This court case has nothing to do with the accusation that Gearbox funneled money into Borderlands 2. Most likely Gearbox told them they won't stop fighting and will drag this as long as they want. Probably gave up and will pursue SEGA who just wants it to be over.
Also Gearbox chose false videos and demos and they also showed those to SEGA, so they where being deceptive towards SEGA. Randy Pitchford also did what he wanted, even if SEGA told them not to show a trailer or something at E3 and would say stuff that wasn't true. Since this is also about E3 and footage that Gearbox showed without permission from the publisher, I dunno.
Honestly there is a cycle here, SEGA America didn't know how handled boxed games is what it seems. SEGA Europe do have hiccups but at least their Total War, Isolation and other published titles under them have been either released with critical praised or patched and issues forgotten shortly after release.
While in America we got Colonial Marines and Boom, which we won't hear the end of for another 10 years.