Lyle in Cube Sector for
SEGA Genesis / Mega Drive to
2024 List since the game is finished now. Moffitt : "I've finally finished it enough to call it V1.0 and it can be downloaded.
I recommend burning the game to a 27C160 ROM and installing it on a cartridge that maps battery-backed SRAM to the upper 2MiB boundary. Alternatively, you may play on a ROM emulation device (Everdrive, etc) or software emulator (Kega Fusion, etc).
Lyle in Cube Sector is a freeware metroid-esque game for the PC from 2006. It looked like an NES game before that was what all the hip kids were doing. The original game was created by Nic DeStefano (bogosoft) and is being ported to Sega hardware over a decade later by Michael Moffitt (mikejmoffitt). The original game's style suits the system perfectly, so the conversion is a near 1:1 replica of the original game. The soundtrack has been rearranged to fit on the Genesis's FM synth hardware, and the graphics are nearly indistinguishable from the original."
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