I wouldn't mind Ted Cruz if he wasn't aligning himself with such big corporations:
https://www.opensecrets.org/politicians/summary.php?cid=N00033085Second industry that supports him the most is Oil & Gas, denies climate change which will ruin us in the next few decades and 90%> of scientist agree including the NSA. Goes on stage and denies facts due to money. That is dangerous. That's just my two cents.
In the end of the day, follow the money. Hilary is just as bad, but at least we know she won't deny facts like moving to be energy dependent. But then again shes bought by wallstreet and banks, so you can be sure that the next big bailout for them is just around the corner (Cruz also gets Goldman Sachs money...)
What we really need is to get rid of money in politics and make it paid by tax payers. If you can't out perform someone with x amount of cash, you shouldn't be president. Maybe thats why we have a government that loves spending.