Re: Shenmue Kickstarted Announced! It's real! Update: 1/2 funded!
« Reply #853 on: June 16, 2015, 07:56:30 am »
The only things relevant that I know for those franchises for sure is that their last main titles (Order of Ecclesia and Mega Man 10/ZX series) sold very bad.

They refocused both series in different routes(Mainstream media for Castlevania and Mechandising,Fanservice and Niche markets for Mega man) but when the economical situation was hitting big, they choose to stop before something bad happen.

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: SEGAbits Shenmue III Hype Train
« Reply #854 on: June 16, 2015, 08:11:38 am »
First of all: Barry, I believe you need to double my Kudos after our wager.

No one thinks its Shenmue 3, we think its a Shenmue type announcement. Most likely a HD port, I very highly doubt its III

I honestly thought HD 1&2 was the best we'd be able to get. This is just... above and beyond.
A few things that worry me. Yu NET is very small studio and hasn't really done anything. AM2 at the time of making Shenmue had decades of experience. 2 Million is a low budget and so far the assets release are troublesome.

I know people here will get mad for even saying something like that, but lets be honest...

I wasn't joking when I posted the pic of old man Stallone earlier in the thread.
It's accurate.
"It's the best we got"

I don't see why SEGA have to be such cunts about it and I seriously hope this gets funded out of its ass and when SEGA see the money their missing out on they feel like complete and utter chumps.

I've been saying this for the last few years. Don't hold out expecting big things from Sega, they are rolling in FREEMIUM APP money now.

The fact that they are giving YSNet the rights to use the IP is almost a small miracle. Again, 'It's the best we got'.

This is Sega 2015, not Sega 1999.

If that's the case, then 2 Mill for Shenmue 3? Looks like we will be getting the turn-based jrpg visual novel version of Shenmue 3.

You might be right though as the stretch goals seem to indicate fixed funding requirements. Guess we'll see how this goes.

I wouldn't be surprised if Sony is funding this further in the background, like Igavania. Already has potential corporate investors, but they want the Kickstarter to market and gauge interest. Why else would it be at their E3 conference and console-exclusive to them?

SEGA isn't being bad for not funding the game, infact, SEGA are being pretty dandy in allowing Yu Suzuki to do whatever he wants with his own game.

Fact is the first two lost SEGA money so they weren't going to fund it in any shape or form, however I don't see them not promoting it or helping Yu Suzuki out like they do with all their friendly developers like FromSoftware, Index etc in some form or shape.

Lost opportunity? Maybe, but outside of the Yakuza team all their console teams capable of making Shenmue III are working on bigger franchises than Shenmue, just plain fact.

Pretty much, Sega can make more money for less risk with all their other avenues of business.

Besides being excited for this, I'm also just really happy for Yu Suzuki. He really deserves this.

Me too, he must be so stoked to be able to finally work on this again.

I was talking to a friend about this last night, and he kept asking 'Is Yu Suzuki directing? I don't care unless he's involved'. At this point I didn't have all the details but I couldn't imagine him not being involved. This is his baby.
I don't think AM2 is working on Sonic the Hedgehog.

They are making Virtua Fighter 6.

I hope this game gets way past any imaginable stretch goal because money is all SEGA gives a shit about anymore
Have you not been following Sega for the last few years?

Bayonetta 2? Nah, palm that off to Nintendo, we need to make Total War Battles: Kingdom.

You and I brother. We believed before no one else, and we were right. And yet we walk the path of the righteous, towards the shining future, with our beating hearts singing the grace of Suzuki!

We were talking about this before, we both secretly expected it to be HD 1&2. But I think we both had that little spark, deep down inside somewhere thinking, maybe, just maybe it's part 3.
Everyone's (appropriate) reaction:

(Turn your volume down when you reach 20 seconds)

I LOVE that video.

Are we gonna talk about the fact that Ryo sounds like the Postal Dude in the Kickstarter video? No?

It was the worst voice acting since... well Shenmue 1. That HAD to be on purpose.

No we haven't  and all what was showing off was no more than when the DC game took us and  Then game looks a joke the art on characters is just terrible and all we get is an small promise that we 'might' see the game in 2017. It's a joke on SONY part to have it on their main E3 stage and yet not have the commitment or backing to fund the project  I mean 2 million to corps like SEGA or SONY is nothing for starters

Joke imo .

Confirmed, TA wants to kill Mademan.

fite me irl

No I want Shenmue to finished the way it should be. Not a piss poor kickstarted funded project but Shenmue III and IV (because III will never finish the story imo ) to be made by a 100 plus staff and with a nice big budget, not done on the cheap and at the mercy of kickstart goals .

You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you might find....

This is the best we could hope for in this day and age. Let's be real here, the fact that we've gotten this is a fucking miracle.

The game was funded in about 9 hours, that's phenomenal.

I'm in for $500.