Both sides are way to leaning and refuse to meet each other half way. How about before taking constitutional rights away, why don't they tighten gun control. My brother bought a AR-15 and he didn't even know how it works. This is California.
For sure they need to close loop holes where you can get them in events without a background check. That's bullshit. They need to increase focus on background checks and do them right. How about we also have single payer healthcard with real mental facilities for these people that are crazy. In the end, thats the thing isn't it? Their all a bit out there, be them white or black or whatever.
Increase jobs for the middle class, legalize weed and a few smaller things and this violence we do have will decrease quite a bit. Violence and gun crime is dropping, believe it or not.
The thing is guns and immigrants are really just covers for them not to talk about the real issue. The disappearing middle class of America. Notice how that one illegal that killed that girl got like 80% more air time on TV than like... 80% of the white people that went on massacres.