It was about 63 degrees out there at the game tonight, perfect weather for an outdoor game. We lost though, so that wasn't too great.
See, that's as cold as it'll probably ever get in Hawaii, barring some aberrant weather system. Once I experienced real Winter on the East Coast, I actually grew to enjoy the cold. But I don't think I put up with stuff as bad as what's going on now. And luckily, I didn't have a car then, as I was in college. So I didn't have to put up with the real bad shit that happens like getting your car unstuck, bad roads, etc.
I hate myself right now. feel 100% worthless and crap and feel like I can't do anything. Just wanna disappear and take myself out the world, but I can't do that... gotta stay strong and keep going.. hard as it may seem at times...
Don't give in! You've done a lot. More than I have, I am sure.