so a long time ago, years ago, many years ago, i installed Ubuntu with the assistance of Toggi3, It was a nightmare to say the least, but I felt l33t and cool. I learned the terminal quite well(and have forgot it since then) since Linux decided to be a jerk and install a ATI driver for my nvidia card. I was up all night in the terminal text only non GUI mode, booting between windows and linux since i only had one computer, and the only way i could talk with toggi3 was through windows.
So he was telling me these long complex commands to try, and i would be writing this down on paper, and eventually very early in the morning, around 8am or so, i finally was able to boot to the ubuntu desktop.
that's only a short portion of the linux journey i had, needless to say, it was a huge pain in the
, and nothing worked. as it was supposed to.
Fast forward to 2013 and my friend Jet convinced me to try out Ubuntu again. I've recently been having thoughts about how I don't want to rely on big companies to do the things I need to do. So I've been messing around with inkscape on windows, and i've warmed up to that too, and its on linux too of course,
so now that I can do my graphics work on linux, it gives me all the less reason to use windows. Gimp is gonna take some adjusting to get used to, but I don't use photoshop that much anyways, illustrator is my main tool. Followed by a code editor. I found a open source code editor yesterday called Komodo Edit and it's really awesome. I haven't tried installing it on linux yet, but it has a linux version.
I got skype too! had to enable i386 packages through the terminal, otherwise skype wouldn't install. That was a bit confusing, but nothing too horrible.
detects my printer nicely
of course ill keep windows installed though, there is just some things you cant do on linux, like games. ha
although i did notice it doesnt have a graphics driver installed for me, will have to look into that
but yeah, overall, I'm having a pleasent experience with ubuntu. nothing like it was years ago.
some messing around i was doing in inkscape while waiting for ubuntu to update