Poison? That makes no sense.
I'm sorry when do sales matter how good a system is? I guess Saturn is a pile of horseshit then. As is SMS and Dreamcast. Thank you for that now I can throw them in the trash knowing they suck because they didn't sell great.
Also no Toad no Splatoon? Splatoon is damn amazing and it's Jet Set Radio as an online Shooter. It's the best Shooter this gen. Nintendo doesn't need to lower the prices tho that's an entitled modern gamer brain. AAA games diminish value fast and most are broken day 1. Their games are good enough and polished the value doe snot diminish.
You're taking my comments the wrong way, let me re-phrase.
I'm not implying that sales = quality, but we are lamenting the fact that Wii U games don't get the sales they deserve. Bayonetta 2 is my favourite game in a long, long time but it bombed hard. Wii U sales in general are struggling and non-nintendo games on the platform struggle even more. This is no reflection of their quality! I think it's a fine system
As for the pricing issue, it's not me being entitled. I have no qualms spending full price for a game on Wii-U, but when I have the choice to buy Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze for $60 or Alien Isolation for $12, I'm going to pick Alien. I want to play both, they are both top quality games, but one is five times more expensive than the other. Ditto PS3, I bought MGS: Legacy Collection for about $50, 6 games on two discs, but I haven't bought a game for Wii U since Bayonetta 2. Not to mention I got Europa Universalis, Crusader Kings 2, Hearts of Iron 3 and a number of other top PC games for a $15 bundle just recently.
Nothing entitled about it, I'm just buying the best value for money in my eyes.
I do really want to get Wonderful 101 soon though!