Author Topic: Sega Forever  (Read 28069 times)

Offline Tad

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Sega Forever
« on: June 21, 2017, 03:08:06 pm »

SEGABits story:

Now that we have more information, I actually think providing they keep adding games, this could be quite big for Sega and its fans. Sega will earn a bit of money wheather people pay to play these games or not, and along side that, Sega can see what gamers are interested in and decide if they want to revive the IP because of it. It's actually quite a smart move by Sega.

My only real concern is one i've voiced before and that's one of controls. Touch screen controls are great for a certain type of game, but after that, they become a hindrance. I can see Chu Chu Rocket and Seaman working fine with touch screen controls (All phones have a mic, so Seaman would be easy), but something like Crazy Taxi, Sonic Adventure or even just a 2D platformer and you really need a controller.

Maybe Sega could look at getting a controller made? If they really wanted to push the retro tone, they could even recreate bluetooth controllers from their past consoles even.

Offline Shun-Di

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Re: Sega Forever
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2017, 08:50:51 pm »
Or how about some special Joycons that look like a Game Gear if it gets Switch support?

Actually I'd like to hook up a six button genesis controller to it.  Comix Zone with 3 buttons is kinda tough. 
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Offline Team Andromeda

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Re: Sega Forever
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2017, 07:21:53 am »
 Typical Sammy cheap and nasty and on crappy mobile. Nothing new and the emu is utter rubbish. A good idea , but done on the cheap and on the wrong platforms . So much for the new SEGA
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Offline Tad

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Re: Sega Forever
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2017, 01:26:03 pm »
Typical Sammy cheap and nasty and on crappy mobile. Nothing new and the emu is utter rubbish. A good idea , but done on the cheap and on the wrong platforms . So much for the new SEGA

I agree with Barry on part of this. They should have shown more commitment by giving a mix for each console from the word go. The 3D games are clearly going to take longer, so it's understandable that they'd release only one of them every now and then, but at the moment, we just have what was already available.

Mobile is probably my last choice too, but I understand why they went this route. I just wish we could get them onto a big screen with an actual controller with ease.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2017, 01:34:28 pm by Tad »

Offline Shun-Di

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Re: Sega Forever
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2017, 10:59:19 pm »
Give it time, it'll come to console.  :D  It'll probably run better on consoles anyway. 
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Offline ribbitking17

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Re: Sega Forever
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2017, 07:10:27 pm »
I'm a very big fan of this project. Since its on phones and free I've finally been able to convince some friends to give some of these games a try. Especially ones that don't play games as much anymore or are always moving on to the next big thing and don't go back to older stuff often.

I see a lot of people all over the internet not accepting this because it's not on consoles. I have all of the games that have been released so far many times over already without ads. However I don't drag my ps3, nomad, or even 3ds anymore with me unless I'm going on a trip. I always have my phone on me though. I don't know if I would have ever played phantasy star again, especially when I have so many choices at home but I'm having a lot of playing it on breaks at work, ect.

I do wonder why Crazy Taxi isn't under the Sega Forever label. It's been free on the app store for awhile now and has the new Sega Forever Sega logo that's chips from smooth to pixled at the start. That would have hushed some of the whining that they only put out genesis games.

My only real complaint is that sonic 1 has a virtual joystick instead of a d pad. That sounds absurd to complain about, being that it's virtual but it feels so incredibly loose compared to the Sonic CD release on mobile that has a d pad

Offline Shun-Di

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Re: Sega Forever
« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2017, 09:43:51 pm »
I'm a very big fan of this project. Since its on phones and free I've finally been able to convince some friends to give some of these games a try. Especially ones that don't play games as much anymore or are always moving on to the next big thing and don't go back to older stuff often.

I see a lot of people all over the internet not accepting this because it's not on consoles. I have all of the games that have been released so far many times over already without ads. However I don't drag my ps3, nomad, or even 3ds anymore with me unless I'm going on a trip. I always have my phone on me though. I don't know if I would have ever played phantasy star again, especially when I have so many choices at home but I'm having a lot of playing it on breaks at work, ect.

I do wonder why Crazy Taxi isn't under the Sega Forever label. It's been free on the app store for awhile now and has the new Sega Forever Sega logo that's chips from smooth to pixled at the start. That would have hushed some of the whining that they only put out genesis games.

My only real complaint is that sonic 1 has a virtual joystick instead of a d pad. That sounds absurd to complain about, being that it's virtual but it feels so incredibly loose compared to the Sonic CD release on mobile that has a d pad

Yeah I kept making sonic face the wrong direction and hell in Marble zone i couldn't get past act 1 just because I couldn't stop Sonic on top of that chain thing that goes up n down.  Yeah control is definetely an issue.  But when I play Comix Zone, it controls perfectly.  it just lags and the sound crackles due to it being played on a crappy old android.  :p Other than that, Crazy Taxi controls fine with touch controls.  I've been competing with my own timed records and getting better n better.  :D Love it!  Altered Beast is alright, it doesn't slow down as much.  It controls fine too.  I would like to use a real controller, how do you set up a controller for it?  Can I use my PS3 controller?
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Offline Tad

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Re: Sega Forever
« Reply #7 on: June 26, 2017, 11:14:36 pm »
I managed to get the DS4 connected, but it's got some really bad latency problems that render it useless. Crazy Taxi should have been in there considering it's already on phones. I hate all the bashing going on, but it does seem Sega's first step wasn't it's best foot. However, they seem to be really behind this so far and we'll have to see if they do fix the problems.

I wonder what the next set of games will be mind. Outrun? Guardian Heroes? Panzer Dragoon? Either way, I'm guessing Sonic 2 or CD will be in there.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2017, 11:16:37 pm by Tad »

Offline max_cady

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Re: Sega Forever
« Reply #8 on: June 27, 2017, 05:11:31 am »
So far I haven't had issues with Phantasy Star 2... The Crazy Taxi port is pretty damn good. But yeah, it's a bit of a mess right now. I'm guessing they'll release Chu Cu Rocket too, or rather re-release since that game was de-listed some time ago.


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Re: Sega Forever
« Reply #9 on: June 27, 2017, 09:52:02 am »
I think SEGA should stay away from mobile app's in general and stay focused on game developing! 

Offline Tad

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Re: Sega Forever
« Reply #10 on: June 27, 2017, 12:16:50 pm »
I think SEGA should stay away from mobile app's in general and stay focused on game developing! 

They'd be crazy to do that. It's not really for me, but there's no point ignoring that it can make a lot of money and it has it's place. Sega have a rich history of arcade games and that of kind play style fits well with mobile gaming. Of course, I'd prefer they push these onto PC and console, but maybe down the road they will.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2017, 04:22:07 pm by Tad »

Offline Shun-Di

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Re: Sega Forever
« Reply #11 on: June 27, 2017, 01:05:58 pm »
I'd like to see franchises return like Comix Zone, Vector Man, and Streets of Rage.  It'd be nice too if Sega made a spin off game based on Sonic The Hedgehog's old saturday morning cartoon.  I know we got Spinball, but that's all we got.  I feel like a 3D game would do it justice.  Probably just dreaming and it'll never happen...  I think if Sega just gave it a chance it would work.   Comix Zone would be still 2D as would Streets of Rage.  Vector Man I imagine like the last Transformers game based off the animated series.  That would be pretty cool.  Just have the balls rotate in 3D as he transforms.  You would be able to use those transformations to get around stages and explore and find stuff.  I hope those games get enough downloads to get Sega's attention to make sequels or reboots.  :D I also hope they stay true to the source material. 
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Offline Tad

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Re: Sega Forever
« Reply #12 on: June 27, 2017, 04:34:47 pm »
I can see Vectorman working well with a mechanic like Fez has where you can change the angle to get around objects etc too. I do hope Sega don't feel the need to make some of these games into big triple A titles. There's nothing wrong with bringing back some titles, but keeping them smaller. 

Offline Shun-Di

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Re: Sega Forever
« Reply #13 on: June 27, 2017, 06:24:02 pm »
I can see Vectorman working well with a mechanic like Fez has where you can change the angle to get around objects etc too. I do hope Sega don't feel the need to make some of these games into big triple A titles. There's nothing wrong with bringing back some titles, but keeping them smaller.

Yeah I remember the redesign for Vector Man from before, ugly.  XD Made me have flashbacks of when they redesigned Bomberman.
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Offline Artwark

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Re: Sega Forever
« Reply #14 on: June 28, 2017, 03:34:40 am »
First...been a long time since I posted here.

And secondly, as for forever...well right now it needs fixing though honestly, I'd rather it be on Steam & consoles than mobile cause most of them can't work on mobile or atleast feel natural on mobile.