Author Topic: Tarzan, Civil War, Rogue One and Batman - The Movies of 2016  (Read 23218 times)

Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: Tarzan, Civil War, Rogue One and Batman - The Movies of 2016
« Reply #30 on: August 17, 2016, 10:01:16 am »
I read about how they had a few cuts of the film, including one that just went in chronological order with all the scenes. The one we got was the "dossier cut" where they laid out the cast in a sit down meeting, paging through who's who. I thought this worked the best, as it easily introduced us to the characters and had the flashbacks make sense.

The Joker scene at the club was a little weird, but I loved the ACE Chemicals scene where Joker had Harley dive into the tank. That bit where he walks off and is torn between "fuck it, she'll die and I'm free of her" and "she's so crazy, she'll do anything for me, I should save her" was cool, and the image of him diving off with his gun holster swinging out was great. The music fit well too.

I do think with a great writer, they could do an awesome Batman/Joker movie. Thankfully, I heard that the upcoming Batman will have multiple villains. So we might get Joker, but it won't just be Joker - which is something people have complained about. Though, The Dark Knight, which was a Joker movie, also had Two Face, Scarecrow and Sal Maroni. So it is possible to have a Joker story but also highlight other villains. I'm hoping for a The Long Halloween sort of story. Or, it would be awesome to have a Batman movie set during Halloween. Batman Returns was set during Christmas.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2016, 10:03:40 am by Barry the Nomad »

Offline Nathan Dunsmore

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Re: Tarzan, Civil War, Rogue One and Batman - The Movies of 2016
« Reply #31 on: August 17, 2016, 07:52:32 pm »
Do you plan to watch "Don't Breathe"?

Thinking about it. The premise sorta reminds me of The Collector, which is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. This looks smarter and is getting much better reviews. We'll see. There are a surprising amount of good looking movies coming out right now (Sausage Party, Kubo, Hell or High Water) so I might wait until it lands on DVD. I'll definitely be avoiding spoilers that's for sure.

Offline George

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Re: Tarzan, Civil War, Rogue One and Batman - The Movies of 2016
« Reply #32 on: August 19, 2016, 08:22:13 pm »
I read about how they had a few cuts of the film, including one that just went in chronological order with all the scenes. The one we got was the "dossier cut" where they laid out the cast in a sit down meeting, paging through who's who. I thought this worked the best, as it easily introduced us to the characters and had the flashbacks make sense.

The Joker scene at the club was a little weird, but I loved the ACE Chemicals scene where Joker had Harley dive into the tank. That bit where he walks off and is torn between "fuck it, she'll die and I'm free of her" and "she's so crazy, she'll do anything for me, I should save her" was cool, and the image of him diving off with his gun holster swinging out was great. The music fit well too.

I do think with a great writer, they could do an awesome Batman/Joker movie. Thankfully, I heard that the upcoming Batman will have multiple villains. So we might get Joker, but it won't just be Joker - which is something people have complained about. Though, The Dark Knight, which was a Joker movie, also had Two Face, Scarecrow and Sal Maroni. So it is possible to have a Joker story but also highlight other villains. I'm hoping for a The Long Halloween sort of story. Or, it would be awesome to have a Batman movie set during Halloween. Batman Returns was set during Christmas.
The club scene just had too much cheesy lines it was a bit jarring. "SHES THE FIRE OF MY LOINS, HERE FUCK HER NOW" which seems like a 'You're dead regardless of what you do at this point' action that happens in the comics. But just came off weird. Plus the scene where he tortures Harley was really oddly cut, like they back peddled on whatever the scene revealed. I think that scene would have been better if it played out like Neil Gaiman's Joker writing:

Felt like his biggest struggle was the writing wasn't very 'Joker like'. Like if you read that above, it 100% sounds like the Joker.

Offline Tad

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Re: Tarzan, Civil War, Rogue One and Batman - The Movies of 2016
« Reply #33 on: August 30, 2016, 02:10:16 pm »
Thinking about it. The premise sorta reminds me of The Collector, which is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. This looks smarter and is getting much better reviews. We'll see. There are a surprising amount of good looking movies coming out right now (Sausage Party, Kubo, Hell or High Water) so I might wait until it lands on DVD. I'll definitely be avoiding spoilers that's for sure.

From what I've heard, Don't Breath is fairly good. Apart from the odd "he's magically around the corner" moments, it's a fairly balanced battle which adds a real tense feel to it. I hear Kudo is good too.

Offline max_cady

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Re: Tarzan, Civil War, Rogue One and Batman - The Movies of 2016
« Reply #34 on: September 01, 2016, 09:57:53 am »

Having seen the movie 3 times now (saw it on opening day, than saw it in August 15th on another theater and then saw it again with a group of friends)I do want to chime in on the club scene in Suicide Squad... so Spoilers ahead...

The guy called Harley Quinn a bitch... that was basically his death sentence. It's the shame that the Joker doesn't get many scenes, because of what they left in the movie was only to service Harley Quinn's story, because one cannot be explained without the other. Some critics have noted that SS gets their relantionship wrong. I disagree, what's in the movie makes one thing clear: The Joker does indeed like Harley Quinn, he cares for her based on much crap he pulls with Task Force X but because of the Joker's unpredictable nature, Harley Quinn can and will be expendable to the Joker. She can be as expendable as one of the Joker's own henchmen. He leaves her to drown in the car, allowing Batman to scoop her up, he actually considers letting her drown in the ACE Chemicals. Even in the nightclub he considers handing him over to the guy as if she was merely an object. He was probably baiting him with Harley Quinn but the "bitch" comment was a clear sign of disrespect.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2016, 10:09:58 am by max_cady »

Offline Nathan Dunsmore

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Re: Tarzan, Civil War, Rogue One and Batman - The Movies of 2016
« Reply #35 on: September 17, 2016, 09:27:12 pm »
Watched Kubo this afternoon. Glad I saw it on the big screen. Easily the best looking stop motion movie I've seen. Animated films have come so far in the last 20 years that sometimes you can feel a little desensitized to the labor and craftsmanship that goes into them. This is one of those movies where you're constantly wondering how the makers did it. The "making of" feature on home video for this should be really something. Narratively, it's on par with Laika's first movie, Coraline. Surprisingly somber and even touching. I heard plenty of sniffling in the audience and the end had a few people reaching for a tissue. If it's still playing in your area I highly recommend seeing it.

Offline Tad

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Re: Tarzan, Civil War, Rogue One and Batman - The Movies of 2016
« Reply #36 on: October 15, 2016, 12:49:37 am »
I know it's for next year, but screw it my childhood is being rebooted:

Go Go Power Rangers!

Offline Berto

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Re: Tarzan, Civil War, Rogue One and Batman - The Movies of 2016
« Reply #37 on: December 13, 2016, 01:29:46 am »
Recently watched Moana and Sing with my kids.
As for family movies, both were surprisingly good.
Not as good as Zootopia, but still better than Angry Birds & Secret Life of Pets.

Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: Tarzan, Civil War, Rogue One and Batman - The Movies of 2016
« Reply #38 on: December 13, 2016, 09:50:13 am »
Rogue One is sounding so fucking good, I can't wait! I have 7pm tickets for Thursday.

Offline Tad

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Re: Tarzan, Civil War, Rogue One and Batman - The Movies of 2016
« Reply #39 on: December 13, 2016, 12:03:31 pm »
Without spoiling it, could you give me a general thumbs up or down when you get back? It's not out here yet, so I'm going to have to wait.

Hope you have fun. :)

Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: Tarzan, Civil War, Rogue One and Batman - The Movies of 2016
« Reply #40 on: December 13, 2016, 12:29:09 pm »
Will do! ;)

Offline max_cady

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Re: Tarzan, Civil War, Rogue One and Batman - The Movies of 2016
« Reply #41 on: December 15, 2016, 08:49:47 am »
I saw Rogue One yesterday. I'm not gonna give you guys any spoilers. I'm pretty split down the middle with this movie. I left the theater thinking "It was better than The Force Awakens.". I was ubber dissapointed by the Force Awakens. This one seemed better but I ended feeling a little dissapointed.

Offline Tad

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Re: Tarzan, Civil War, Rogue One and Batman - The Movies of 2016
« Reply #42 on: December 16, 2016, 12:54:36 pm »
So...its still good then? Cool. I'll probably see it next week :)

Offline Tad

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Re: Tarzan, Civil War, Rogue One and Batman - The Movies of 2016
« Reply #43 on: December 29, 2016, 12:50:36 pm »
Been to see:

Rogue One - Great. Compliments the original trilogy well.
Fantastic Beasts - Great. It's clearly the start of another series of the wizardry world, but works as a story on its own too.

Offline max_cady

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Re: Tarzan, Civil War, Rogue One and Batman - The Movies of 2016
« Reply #44 on: December 30, 2016, 10:02:31 am »

Well, allow me to give a more complete review on the film. Preface, I did not like TFA when it came out, the first SW movie that I had no desire to come back to after the first screening. But I've felt fairly nostalgic after watching this movie... why? Because I don't like it and if someone I knew hadn't attacked me personally over my opinion on the film, I would've left it at that. Because I hate this movie now.

It falls from the generic tree and lands on every single branch on the way. Generic, grey and just dull. I'm even more upset by the fact that the trailer had scenes and dialogue not actually included in the movie. Plot-wise, Rogue One could have been a Lucasfilm EU novel and it would've had virtually the same impact.

Of course, from a conceptual standpoint, films like Rogue One are a good idea, these smaller movies that took place within the same universe. And I am certainly looking foward to the next one, but this one about the infamous Death Star plan heist, leaves something to be desired. You basically know what happens in the end but that's not a knock on the film, because that's not even a major problem, IMO. To introduce dull characters, not having complete character arcs, having the wimpiest onscreen "main villain" is so distracting, though not as much as recreating certain characters / actors with CGI. What else? Not that I mind the fanservice and the nods but it sometimes felt like distractions as well. Jyn Erso, sadly, has no memorable lines, the trailer made her seem like a much more serious character and here, much like the cast of diversity-enforced stereotypes, she's joyless and bland. I liked the robot, that's about the only character that I have some attachment to.