Author Topic: Have you embraced mobile gaming?  (Read 34985 times)

Offline TimmiT

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Re: Have you embraced mobile gaming?
« Reply #15 on: May 26, 2015, 05:10:40 pm »
Well, 'Japan is shifting that way' is correct but so are the youths around the world. So you can pretend its 'lame' but its a market that continues to grow.

So I'm only pretending that I don't like season passes, day 1 DLC and manipulative microtransactions, cause those are all markets that continue to grow?

Offline George

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Re: Have you embraced mobile gaming?
« Reply #16 on: May 26, 2015, 05:33:58 pm »
No, you can hate practices, like microtransactions. Its just ignorant and idiotic to pretend all console games are day one dlc, micrtansactions and Ubisoft type open world games. Basically what console gamers do with mobile gaming.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2015, 09:16:28 pm by George »

Offline Sharky

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Re: Have you embraced mobile gaming?
« Reply #17 on: May 26, 2015, 06:51:57 pm »
Yes, I like mobile gaming from time to time... I see it as an emerging platform for gaming and I look forward to the future of tablet gaming.

If I had been born in the 1970's and late 70's early 80's games were the norm I would not have been a console gamer... Frankly even the very best offerings from that era are kind of ugly, often dull and repetitive... They don't hold my attention and wouldn't have if I was a kid then. This CAN often be the case for mobile gaming now, it's only just finding its feet and at least in my opinion mobile games are already often much better than most things from early console gaming. A decade from now, mobile gaming will be very different and in my opinion very interesting.

Here is some cutting edge 1980's videogames: I'm sure you'll agree they look shit as hell.

But videogames 35 years later have come a long way and mobile games will come much further in a much shorter time frame.

Here is SEGA's own Hortensia Saga:

« Last Edit: May 26, 2015, 07:01:28 pm by Sharky »
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Offline Centrale

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Re: Have you embraced mobile gaming?
« Reply #18 on: May 26, 2015, 08:18:17 pm »
Here is some cutting edge 1980's videogames: I'm sure you'll agree they look shit as hell.

What an ignorant attitude! You're either trolling or you just genuinely have no understanding of the evolution of computers and, subsequently, video games. Without those "shit as hell" games your freemium garbage simply wouldn't exist, pretty though it is. The acceleration of technological advancements is undeniable, but it couldn't have just skipped its earlier stages to begin in the eras of 3D and HD graphics. Same with game design principles. No one would just think of the full range and depth of current games without iterating on the designs over the course of many years.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2015, 08:24:12 pm by Centrale »

Offline TimmiT

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Re: Have you embraced mobile gaming?
« Reply #19 on: May 27, 2015, 06:17:37 am »
No, you can hate practices, like microtransactions. Its just ignorant and idiotic to pretend all console games are day one dlc, micrtansactions and Ubisoft type open world games. Basically what console gamers do with mobile gaming.

Hold on there, that's not what I said. I said that it was a trend, not that it's something every game uses. I also never mentioned that I dislike Ubisoft type open world games, which I think can be good if they're done well. Also, you were talking about pretending that someone thinks something is 'lame', not that all games are part of certain trends. Are you trying to be wrong about what either of us have said on purpose or something?

« Last Edit: May 27, 2015, 06:19:44 am by TimmiT »

Offline Aki-at

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Re: Have you embraced mobile gaming?
« Reply #20 on: May 27, 2015, 07:19:59 am »
Hold on there, that's not what I said. I said that it was a trend, not that it's something every game uses. I also never mentioned that I dislike Ubisoft type open world games, which I think can be good if they're done well. Also, you were talking about pretending that someone thinks something is 'lame', not that all games are part of certain trends. Are you trying to be wrong about what either of us have said on purpose or something?

Guys please, stop this fighting, can't we just all get along? Love and Peace! LOVE AND PEACE!

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: Have you embraced mobile gaming?
« Reply #21 on: May 27, 2015, 08:16:37 am »
What an ignorant attitude! You're either trolling or you just genuinely have no understanding of the evolution of computers and, subsequently, video games. Without those "shit as hell" games your freemium garbage simply wouldn't exist, pretty though it is. The acceleration of technological advancements is undeniable, but it couldn't have just skipped its earlier stages to begin in the eras of 3D and HD graphics. Same with game design principles. No one would just think of the full range and depth of current games without iterating on the designs over the course of many years.

Also, are we talking about graphics or gameplay? Many of those games are more fun than many of the mobile games of today, thanks to the gameplay designed to abuse addictive personalities and children.

I'd probably rather play Asteroids than 'Click on a farm: wait 8 hours OR PAY MORE MONEY!'

As for George's argument: In general I don't like mobile games. The vast majority i've played have been pretty skinner boxes (Total War), unplayable due to touch-screen (every console/arcade port ever), or just mildly fun games that I can take or leave and only play while I'm waiting for a bus (Hitman:Go, Angry Birds, Bridge maker game who's name I can't remember).

Not to mention there are so many games that require me to be online to play the fucking thing, Rhythm of Fighters and Chain Chronicles for example. I don't play those ever, because I don't have the internet when I'm underground on the subway, don't want to use my data, or when I'm at home, I have infinitely more fun games to play instead.

Now I can't say I hate ALL mobile games, but when I don't enjoy or don't play 99% of them does it really make much difference. Even Knights of the Old Republic, I couldn't bother to finish because I only play it on the bus/train and I'd usually rather just read, even though I loved the original on Xbox. Not to mention the Swoop Bike racing sections are practically impossible to complete because SURPRISE: TOUCH CONTROLS ARE SHIT.

Offline George

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Re: Have you embraced mobile gaming?
« Reply #22 on: May 27, 2015, 11:27:53 am »
Mademan I feel the same way about some games. Like, I got R-Type 1/2 on my phone (part of a Humble Mobile Bundle) and I find the game impossible to play on touch screens. I think games have to be tailored well for touch screens and games like that are not. Like I stated Joe Danger did a great job, so surprised. I don't think mobile is there to replace consoles, I think its a different platform that is used casually. Sadly most gamers are casuals, some feel like mobile is just 'enough' gaming to keep them happy and not spend 60 bucks per title, that they won't finish.
Hold on there, that's not what I said. I said that it was a trend, not that it's something every game uses. I also never mentioned that I dislike Ubisoft type open world games, which I think can be good if they're done well. Also, you were talking about pretending that someone thinks something is 'lame', not that all games are part of certain trends. Are you trying to be wrong about what either of us have said on purpose or something?

I was discussing the whole 'I hate mobile' is like broadly saying 'I hate console gaming', then listing the reasons as 'I don't like day one DLC, pre-order items and season passes', while the most popular console games have these shoddy practice I don't think people should condemned a growing platform because its main games are abusive. This happens in arcades as well, games that would be cheap just to take quarters. I think people should see mobile gaming as a supplement to console gaming, the way handhelds where as well. Its not going to replace a home experience like 'The Witcher 3', but mobile gaming can have fun little games that pass the time while your out of the house and only have a phone.

Offline TimmiT

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Re: Have you embraced mobile gaming?
« Reply #23 on: May 27, 2015, 02:35:35 pm »
I was discussing the whole 'I hate mobile' is like broadly saying 'I hate console gaming', then listing the reasons as 'I don't like day one DLC, pre-order items and season passes', while the most popular console games have these shoddy practice I don't think people should condemned a growing platform because its main games are abusive. This happens in arcades as well, games that would be cheap just to take quarters. I think people should see mobile gaming as a supplement to console gaming, the way handhelds where as well. Its not going to replace a home experience like 'The Witcher 3', but mobile gaming can have fun little games that pass the time while your out of the house and only have a phone.

You are absolutely right.

Offline Team Andromeda

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Re: Have you embraced mobile gaming?
« Reply #24 on: May 27, 2015, 02:49:03 pm »
Well, 'Japan is shifting that way' is correct but so are the youths around the world. So you can pretend its 'lame' but its a market that continues to grow

Its lame for gaming . who on earth would rather play games on a Mobile , rather than on a Big screen and a controller . I can play games on my Smart TV, but they're still shit compared to playing a game with a pad imo .
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Offline George

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Re: Have you embraced mobile gaming?
« Reply #25 on: May 27, 2015, 03:14:12 pm »
Like I said, mobile is getting casual gamers, so is PC with their free-to-play games. Consoles will catch up when the price of entry is lower. Most people rather get a smart phone that they will use than a console that will get played very little. Most of my friends that have 360's use it mostly for Netflix.

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: Have you embraced mobile gaming?
« Reply #26 on: May 27, 2015, 03:17:39 pm »
Like I said, mobile is getting casual gamers, so is PC with their free-to-play games. Consoles will catch up when the price of entry is lower. Most people rather get a smart phone that they will use than a console that will get played very little. Most of my friends that have 360's use it mostly for Netflix.

Buying an Xbox 360, paying for Xbox Live Gold, all just to get Netflix (When you have to pay on top of that for the netflix Sub too)...

Offline George

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Re: Have you embraced mobile gaming?
« Reply #27 on: May 27, 2015, 05:20:30 pm »
Buying an Xbox 360, paying for Xbox Live Gold, all just to get Netflix (When you have to pay on top of that for the netflix Sub too)...

Yeah, exactly. Though it seems more people are joining the mobile train, Pier Solar is now on iPhones.

But I agree, I never liked the whole 'Pay for Gold to watch movies' trend.

I think casuals are tired of wasting money and think 'f2p' title is enough for them, since most people already have a smart phone regardless. Unlike PS4 that has a 400 dollar entry fee, Playstation Plus payment, $60 dollar for new games and now the rise of season passes. Its a bit much.

Offline Sharky

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Re: Have you embraced mobile gaming?
« Reply #28 on: May 27, 2015, 05:39:44 pm »
What an ignorant attitude! You're either trolling or you just genuinely have no understanding of the evolution of computers and, subsequently, video games. Without those "shit as hell" games your freemium garbage simply wouldn't exist, pretty though it is. The acceleration of technological advancements is undeniable, but it couldn't have just skipped its earlier stages to begin in the eras of 3D and HD graphics. Same with game design principles. No one would just think of the full range and depth of current games without iterating on the designs over the course of many years.

Lol, what are you so upset about? Are early 80's video games collectively your gran or something?

I understand perfectly well that games now couldn't exist without them, in fact that was the foundation of the point I was making; gaming has come a long way both in terms of graphics and gameplay... And mobile gaming will too. And what's with this 'fermium garbage' shit talking? Is it wilful ignorance that you still think all mobile games must be garbage? A quick google search will set you straight...

Also it's not an ignorant attitude, it's my opinion... I love 2D sprite based gaming but frankly there is not a single game from the Atari/Spectrum era that hasn't been done better. If I was born at that time, I would much rather read a book, watch a movie or play a table top game than watch some green dots flicker on a black screen. Don't like my opinion?

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Offline Centrale

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Re: Have you embraced mobile gaming?
« Reply #29 on: May 27, 2015, 08:56:25 pm »
Lol, what are you so upset about? Are early 80's video games collectively your gran or something?
If I was born at that time, I would much rather read a book, watch a movie or play a table top game than watch some green dots flicker on a black screen. Don't like my opinion?

I'm not sure how 80s games could be my gran, but it does remind me that the only games grannies play are mobile games. Because that's who they're made for. People who have slowed down, don't want the pressure of having to play skillfully. Just a languid flick of a finger every 30 seconds or so. :D

Anyway, I think it's a ridiculous opinion because the logical conclusion would be that there are people as wise as your fictitious young 80s self who realize that mobile games, indeed all games, aren't good enough yet and in 30 years will be much better. So logically you should still be doing something else other than playing current video games.

Me, mad?!