Author Topic: The complete Company of Heroes 2 experience: $248.26 (so far)  (Read 4554 times)

Offline tarpmortar

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The complete Company of Heroes 2 experience: $248.26 (so far)
« on: November 13, 2013, 06:31:09 pm »
Below is a copy and paste from a post I made on (company of heroes fansite):

Oh boy, this is kind of hard for me to accept and I'm not sure who's responsible for it: SEGA or Relic? On the one hand, similar bullshit with DLC has occurred with Total War but on the other hand SEGA hasn't been opposed to supporting other PC titles with free DLC (e.g.: if you had purchased Renegade Ops by its first Christmas, the week of Christmas SEGA gave all buyers of Renegade Ops its Coldstrike Campaign DLC free of charge, Sonic Racing Transformed has received 2 free PC DLC characters before paid DLC has even showed up). As such it's hard to know exactly who's making what call, how much Relic has a say independent of SEGA?

Overall though I'm a big SEGA fan and a big Relic fan, and that's why these abuses are hard for me to swallow. I don't feel the fanbase is being treated fairly by these prices, at all. I spent $100 on CE, which ended up rather useless and a waste of money (frankly $40 above retail should absolutely be a DLC season pass given the CE includes almost nothing else of note). I rarely buy games at launch, as I'm a college student on a fixed income, but felt it particularly important to support the sequel to what I considered one of the best games ever. So I did for this game.

Now there's this:

skins (48 * $1.99) = $95.52
+ faceplates (4 * $1.99) = $7.96
+ ToW expansions (2 * $9.99) = $19.98
+ cost of commanders = (11 * $2.99) + (8 * $3.99) = $64.81

Total (just DLC, not counting base game) = $188.27

Obviously this counts the Theatre of War DLC, which I don't mind at all. The skins however? Whilst I'd be fine with skins in theory, it should be $1.99 for all vehicles, charging separately for class of vehicle is just ludicrous. They aren't finished yet either, so assuming you bought at $59.99 you're now $248.26 into CoH2. Completely unacceptable, if they wanted to do DLC like this it needed to be a free2play game. The commanders are even worse, as they are distinctly linked to the competitive multiplayer aspect of this game and serve to undermine its credibility. It's hard to argue a game's multiplayer should be taken seriously when there's a very valid argument to be had about pay2win and player inequalities based on DLC.

I've supported Relic through a lot of the mistakes made with CoH2, I've attempted to be understanding of the position they came from under THQ's financial duress. The questionable performance of the game, the lack of SLI/Crossfire, initial balance issues (which I expected and find their improvements in this regard totally satisfactory)....

The lesson? GotY/Complete packs of all future SEGA RTS games for $10-15 on Steam sales. I don't care if I have to wait 2 or 3 years.

P.S.: Sorry Relic employees if these decisions are coming out of SEGA, in that case not much you guys can do and its up to us as consumers to deem this business model sub-standard.

I am posting this on SEGABits mostly to inform other SEGA fans who don't follow CoH2 as to what SEGA/Relic are up to. I've never seen SEGA participate in a DLC scheme so egregious and am very disappointed that it's been allowed to occur. The fact it hasn't really been noticed outside the coh community is surprising to me as well.

Offline Deefy

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Re: The complete Company of Heroes 2 experience: $248.26 (so far)
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2013, 03:29:47 am »
Completely agree with you Taro, in this case Sega has widely exaggerated in one direction while in the past, especially with some games, hasn't been able to make the possible profit by acting on the other hand in a "shy" manner about potential DLC.

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: The complete Company of Heroes 2 experience: $248.26 (so far)
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2013, 07:57:57 am »
It doesn't really bother me too much, I've only bought the base game and one Commander (Urban Defense) because it looked fun.

I do have a problem with a competitive game having gameplay options locked out as paid DLC in general, but I'm still having fun playing the game. It is nice that they generally match every premium commander with a free one.

Stuff like skins and faceplates etc I have no opinion on since it's just aesthetics for people who want it and doesn't affect gameplay.