Yeah that and fans who come with with the issue will just be regarded as "fanatics" who want whats best for Yuji Naka regardless.
Haters will always have a way to mock people who did something not suit to their liking. Damned if we do, damned if we don't.
I could listen to these vibes for hours... Which I can given some have posted hour-long extensions of.
Yeah. And it came from the legend, Tomoya Ohtani :
"Fishing Vibes was a track I was working on before the Chillmo Club tracks.
I discovered the joy of making lo-fi music with Fishing Vibes and started ChillmoClub.
When I have more time, I would like to create more Chillmo tracks. " ads are always special. This one in particular given the mother is just as much as a fan as her son.
New generations is more used to games and her mother looks kinda young to have a son around that age.
I don't blame Sonic. Ever since that episode of MLP:FiM I find the appeal of tribal-themed girls.
Wasn't Sticks counted as tribal-themed girl too?
I once hooked an alligator and half the content of a zone from those waters. I wouldn't be surprise if the GUN Truck is in there somewhere.
I wonder what's happened when Vector is the one doing the fishing and he got a n alligator.
Sonic 2sday will technically not be until next year where the anniversary date falls on a Tuesday.Whoevers job it is to make Sonic commercials must have a lot of fun producing them.
They just couldn't wait to celebrate it right away.