Author Topic: [Sonic Lost World] discussion topic  (Read 102579 times)

Offline Aki-at

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Re: [Sonic Lost World] discussion topic
« Reply #15 on: October 10, 2013, 06:03:34 pm »
What I got to play of it at Eurogamer didn't impress me and disliked how the level designs was structured (It certainly is too linear for my liking) certainly didn't feel like a step up from Sonic Generations.

He just gave beyond 2 souls a 5.0/10 which sent people ballistic. 

Beyond is getting bad reviews anyway, it's not liking he's swimming against some sort of common opinion.

Offline Happy Cat

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Re: [Sonic Lost World] discussion topic
« Reply #16 on: October 10, 2013, 06:14:07 pm »
What I got to play of it at Eurogamer didn't impress me and disliked how the level designs was structured (It certainly is too linear for my liking) certainly didn't feel like a step up from Sonic Generations.

Beyond is getting bad reviews anyway, it's not liking he's swimming against some sort of common opinion.

looks like there is people that agree with you of wanting it to be more of Generations

Offline Aki-at

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Re: [Sonic Lost World] discussion topic
« Reply #17 on: October 10, 2013, 06:18:30 pm »
Eh, I wasn't quite expecting people to dislike it that much. Was expecting to have a similar feeling towards it like I did with Sonic Colours with more people enjoying.

Strange that they had a set back with this game but funny enough I remember around the time Sonic Generations came out me and Orta were talking about the future of the Sonic franchise and I predicted the next one might not be to par but the following one would be.

Offline Ben

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Re: [Sonic Lost World] discussion topic
« Reply #18 on: October 10, 2013, 06:58:33 pm »
I'm glad that it's not more of Generations, that's been done.

Sonic needs to evolve and keep it fresh. But if they went nuts on the gimmicks and powers and brought down the game with them, that's the wrong way to go. Sega needs to generally learn that throwing tons of features into a game means little if they don't all perform strongly.

Offline CrazyT

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Re: [Sonic Lost World] discussion topic
« Reply #19 on: October 10, 2013, 07:20:40 pm »
Gonna be honest though. If the game ends up sounding disappointing from consensus, ill probably cancel my order. can only afford this many games and i want them to be good

Offline Ben

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Re: [Sonic Lost World] discussion topic
« Reply #20 on: October 10, 2013, 07:51:38 pm »
That's why I rarely pre-order games anymore....especially (and I hate to say this) from Sega.

I planned to preorder the Wii U version of Aliens: Colonial Marines, but the stores didn't offer the Wii U version for preorder. Something I'm pretty glad about.

Sonic Lost World I didn't preorder either. I'll still be buying it regardless, but if the game does turn out to be a dud, I can at least prioritize and buy something else (like maybe Rayman Legends) first.

Offline Happy Cat

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Re: [Sonic Lost World] discussion topic
« Reply #21 on: October 10, 2013, 11:54:19 pm »
apparently there's a press member posting anonymously on 4chan about how horrible the 3DS version is. Which is honestly no surprise, it's Dimps. He said he was expecting a Sonic Galaxy and only left with tons of disappointment of bad camera and controls.

I think this game is trying way too hard to be Mario. Sonic makes Mario noises, the clock is a Mario style clock. The font is Mario style. SEGA is using Nintendo's dull generic play it safe formula, and the Sonic Team quirkiness is still sticking through, which makes the game.. well... unique? lol. As more and more people speak out it's obvious this game isn't going to be anything like a Mario game in terms of consistency.

I was talking to a friend earlier and I think he put it perfectly, Mario is the Call of Duty of platformers. With the same play it safe formula in every game over and over again, and the target audience eats it right up. Any game that tries to be like Call of Duty doesn't sell well at all, because it's not as polished and it's not Call of Duty. I think that exact same situation is going to happen with Sonic Lost World. It's not going to sell well as Mario, because it's not polished as Mario, and the fact that it's not Mario.

The more of this game I see. the more depressed I get. There is a snowy tube level that is basically a re-skin of windy hill with harder obstacles. These tube levels just aren't very interesting to me, they have no alternate paths, unless you count walking around to the other side of the loop a different path. But eventually you are going to reach a big spring or some other transitional element that takes you through a disguised loading screen to another dull boring planet or tube. Now I know why there is so many differing level tropes, it's to hide the fact that every is the same loop over and over again with very little variation.

I think Sonic Generations had the alternate path thing nailed pretty well. I'm not saying future Sonic games should be like Sonic Generations, but I think parts of it where quite really good. Like the alternate paths and level design in general. It was quite interesting and never got boring. They could do level design like that without having Sonic boosting. I'm also not saying they gotta keep rehashing level themes from older games, I'm just saying I thought Sonic Generations had a really good formula going.

Also, there is nothing wrong with a more surreal art style, but come on. That doesn't mean you have to go the cheap Mario route and use textures with no detail. I mean freaking Hatsune Miku has more detail in it then Sonic Lost World does, and that's not even a game that's about good graphics.

That's just my opinion. Maybe it will change, but I really got my doubts at the moment. I'll still get the game eventually of course, because I need my Sonic fix, but I really really really will be quite sad if this ends up being the future direction of all Sonic games from what I've seen so far.

but... deep down inside, i know Iizuka-san won't let us down when it comes to future Sonic games... I know that he is working on Sonic Adventure 3 with next gen graphics and will blow everyones minds for Sonic's 25th anniversary. I look forward to that day :) he just gets way too happy when Sonic Adventure 3 is mentioned for him to not be working on it.

Oh and did I mention Sonic is way too slow? He was slow in Sonic Adventure, but not THIS slow

If I wanted to play Mario I'd play Mario. The whole appeal of Sonic is that he's always been faster and more extreme than Mario. Sonic Lost World completely gets rid of Sonic's identity, instead makes him a generic Mario clone that isn't as polished in the eyes of Nintendo fans
« Last Edit: October 11, 2013, 12:24:21 am by Will »

Offline Ben

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Re: [Sonic Lost World] discussion topic
« Reply #22 on: October 11, 2013, 03:52:12 am »
He looks pretty fast to me. Definitely going faster than Sonic Adventure speeds.

Offline CrazyT

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Re: [Sonic Lost World] discussion topic
« Reply #23 on: October 11, 2013, 10:18:33 am »
It's that I don't want to spoil myself too much to why I can't assure myself and comment on how I think it looks. I mean from what i've seen it looks like great level design could accommodate the concept really well.

Reviews is all i'm waiting for. And I hope it'll be good. I'll know when someones low score is justified or not, based on the context. If it is because someone preferred unleashed and generations gameplay, i'll pretty much ignore it. If it's because my concerns about the controls have been true all along, then i'll probably cancel it.

I'm expecting because of the reason above that the reviews will be all over the place. Sonicteam has basically taught everyone that  3d sonic is "mostly" about a test your reflexes game while looking at a spectacular scene. While colors and generations added more to do, you couldn't deny that it didn't work with the control mechanics feeling like they're made to only run straight.

Offline Radrappy

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Re: [Sonic Lost World] discussion topic
« Reply #24 on: October 11, 2013, 10:33:00 am »
I sincerely doubt that being too slow will be one of the game's problems.  If anything, it will fall victim to sloppy level design or bad controls.

CT I 100% agree with regards to the unleashed styled games.  The engine was simply incapable of any deliberate platforming without the aid of the homing attack.  I was excited about this game because it looked like Sonic trying hard to be a platformer again.   

Offline Happy Cat

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Re: [Sonic Lost World] discussion topic
« Reply #25 on: October 11, 2013, 10:44:58 am »
He looks pretty fast to me. Definitely going faster than Sonic Adventure speeds.

Aki-at is a huge fan of Sonic Adventure

he's played Sonic Lost World and said its way too slow and ruins his enjoyment of the game. He said its the slowest Sonic game he has ever played, aside from maybe 3D blast or something :P

Offline Happy Cat

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Re: [Sonic Lost World] discussion topic
« Reply #26 on: October 11, 2013, 11:00:55 am »
What I also don't get is tons of people that whined about Generations being too automated have no problems with Sonic Lost World when it's got a ton more automation and scripts then Sonic Generations ever had. Sonic Lost World also gets rid of any sort of physics that Sonic Generations had.

So all of a sudden these issues no longer matter because Sonic is like a Mario game? Double standards to the extreme.

Offline Radrappy

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Re: [Sonic Lost World] discussion topic
« Reply #27 on: October 11, 2013, 11:07:14 am »
Aki-at is a huge fan of Sonic Adventure

he's played Sonic Lost World and said its way too slow and ruins his enjoyment of the game. He said its the slowest Sonic game he has ever played, aside from maybe 3D blast or something :P

I have also played both and SLW's speed doesn't bother me.  However, the automation of which you speak does.  As for physics, SLW seems to have a bit more at work than Generations.  If you watch the video of desert ruins floating around there are curved ramps built into the level design that the player can spin dash off of to reach different routes.  It's cool. 

Offline CrazyT

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Re: [Sonic Lost World] discussion topic
« Reply #28 on: October 11, 2013, 11:13:18 am »
What I also don't get is tons of people that whined about Generations being too automated have no problems with Sonic Lost World when it's got a ton more automation and scripts then Sonic Generations ever had. Sonic Lost World also gets rid of any sort of physics that Sonic Generations had.

So all of a sudden these issues no longer matter because Sonic is like a Mario game? Double standards to the extreme.
I liked sonic generations, it was a solid game that proves sonicteam still got it in them. The controls just seemed a bit counter intuitive and like radrappy said, they didnt work well when it came to precision unless there were homing fodders there that corrected your placement.

It also doesn't help that boosting through great looking environments has grown stale. So that makes a combination of stale gameplay and variety that doesn't work too well

Acknowledging issues doesn't mean people don't like a game.

Offline Ben

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Re: [Sonic Lost World] discussion topic
« Reply #29 on: October 11, 2013, 11:18:20 am »
What I also don't get is tons of people that whined about Generations being too automated have no problems with Sonic Lost World when it's got a ton more automation and scripts then Sonic Generations ever had. Sonic Lost World also gets rid of any sort of physics that Sonic Generations had.

I think a lot of us are waiting to actually play Lost World (outside of a show floor demo) before making up our minds.

Aki-at is a huge fan of Sonic Adventure

he's played Sonic Lost World and said its way too slow and ruins his enjoyment of the game. He said its the slowest Sonic game he has ever played, aside from maybe 3D blast or something

I'm a huge fan of Sonic Adventure too and haven't seen anything of Lost World to suggest that it might be too slow. I could be wrong, of course, but I'll wait until I've actually played it.