The X-box one
No really, I don't even care, Gates should have fired them all, and even boot the woman, who can't even hold her head high, in pride of the Japanese calling it the naughty naughty box.
The Wii-U has already won, all they need is the creative content. After seeing that BS with SonicU, if I was a game person, and had two choose between the lesser evil, the Wii would win.
Everything on the PS, will be ported to PC. The only reason I would buy a PS, is to play online with my PS only buddies, but I just do not want that, I want to dominate all these kids, who are playing Smash brothers as well.
That is how laughable it is all. I do not even care, I have a PC, and it cost less then one hundred dollars. Now a person with a real income, could probably buy one that costs over $5,000.
Wii-U.......omgsh it has Sonic in Link tights.