Author Topic: Questions for Sega Saturn owners (from a new Sega Saturn owner)  (Read 15715 times)

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: Questions for Sega Saturn owners (from a new Sega Saturn owner)
« Reply #30 on: July 06, 2015, 09:01:19 am »
I should point out that some games from Saturn's later life aren't on that list. Games like Panzer Dragoon Saga, Shining Force III etc would have surely made the top 10 had they been available at the time.

Check future issues for more top games :)

The magazine in itself is a great read even today. Their reviews and showcases were excellent (At least from #16 onwards, which is where I discovered it).

Offline Team Andromeda

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Re: Questions for Sega Saturn owners (from a new Sega Saturn owner)
« Reply #31 on: July 10, 2015, 04:03:39 am »
I think SF III is overrated myself I just like it as the game looks stunning and I like how the III games were all linked, but I much rather Shinning In the Holy Ark myself. Imo Paner Dragoon and Souky are the best games on the Saturn :P

Also while SSM was brilliant and I loved its showcase and interviews, my Fav gaming mag of all time was GameFan . 
Panzer Dragoon Zwei is
One of the best 3D shooting games available
Presented for your pleasure

Offline Moody

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Re: Questions for Sega Saturn owners (from a new Sega Saturn owner)
« Reply #32 on: August 18, 2015, 10:23:48 pm »
This has nothing to do with the Saturn, but I didn't feel like making a new thread since I don't have as many Dreamcast questions I did Saturn questions.

So, first off, I'm trying to burn games for the system (I'm not made of money and my job doesn't exactly pay out frequently), but around half the time the discs just don't end up doing anything. Shenmue, Illbleed, Sonic Adventure, and Jet Grind Radio have all burned perfectly fine, but Space Channel 5, Gauntlet Legends, Zombie Revenge, and ChuChu Rocket have all been non-functional. All except Zombie Revenge DO boot, sort of. The Dreamcst does not recognize them as game discs, but instead as music discs, so I can't play them. Zombie Revenge, however, causes my system to grind like a machine gun repeatedly, hanging on the SEGA screen.

So, basically, why do some games work perfectly while others don't work at all? Is it where I'm getting them? I've only used one ROM site so far. Is it my CD-R's? I bought Memorex brand without realizing they were considered low quality, but if that's the case, why is it so random? Is it just my system?

Also, how come my system beeps when booting some games but not others? I could understand not beeping for my CD-R's, but sometimes it doesn't beep for my legit games either.

(Also if talk of this is forbidden here (I didn't see anything about in the rules when I signed up), let me know and I'll edit the post)

Offline Berto

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Re: Questions for Sega Saturn owners (from a new Sega Saturn owner)
« Reply #33 on: August 23, 2015, 11:56:54 pm »
So, basically, why do some games work perfectly while others don't work at all? Is it where I'm getting them? I've only used one ROM site so far. Is it my CD-R's? I bought Memorex brand without realizing they were considered low quality, but if that's the case, why is it so random? Is it just my system?

I used homemade (burned games) too now for my modded Saturn and Dreamcast, so my original games could be rarely touched and last longer.

I had same problem too (some games work perfectly while others don't work at all), until I got advice to always burn at the slowest speed of 1x or 2x option. Sure it took time, but my problem was solved with that.